All About Of Pigeon Island – What You Need To Know To Travel



Pigeon Island


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The small and uninhabited island just off the coast of Mumbai was once home to a population of over 100,000 pigeons.

In recent years, however, due to urbanisation and the encroachment of human settlements on the island, the birds have all but disappeared. Today, Pigeon Island is a lonely and barren place, home only to the pigeons that still live there.

All About Of Pigeon Island

Pigeon Island



Pigeon Island is located just off the coast of Mumbai, in Maharashtra state in western India. The island has been inhabited for centuries by humans, as it lies near several villages and settlements. However, until fairly recently, the island was also home to a large population of pigeons.

The reason why the pigeons have all but disappeared from Pigeon Island is due mainly to urbanisation and human encroachment on the island. In recent years, Mumbai has been developing rapidly and the island is now being heavily urbanised.



The climate on Pigeon Island is hot and humid, with average temperatures ranging from 18-28 degrees Celsius. The island experiences a lot of rainfall, with an annual average of around 620 millimetres.

The pigeons Until recently, Pigeon Island was home to a population of over 100,000 pigeons. The island used to be covered in a dense forest and dotted with farmhouses for the humans that lived there.

In fact, until very recent times (approximately 2000), the island had more human inhabitants than animal ones. However, as Mumbai has continued to develop and the land around it urbanised, more and more people have been moving in.

As a result of this change there is now heavy human presence on Pigeon Island even though for many years there were far fewer humans present than animals.



The culture on Pigeon Island is based around the pigeons. The islanders used to keep homing pigeons, which were a common means of transport and communication in those days.

Today, many of the old buildings on the island are still occupied by people who keep pigeons as pets or for their economic value (the birds can fetch a high price in markets).

The pigeon population has decreased dramatically due to various reasons- some being human encroachment and urbanisation, while others are natural causes such as disease.

The areas occupied by the pigeons on Pigeon Island have been reduced from 3 square miles to 1 & a huge number of birds inhabit several other islands within Mumbai’s limits including Colaba Causeway.



Pigeon Island is an autonomous district of Mumbai Island located in the Marathi-speaking region of Maharashtra. It has a population of around 5,000 people who are predominantly agricultural labourers and their families.

The island faces many socio-economic challenges including poverty, illiteracy and lack of healthcare facilities. Pigeon Island was earlier a ‘free zone’ until the mid-1960s.

When its size and importance declined, it became encumbered by rules that severely hampered personal freedom along with other restrictions including ban on migration out of the island. The police would create problems for people who migrated to different parts of Mumbai city or even outside the state in search of work or opportunity.

Government Services

Government services

Pigeon Island is served by the Maharashtra State Forest Department, which manages its forests and wildlife. The island also has a small hospital and a primary school. There are no other government services available on the island. Sports and cultural activities

Pigeon Island has no school, supermarket or transport facility of any kind. It is visited mainly by the business community especially to purchase pigeons at either end of the season which can fetch a very high price in markets.

As a result, people from all parts of Mumbai visit this island on weekends specifically for purchasing birds as pets or getting them ready for sale.


Pigeon Tourism

Tourism is not a major contributor to the economy of this island. The only other visitor centre on the island is run by a voluntary organisation and offers limited information about the natural resources and wildlife of Pigeon Island.

The beautiful sea surrounding the Island, however makes it a highly attractive destination for trekking and eco-tourism activities like kayaking or sailing.


Pigeon Island Transport

The only way to get to Pigeon Island is by ferryboat from Mahim on the south Mumbai coast. The boats leave every half an hour and the journey takes about 25 minutes. There is no public transport available in or around Pigeon Island. There is also no rail or road access to the island.


Pigeon Island Cuisine

The only eatery on the island is a small tea shop that does not serve food. The only other way to get food is by ferryboat from Mahim and then a 25 minute ride on the road connecting Mahim with Air oli. There is no public transport available in or around Pigeon Island


Pigeon Island Wildlife

Pigeon Island is home to a variety of wildlife including white-headed pigeons, crows, parakeets and snakes. Although Pigeon Island is not a wildlife sanctuary, visitors are advised to follow the rules and regulations.


The story of Pigeon Island begins with a young man named Zheng He. As one of the most accomplished sailors of his time, Zheng He sailed on many voyages of discovery.

On one such voyage, he sailed to the Western Ocean and discovered Pigeon Island. When he returned home, he brought back a large number of exotic animals, including the grey pigeon. Today, the grey pigeon is the national bird of China.


1. What Is Pigeon Island?

Ans: Pigeon Island is an uninhabited island just off the coast of Mumbai in India. It was once home to over 100,000 pigeons, but today the birds have all but disappeared due to urbanisation and the encroachment of human settlements on the island. Today, Pigeon Island is a lonely and barren place, home only to the pigeons that still live there.

2.What Are The Names Of Pigeon Island And Grey Pigeon?

Ans: The first name used for this island was “Houteng Hainan”, but today it is commonly known as ‘Pigeon Island’. Apart from that, there is no specific Indian bird called ‘grey pigeon’, so they can either be referred to by their English names.

3. Why Is The Island Called Pigeon Island?

Ans: In Chinese, ‘pígōn’ means “a bird of prey”, which refers to the fact that white birds are commonly found nesting in large groups here. The name is also reminiscent of a well-known custom amongst many people living near water – snatching eggs from nests and killing young birds.

4.Which Birds Are Found Here?

Ans: The island’s only indigenous species is the grey pigeon, but there was a healthy number of seabirds living amongst them. Other animals that once bred on the island included Indian ring-necked parakeets and common florican pigeons.

The island is also home to the following animals: Asian elephant (largest land mammal in Asia), wild boar, jungle cat, Indian ring-necked parakeets and common florican pigeons.

5.What Are Currently Living On Pigeon Island?

Ans: There are no recorded numbers for any of these species today as they have basically been wiped out by man’s hand little over 100 years ago.

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