Nightcrawler – Storyline and Short Review




Nightcrawler- Storyline and Short Review


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The movie “Nightcrawler” (2014) is a Hollywood crime thriller about the macabre and strange happenings in Los Angeles.

This movie was directed by famous director Dan Gilroy. The film has a very strong message for those who are interested in becoming successful entrepreneurs. There are several aspects of this movie that can be useful to entrepreneurs, especially when it comes to networking with people in the industry, getting feedback from mentors and business partners, and dealing with competitors.

Jake Gyllenhaal plays Lou Bloom, a driven young man in Los Angeles, desperate for a job and a fast buck. In order to make ends meet, he turns to freelance work as a nightcrawler. And in this article, we will try to portray the storyline of this beautifully made crime thriller film.

  • Genre: Thriller/Crime
  • Runtime: 1h 57m
  • Release Year: 2014
  • IMDB Rating: 7.8
  • Rotten Tomatoes: 95%
  • Box Office: 50.3 million USD

Nightcrawler- Storyline and Short Review

The Storyline of the Movie – Nightcrawler 2014

Lou Bloom (Jake Gyllenhaal) is a young man who has faced many difficulties in his life. He’s unemployed and lives with his mother. One day, he sees an opportunity to make some money as a nightcrawler, which is the term used for people who follow celebrities around and take pictures of them without their permission. Lou quickly learns that this profession isn’t easy, but it can be very lucrative. He quickly becomes good at it and starts to make a name for himself.

However, Lou’s success soon attracts the attention of the police, who are investigating a series of bizarre murders that have taken place in Los Angeles. They believe that Lou may be responsible for these crimes because he is skilled at sneaking around and taking pictures undetected. If the authorities catch up with him, they could very well put him behind bars.

This movie has a very strong message for entrepreneurs. It teaches them how to network effectively and get feedback from people in their industry. It also teaches them the importance of working hard and making sacrifices in order to succeed.

Following a stint in prison, Lou Bloom (Jake Gyllenhaal) is trying hard to start over. He’s got a job as a nanny for the wealthy Larkin family and quickly starts gaining their trust. But when he learns that one of the daughters, now six years old, has been sexually abused by her father and his best friend since she was just an infant, Lou becomes consumed with finding out who did it.

With the help of journalist Rene Russo (Natalie Portman), Lou sets out to expose this horrific crime while also embarking on his own dark journey of self-discovery. The Nightcrawler is an intense and compelling crime thriller that explores the lengths a person will go in order to get the story. Lou Bloom (played by Jake Gyllenhaal) is a freelance journalist who is always looking for the next big story, even if it means going against conventional morals.

The Nightcrawler is an exciting horror story written by Dan Simmons that follows Lou Peppers as he tries to uncover what is behind these creatures known as The Keys while also dealing with his own personal demons. I absolutely enjoyed this novel and found it to be an action-packed read with some great suspense and thrills. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a fast-paced and exciting horror story.

Short Review of the Movie- Nightcrawler 2014

Short Review of the Movie- Nightcrawler 2014

I thought Nightcrawler was a great thriller film. I found it to be very suspenseful and thrilling, with some excellent performances from its cast. Jake Gyllenhaal did a fantastic job in the title role, portraying Lou Bloom as an intense and compelling character.

Natalie Portman also gave a well-rounded performance as Rene Russo, providing both humanity and strength to Lou during his journey of self-discovery. The supporting cast was also strong in their roles, making for an overall solid movie experience. Recommended for fans of thrillers who are looking for something new and interesting!

Jake Gyllenhaal did a great job in his role as Lou Bloom, and Natalie Portman was also excellent as Rene Russo. The story was well-done and I found myself on the edge of my seat most of the time. I would definitely recommend this film to anyone who is looking for a thriller that will keep them entertained from beginning to end.

The cinematography was excellent as was the overall production values, which made for a very immersive experience. Overall, I thought Nightcrawler was a great movie and would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for something chilling and suspenseful to watch. In every aspect, Nightcrawler absolutely delivered and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a thriller that will keep them on the edge of their seats.

Popular Reviews of the Movie- Nightcrawler 2014

Popular Reviews of the Movie- Nightcrawler 2014

There are numerous reviews of Nightcrawler online, with most people praising the film for its gripping story and excellent performances from its cast. Some of the famous comments are stated below:

  • “One of the most suspenseful and exciting thrillers I’ve seen in a while!”
  • “An intense, thrilling film that will keep you on the edge of your seat!”
  • “…riveting thriller… Jake Gyllenhaal delivers an outstanding performance”
  • “Incredibly suspenseful, Nightcrawler is a must-see for any thriller fan”
  • “Jake Gyllenhaal delivers an outstanding performance as Lou Bloom.”
  • “Natalie Portman and Rene Russo are formidable in supporting roles.”
  • “The cinematography is excellent and helps to create an immersive experience.”
  • “The story is well-done and keeps you on the edge of your seat.”
  • “Overall, I thought Nightcrawler was a great movie and would definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking for a thriller that will keep them entertained from beginning to end.”

Many people who have seen the film have given it high marks for its suspenseful story, excellent acting, and gripping cinematography. This is a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end, so be sure to see it if you are looking for an intense thriller experience.

One reviewer wrote that “Nightcrawler is a riveting thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat.” Another said that “Jake Gyllenhaal does an outstanding job in his role as Lou Bloom, creating an intense and compelling character.”

Reviewers also found the cinematography to be impressive, along with the overall production values. Overall, Nightcrawler was unanimously praised by reviewers as a phenomenal movie experience. If you’re looking for a thrilling thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat, Nightcrawler is definitely worth checking out.

Critics Reviews of the Movie- Nightcrawler 2014

The critics seem to really enjoy Nightcrawler. Rotten Tomatoes has a 75% rating with an average of 7/10, indicating mostly positive reviews from critics. Metacritic gives the film a 73 out of 100 scores, indicating “generally favorable reviews”.

Roger Ebert gave the movie 3 out of 4 stars and said that it is “thrilling” and “incredibly suspenseful”. Peter Travers in Rolling Stone magazine awarded the movie 3 1/2 stars saying that Jake Gyllenhaal delivers an outstanding performance as Lou Bloom. In his Los Angeles Times review, entertainment critic Kenneth Turan praised Gyllenhaal’s “brilliant” performance and the film’s “riveting suspense”.

Another critic, Stephanie Zacharek of Time magazine, awarded the movie 4 out of 5 stars and called it “a superbly made film”. She also praised Gyllenhaal’s performance as well as the cinematography. So, overall, Nightcrawler appears to be quite highly rated by critics. If you’re looking for a thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat, Nightcrawler is definitely worth checking out.

One thing that is clear from the movie reviews is that Nightcrawler has impressed Hollywood reporters. The New York Times gave it a very positive review, calling Jake Gyllenhaal’s performance “brilliant”. Variety also gave the film a positive review, with critic Peter Debruge writing:

” director Dan Gilroy has made an absorbing and riveting thriller.” So, if you’re looking for reassurance that Nightcrawler will be good viewing, you can rest assured knowing that the Hollywood press has given it their stamp of approval.

Time Out awarded the movie 4 out of 5 stars and said that “Jake Gyllenhaal delivers a powerhouse performance” as Lou Bloom. Many reviewers write about how excellent Jake Gyllenhaal’s performance is in Nightcrawler. They all agree that he does an outstanding job in creating an intense and compelling character. Reviewers also found the cinematography to be impressive, along with the overall production values.

Many critics found the movie to be thrilling and suspenseful. Ebert gave it 3 out of 4 stars, writing that it is an “incredibly suspenseful thriller”. Travers awarded the movie 3 1/2 stars in Rolling Stone magazine, calling Jake Gyllenhaal’s performance brilliant and saying that the film has riveting suspense. Kenneth Turan from The Los Angeles Times wrote positively about Nightcrawler, praising Gyllenhaal’s performance and the movie’s “riveting suspense”.

The Guardian’s film critic, Peter Bradshaw awarded Nightcrawler 5 out of 5 stars and called it an “astonishingly well-crafted thriller”. He also praised Gyllenhaal’s performance as Lou Bloom, calling it a tour de force.

Overall, the critics seem to really enjoy Nightcrawler and they all highly praise Jake Gyllenhaal’s outstanding performance as Lou Bloom. If you’re looking for a thrilling thriller experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat, be sure to check this movie out.

The Performance of the Cast and Crew of the Movie-


The Performance of the Cast and Crew of the Movie- Nightcrawler

Jake Gyllenhaal brilliantly portrays Lou Bloom, a freelance cameraman who becomes obsessed with capturing the most extreme and unscripted events in order to sell them to cable news networks. His colleagues and friends warn him of the dangers of working this way, but Bloom is determined to make a name for himself.

The cast and crew of Nightcrawler are absolutely incredible! Director Dan Gilroy manages to create an intense and suspenseful story without relying on flash or special effects; he relies purely on the performances from his talented cast.

Jake Gyllenhaal is undoubtedly the star of Nightcrawler, and his brilliant performance is what makes the movie so captivating. He convincingly portrays Lou Bloom’s obsessive and dangerous behavior, making him an unforgettable character.

Bill Paxton also delivers a brilliant performance as Roger, Bloom’s long-time friend, and co-worker. His interactions with Gyllenhaal are especially touching and well-written. It is truly amazing to see the caliber of talent that has been assembled for Nightcrawler; each actor brings their A-game to the table, resulting in an overall outstanding movie experience.

Rene Russo also deserves a lot of credit for her role as Lou’s psychiatrist, Dr. Karen; she provides some much-needed lightness and humor to the otherwise dark film. And last but not least, Thomasin McKenzie is outstanding as Lou’s disillusioned colleague Nina.

Dan Gilroy’s excellent directing ensures that every scene in Nightcrawler is riveting; even when the plot isn’t particularly exciting, Gyllenhaal’s stellar performance keeps you glued to your seat. The cinematography is also top-notch, capturing the vivid and chaotic world of nightcrawlers perfectly. The sound and music are also perfectly executed, creating an immersive and atmospheric experience.

All in all, Nightcrawler is an incredible movie that delivers on all of its promises. It is highly suspenseful and engaging from beginning to end; even non-nightcrawler fans will be sucked into Gyllenhaal’s compelling performance. The cast and crew are absolutely phenomenal, making this one film you don’t want to miss out on! Nightcrawler is a brilliantly performed thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat all the way through. If you’re looking for an incredible suspenseful experience, look no further than Nightcrawler.

Why Was the Movie- Nightcrawler So Famous?

There are a few reasons why Nightcrawler became so famous. First and foremost, it is an incredible performance from Gyllenhaal. His intense and captivating portrayal of Lou makes the movie worth watching even if you don’t particularly care about nightcrawlers. Secondly, the plot is intriguing and well-executed; it doesn’t rely on wild surprises to hold your attention, which allows the film to be more consistent overall.

Finally, the cinematography and sound are both excellent; they create an immersive experience that pulls you into the movie world completely. Another reason why Nightcrawler became so famous is that it was a huge critical success. Critics loved the plot and Gyllenhaal’s performance, awarding the film high praise overall. Consequently, nightcrawlers (and movie fans in general) turned out in droves to see this incredible thriller.

Another reason why Nightcrawler was so famous is that its release coincided with the huge Hollywood scandal in which Harvey Weinstein installed himself as one of the leading producers. With Nightcrawler providing such a compelling and suspenseful movie experience, many people may have simply chosen to see it instead of hearing about all the sexual assault allegations against Weinstein.

Lastly, the cinematography and sound are both top-notch, creating an immersive and atmospheric experience. This all combines to create a movie that is famous because it is simply amazing – no matter what your favorite genre may be. But actually, there are many more reasons why Nightcrawler is such a well-loved film. If you’re looking for something to watch that will keep you on the edge of your seat, this is definitely it!

Why You Should Watch Nightcrawler

Why You Should Watch Nightcrawler

Nightcrawler is a film about Louis Bloom, a professional freelance photographer who takes pictures of the seedy underbelly of Los Angeles. Lacking any formal training, he relies on his quick wits and street-savvy to survive in one of the most dangerous cityscapes in America. Nightcrawler is a visually stunning and harrowing look at one man’s struggle to find his place in the world.

Nightcrawler’s uncompromising cinematography captures both the beauty and brutality of this world, while uniformly stunning acting from Kurt Russell gives a brooding edge to an unforgettable character. In addition to its excellent story, Nightcrawler also boasts stunning visual and audio quality. This is a must-watch film for anyone who loves cinema.

What makes Nightcrawler so compelling is its ruthless portrayal of a career that has no boundaries – it’s easy to root for Louis as he gambles everything on his talent, but also difficult not to despise him for his willingness to turn a blind eye to corrupt behavior. With mesmerizing visuals and a gripping, uncompromising story, Nightcrawler is an essential film for any fan of cinema.

The film is both an introspective look at one man’s quest for self-discovery as well as a mesmerizing portrayal of life on the streets. Nightcrawler features some incredible cinematography that captures all the grit and beauty of Los Angeles’s dark underbelly.

Whether it’s the dizzying heights of downtown or the claustrophobic depths of a derelict building, Nightcrawler is a tour de force in cinematic photography. Overall, Nightcrawler is an intense and fascinating look at one man’s journey into the shadowy corners of LA.

It will leave you both shaken and excited to explore this amazing city on your own. If you’re a fan of character-based films, gritty crime dramas, or simply enjoy beautifully shot films then Nightcrawler is definitely worth checking out.

Awards Won by Nightcrawler 2014

  • Grand Jury Prize: Dramatic Competition, 2014 Sundance Film Festival
  • Directing Award: U.S. Dramatic Competition, 2014 Sundance Film Festival
  • Phoenix Film Critics Society Award for Best Film
  • Independent Spirit Award for Best Cinematography
  • SAG Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Motion Picture

There are a lot of good awards that went to Nightcrawler. Awards such as a Critics’ Choice Award, an Independent Spirit Awards, and a Golden Globe nomination all highlight the excellence of Nightcrawler. But what really made this film so well-received was the award it won at the Academy Awards  Best Makeup & Hair Design! This is significant because it shows just how good Kurt Russell’s makeup and hair design are in this movie. Not only are they amazing looks but they also completely define Louis Bloom’s character.


Nightcrawler is a mesmerizing and intense film that captures the gritty beauty of Los Angeles’s dark underbelly. It’s an excellent character-based drama that will leave you both captivated and excited to explore this amazing city on your own.

If you’re a fan of crime dramas, character-driven films, or simply enjoy beautifully shot films then Nightcrawler is definitely worth checking out! In this article, we tried to show you the storyline and made a compact overview of some short reviews of this movie. As well as we discussed how the reviewers and critics gave their expressions after they watched it.


1.Is the Movie Nightcrawler Based on a True Story?

Ans: The movie Nightcrawler is based on the true story of nightcrawlers – people who watch and report on crime. This movie just portrayed their life. Although this is not a biography, it just tells the story of a group of people or a community. So this is not actually a true story but apparently, it is.

2.Is Nightcrawler a Horror Movie?

Ans: No, Nightcrawler is not a horror movie. Although there are some scenes with dark and suspenseful elements, it is primarily a character-driven drama. So if you’re looking for a horror movie, this might not be the right one for you.

3.How Is the Ending of Nightcrawler?

Ans: The ending of Nightcrawler is not really clear. The movie leaves the events of the story unresolved, so it’s up to the viewer to make their own interpretation. And some people feel that the ending is not conclusive, and there are some questions that remain unanswered.

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