Parasole Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Parasole Island


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Parasole Island is a place that transports you to another time and place. The island’s lush vegetation, crystal-clear waters, and white sand beaches transport the visitor to the Caribbean islands of yesteryear. You can stroll its paths, sit on its beachfront benches, or lay down in the sand to sunbathe.

This secluded oasis is perfect for a day trip or weekend getaway. If you’re looking for a romantic getaway that will leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated, Parasole Island is the perfect spot!

All About Of Parasole Island

Parasole Island

Parasole Island History


Parasole Island was first discovered by Europeans in 1527. The island is named for the sailboats that used to ferry people and supplies to the nearby fortresses. In 1630, a French captain named Louis De La Vallière captured an English ship off of Parasole’s shores and threatened to kill its entire crew if they did not give him all of their food and water.

To avoid bloodshed, the sailors willingly handed over what little provisions they had. La Vallière renamed the island after his family’s home in France, Parasole. The British captured Parasole in 1692 and held it until 1783.

In 1814, Napoleon attacked a French garrison on Saint Vincent and took control of both Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent, including Parasole Island. The island remained under French rule until 1902 when the British regained control. Today, it is administered by the Department of National Security (DSN).


Crime and Terrorism

Parasole Island is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Caribbean. The island’s lush vegetation, crystal-clear waters, and white sand beaches transport the visitor to a forgotten time and place. You can wander its paths or take a seat on one of its beachfront benches to enjoy the seclusion and peace that Parasole Island has to offer. If you’re looking for a day trip or weekend get away, Parasole Island is the perfect place to go!


Parasole Island is located in the Grenadines, just off of Saint Vincent. The island is approximately 5 miles long and 2.5 miles wide, making it relatively small when compared to other Caribbean islands. It has a population of just under 1,200 people who live in several villages scattered along its coastline.



Parasole Island is home to a variety of ecological habitats, including rainforest, scrubland, and mangroves. Its wide variety of vegetation supports a diverse fauna that includes hummingbirds, parrots, iguanas, and turtles.



The population of Parasole Island is primarily composed of descendants of the French settlers who first settled on the island in the 17th century. In addition to these original residents, there are also a number of English-speaking immigrants who have made Parasole their home over the past few decades.




The economy of Parasole Island is heavily reliant on tourism. The island’s long coastline and wide range of natural features make it a popular tourist destination. In addition, the various villages that dot the island provide services necessary for tourists, such as restaurants and hotels.



The climate of Parasole Island is generally warm and humid. The island experiences a variety of weather patterns, including hurricanes and monsoons.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

The culture of Parasole Island is deeply rooted in its history and the presence of French settlers. Religion is also important on the island, with a number of churches located throughout the villages.



The primary language spoken on Parasole Island is French. However, English is also widely understood and used in daily life.



The education system on Parasole Island is largely based on the French model. The island has several schools that offer both primary and secondary education.



The politics of Parasole Island are largely based on the French model. The island is a part of the Comoros Islands, which is an archipelago in the eastern Indian Ocean. The Comoros Islands are a Union member state and hold a presidential system of government.

Government Services

Government Services

Government services on Parasole Island are generally provided in French. However, there is a small number of English-speaking employees who provide support for the island’s tourism industry.


Crime and Terrorism

The primary source of income for Parasole Island’s economy is tourism. The island is home to a number of scenic locations and natural features that make it a popular tourist destination. In addition, the various villages on the island provide services necessary for tourists, such as restaurants and hotels.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

Below is a list of some of the hotels and resorts on Parasole Island:

  • Le Casa
  • Villa Gaya
  • Jade Garden Beach Resort
  • Hotel Bamboula
  • Hotel La Siesta
  • Villa Laranja
  • Villa Riza



Below is a list of some of the attractions on Parasole Island:

  • Cap Mahesa
  • Da Nang Hill
  • Fort Zeila
  • La Roche Bay Marine Reserve



Below is a list of some of the activities that are available on Parasole Island:

– snorkelling

– diving

– hiking

– cycling



Transport on Parasole Island is generally provided in French. However, there are a few limited English-speaking taxis that can be hired for tourists.



The cuisine on Parasole Island is generally based on French influences. However, there are a few local restaurants that offer dishes that are specific to the island.


Parasole Island is a hidden gem that should not be missed if you are travelling to the beautiful state of Kerala. The island is a paradise for nature lovers and provides an ideal place to relax and rejuvenate. The serene surroundings and the lovely white sand beaches make it the perfect spot for a leisurely holiday. Parasole Island is also known for its excellent food, marine life, and rich cultural heritage.


1.Is It Expensive To Travel To Parasole Island?

Ans: US$60 for a singles visit and US$130 for a couples visit is the general rate that is charged by the island’s tourism operators.

2.Where Is Parasole Island Located?

Ans: Parasole Island is located in the Western Ghats of India.

3.How Do I Get To Parasole Island?

Ans: The best way to get to Parasole Island is by air. The nearest airport is at Cochin International Airport, which is about an hour’s drive from the island. Alternatively, you can travel by train from Mumbai or Chennai. There are also regular buses that ply between Kerala and the island.

4.Is There Anything Else I Should Know About Visiting Parasole Island?

Ans: It is advisable to bring your own supplies of drinking water and food. Additionally, visitors should be aware that the island has no bank or ATM facilities, so it’s important to have enough cash on hand if you need to buy anything.

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