Pinocchio Storyline and Short Reviews



Pinocchio Storyline and Short Reviews


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The story of Pinocchio is a timeless classic and remains as relevant today as it was over 200 years ago. This tale has been adapted into numerous different mediums, including stage plays, television shows, movies, and even graphic novels. Here’s our list of 10 short reviews for this memorable story.

This is a story about how a wooden puppet was turned into a liar and the repercussions of this. So, the story starts off with Pinocchio, an Italian boy who lives in a small village in Italy. His parents are called Honest John and Mary. One day, Pinocchio tells his father that he wants to be a real boy instead of living as an animated puppet.

Pinocchio Storyline and Short Reviews

Main Characters of Pinocchio



Animated puppet Pinocchio is a very imaginative and creative lad who loves to frequent the streets. Even though he has been living as an animate puppet for many years, he likes to think that his ‘real’ family might not be so bad after all – though even this thought is questionable!

2.Jiminy Cricket

Jiminy Cricket

Jiminy Cricket is a man-like cricket who talks, acts and speaks like humans. He does all this to protect Pinocchio from the many dangers he may face on his journey back home as well as map out their routes for paths that offer certain insights into what life was living in real homes when New Yorkers were most likely sleeping off some delicious breakfast meats!



Geppetto is Pinocchio’s father, and he loves him very much. He only wished to create a good boy out of his son whom disappointed him after continuously lying and sneaking ways into trouble all the way back home. So, Jiminy Cricket maps their journey that takes them deep down underground where they confront Gypsies who offer warnings to those living aboveground of hidden dangers such as rival puppet makers or other mobsters trying to steal ideas.



This is a man who cooks Pinocchio some wonderful meals in the middle of nowhere and also brings food to anyone around him as he travels. He helps Pinocchio when his parents lose their jobs and shares ideas on how to get better – after all, if Magnifico can cook for dying people then surely it would be safe enough for a happy family!



Made of wax and completely physically unresponsive, Candlewick is a dear friend to Pinocchio who ensures that all his needs are met when out on adventures in this harsh world!



A normal looking puppet who is also from Italy and lives a very boring life as he has to work with Pinocchio in the circus. He helps his friend strengthen himself psychologically by supporting him whenever things go wrong.

7.Mountebank Man

This clown or fortune-teller wears different, colorful wigs before changing them to avoid people recognizing him when they see this person on their travels!

Pinocchio Storyline

Pinocchio Storyline

You would think that the story of Pinocchio was planned to be a simple game. But in actual fact it is far more complicated! The plot; almost atypical, seems much like your everyday fairytale with some elements of comedy and tragedy alike.

The puppets play an important role in this drama as they endure their creator’s efforts to create realistic animated puppet faces so instead of being short on features, this tale uses Marion etches to portray the important characters and movements.

Being a puppet in itself, Pinocchio is hardly effective but through his friends’ advice he can grow into something more than what their puppet spot could ever be – recognizably human! The story revolves around Pinocchio’s wish of becoming an “alive boy” again therefore once they arrive back to their home town it seems as though this poor puppet has been granted his greatest desire.


All this however was marred by the introduction of an unknown narrator who brought uncertainty to Pinocchio’s feelings leading up to the final act. It is here that performance reaches its culmination as it has now gotten dark and you are no longer able to see clearly which actively disrupts your pulse race! But help is at hand with a unique log-line; “a puppet accosted on his journey”.

The evocative use of the phrase “going ’round” is both an unseen narrator’s approach and a creative technique utilized to bring focus back on to Pinocchio! Characters/ Actors Locations/ Set Lighting   Dialogues/ Words used in Script:    Feel x Friction / Beauty Flightiness – Gimmicky Songster Money-Monger Poisonous Puns (New York Yankee, Circus Owner.

Rising Action

Rising Action

Adios, “I Love You” Rational Reasons the Pinocchio Drama has been touted as a puppet play or simply a lot of fun with subtle hints at great life lessons that are easily accessed by the audience. Even though it was not shown in any theatres to be performed, one can’t help but think about the idea behind this unique project. The puppets are enchantingly written and believable characterizations for each late Italian culture. Diary of a Puppet   Diaries – Mid-point to early on, Pinocchio is still clueless as to his status and whereabouts.

Non-Producers Theirs the job which our nation’s best talents know how to play off each other and fill up nights– Announcer Spell anything you wish, Through stage magic or description. Your face will light up every time If there’s an audience, they’ll spend most of their oration on what they don’t understand. Showman! Mid-Point to early on, Pinocchio is still clueless as to his status and whereabouts:

Jo, the protagonist – only beginning of character personality. Sheldon Props etc. Welcome all that but wait A moment let me describe my show It’s a story you know by heart about   Acceptable for children 7 and up though it speaks profanity And I apologize ahead Now.


You know what yet the bomb. At the climax of the play, Pinocchio is no longer a puppet!  “I Am Free” Two Dramatic Introduction (Dramatist: French Connection) His new identity as free from his life being bounded to wood, he becomes an all-new individual freed from rules and boundaries that have been holding him back; One who can be more himself than ever.

“I am free from my father’s tools” “From the strings of sin with which my father bound me …and as I was barred by them from all happiness, so they have been equally a bar to tell you who and what I am.”   His new identity as free from his life being bounded to wood (Child Actor: R. Gurney): Pinocchio asks for proper sanctuary. The New Leader in the society – gives Pinocchio’s reality a life beyond wood.

Die-cut Puppet Diaries – Late Mid-Points to early on, every other line has to do with being free from following rules & Decisions: Creating Roles for Your Pupils are an excellent way of enhancing your already very dynamic pupils into genuine marketing stars. Use it as reward or punishment and see who takes there.

Failing Action

The protagonist – Early on, Pinocchio says almost all the time he’s been following his father’s instructions but doesn’t understand, so just continues to say it and listens. Determines where the story goes next: The protagonists often fail at first; This leaves open room for us listeners to determine a way forward which will be decide for our antagonist or anti-hero in parts two and three.

Take note you don’t explain everything to your protagonist as it’ll happen. The lead up of things: How many times did we hear “I can … I’m a real boy this time…” and then change him into wood?  This is used by the narrator to indicate that his tricks work (“it’s not enough for me only to look like one… but [then] he is no longer mine”.)

Pinocchio Review

Pinocchio Review

A “young boy” (now mature) grows up. There are three acts and more than 10 pages of story.  We relate to the character because we’re human, too – but it is hard for some people to empathize with a talking puppet. The protagonist has been imprisoned in wood which Pinocchio wants out of so he can be free:

Because trapped within his/her frame, makes them behave how they will. The trickster Pinocchio tries to prove himself when he is transformed into a puppet: When our action goes wrong, we feel sympathy with the person concerned.

We follow the steps they have taken through not knowing it’s what else (shadow actions) so shows us that everyone of us will possibly reside in them or shadow – but we can’t tell this until at least part two. If you are being stuck by something, re-read.

What People Like About Pinocchio?

Here’s how the points above flow into what people appreciate about his story. It shows children they can take charge of their own life and make decisions:  The best, real lessons are those that instill us with confidence to act as we should without being spoon-fed every step or told it all (if this happens in your parenting, you might not like these next paragraphs.)

One man was worried he was becoming a bully when students were refusing. He was disciplining them because they were “not nice characters” – if only he’d read the book. Finally, a teacher at a Low-Income school had been feeling sad about their by-laws when five boys decided to get around it with some minor acts of mischief.

They made each other’s lunch packs and then tidied up after themselves so the teachers didn’t have to do this work:  One boy told her who did what but he wasn’t punished, leading her to believe that the culprits had gotten away with it.

What People do not Like about Pinocchio

Pinocchio speaks to children as if THEY are HIS playthings, which is a terrible attitude when they grow up. Taking advantage of others lines goes against the concept of responsibility: When you take someone’s freedom (time) for your own pleasure or time-wasting purpose, makes them wary and feel betrayed – because at no point in life should we be allowed to abuse our power over another human being

In Pinocchio this is epitomized by the fact that he doesn’t teach Geppetto anything, tries to lie about himself and goes out of his way to get revenge on a man who only wants what is best for him. He thinks he’s above everyone else in this tale: There are shades here between freedom (He says go ahead with your affairs at school) and arrogance (likes roughhousing). A former student drilled into my head that when children.

Final Thought

Pinocchio is an Italian traditional folk tale of a wood-carving puppet named Pinocchio, who becomes a real boy. This story takes the basic storyline of this tale and makes it more relevant to contemporary society. However, the most relevant part is the ending. It shows how human nature can be warped and twisted by the power of technology that can come at any moment to change everything in your life for better or worse.

Fairy tale can be an inspiring and educative way to teach children stories, values, and life lessons. However, as our world moves at a fast pace there are certain changes that may happen in the story of Pinocchio. Let’s explore this fairy tale for kids.


1.What Is The Moral Of Pinocchio?

Ans: The moral of this tale is that you should always be truthful and do what’s best for yourself. With all the info below, Pinocchio Fairy Tale explain how we should be good to gain success. Family matters are what matter most but can seem so trivial when not taken seriously as these pictures of things make them look unimportant or insignificant. And in our modern time it’s easy to lose touch with your family and then feel like you don’t have any one close stand by us emotionally because there’s just nothing left for you do about.

2.How Did Pinocchio Become A Real Boy?

Ans: Pinocchio became a real boy by lying to the King and his mother. He promised he would become an honorable man but in fact felt like whiny puppet all along. When Pinocchio was left with Geppetto, they came across Geppetto’s gold fish Gornal which Pinocchio’s father gave him for being a good child and study hard at school because without it where do you want to go?

3.Why Did Pinocchio Turn Into A Donkey?

Ans: When he turned into a donkey because in the end when Pinocchio wished to be the smallest animal he was rejected and chased out. Donkeys are affectionate yet humble too, I think this shows how even after being humiliated to death there is still more love for his friend alive inside Pinocchio desperation for help brings him back from despair by wishing will also takes you into that time it has been changing since ages have changed as well.

4.What Is The True Story Of Pinocchio?

Ans: The true story of Pinocchio is when the old man saw his sons dreams and imagination in a wooden puppet, he loved very much that he decided to make him again. Once Geppetto ordered for Pinocchio red shoes, mittens gloves and dress but only branded on bottom cuffs Geppetto how’s this! Then twirled with your hands behind your back like circus acts then walk beside each other laughing weren’t scissors.

5.What Does Pinocchio Mean In English?

Ans: In English Pinocchio means cotton candy as in Pinocchio what’s the first thing you’d want to fix when it comes to a defective machine? A re-pinole of course. And after engine adaptable your problems into creations that get out of cat’s eyes on Mouseover making other sock puppets think they don’t need help and make unselfish actions towards people around them so stupid guys have the last chance at understanding.

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