Pioneer Island – You Have To Know



Pioneer Island


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Pioneer Island, located in the middle of the Navi Mumbai creek, is the first island that was created at the Wadia Group’s Vashi industrial township. The island measures 180 hectares and has a covered area of around 1.5 million square feet.

The lush green surroundings and natural beauty have won many awards for the township and for the island in particular.

Pioneers Island is an ideal place for research and development and has a host of facilities including a biotechnology park, an information technology park, a pharmaceutical park, and a food processing park.

Pioneer Island


Pioneer Island was created at the Wadia Group’s Vashi industrial township in 2001. The island measures 180 hectares and has a covered area of around 1.5 million square feet. It is located in the middle of Navi Mumbai creek and offers an ideal location for research and development.

The lush green surroundings and natural beauty have won many awards for the township and for Pioneer Island in particular. Pioneers Island is an ideal place for research and development and has a host of facilities including a biotechnology park, an information technology park, a pharmaceutical park, and a food processing park.



The climate of Pioneer Island is moderate, with a temperature range of 18 to 35 degrees Celsius. The annual rainfall averages around 575 millimeters.



Pioneer Island has a beautiful park with areas dedicated to sports, relaxation, and nature. There are also a number of play zones for children. The park is convenient for walking, running, and cycling.



The island also has various health amenities including a major hospital, several dental clinics, and an orthopedic center. Since the majority of inhabitants are women and children, healthcare facilities have been located conveniently close to each other. There is one hospital at Pioneer Island: Bandra Medical (MDH) – The new JMMP facility on the western end of Pioneer island offers all modern medical treatments for pediatric patients as well about 15 wards for adult patients.

Another major hospital is the Askania Beach Hospital in Majiwada just 4 km away from Pioneer Island (which has an existing Pediatric wing).

A group of leading Dentists, Surgeons, and Specialty Hospitals have established operation centers at Pioneer island spread across various functional areas such as Ortho-Surgery, Breast Surgery Operations, etc.

Culture of Pioneer Island


Pioneer Island is a culturally rich place with a rich history. This can be seen in the various temples and festivals that are held here throughout the year. The people of Pioneer island are also very friendly and welcoming, which makes it an ideal place to live. The whole island is highly conducive for living, has breath-taking natural beauty, and is the major attraction for all visitors who come to stay here.

Although there are no other similar places anywhere in the world that could compare with this Paradise on earth, it will always remain a special place as its people keep alive their very own identity.



Pioneer Island is an autonomous body of the State of Maharashtra. The island has its own legislature, called the ‘Pioneer Island Legislative Assembly’, which consists of 20 members (14 elected by direct votes and 6 nominated by the state government). The current Chief Minister is Chintaman Kadam.

The late Prakashchandra Katte, a Famous Hindi singer was an MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) belonging to the JD(U). The Current MLA of PG is Pradeep Dikshit.

Government services

Government services

There are no government services on the island. The only sources of income come from tourism, fishing, and subsistence farming (mainly sugarcane).

As there is no electricity or any other form of modern infrastructure, most residents either use solar power or generators for their day-to-day needs.

There are also a few cellular towers present on the island to provide some basic connectivity to residents. The island has a school and hospital, run by the Indian public sector under-taken project.

Healthcare facilities are limited to these two around “Anandashram”, which caters to all medical needs of the residents to a very basic level. There is no doctor or nurse in attendance throughout every day except for special cases as there are no private hospitals on the islands either for permanent residency or tourism purposes.



Pioneer Island receives a large number of tourists every year. The island has been declared a ‘Wildlife Sanctuary’ and hence, all forms of tourism including religious pilgrimage are discouraged.

Most tourists who visit the island stay for less than 24 hours as the limited range of tourist attractions do not appeal to most travelers.

The main sources of income on the island come from diving, snorkeling, kayaking, and walking around the various beaches and mangroves.



There is no public transport on the island. Residents either walk or cycle around to get to different parts of the island. There is a small ferry service linking Pioneer Island with Anandashram, but it only operates during certain times of the year and since most residents primarily rely on their own power sources for day-to-day needs, traveling between islands can be quite a time consuming and inconvenient.

Every year many tourists visit the island to enjoy the beauty of the sea and Soliyadri Hill. Solo Sea is a full-fledged beach resort with bungalows, open-air restaurants, etc., situated near Akshayawati Temple on an imaginary alignment of equator geodesics.

This hillock along with Poojagiri Beach has immense potential for eco-tourism as it lays on the National Parks boundary line and hence offers breathtaking views from Solayadri Hill to the distant heads of Anaimudi Kandha. This is a remote sanctuary that lies on the seashore between two islands, Pamban and Dhanushkodi.



The island has a rich culinary tradition and serves up its own version of Banana Leaves Curry, Mutton Roasted in Coconut Oil, Spicy Fish Fry etc.


If you’re looking for a secluded getaway, Pioneer Island is the perfect place for you. Located in the middle of the San Francisco Bay, Pioneer Island is accessible only by boat. From the small ferry that transports visitors to the island, hikers and bicyclists can explore the trails that wind their way through the picturesque forest. The island is also home to a visitors center where you can learn about its history and natural resources. Whether you’re there to take in natural beauty or just relax in peace, Pioneer Island is a great place to spend a day or a weekend.


1.How Long Is The Ferry Ride From Oakland?

Ans. The ferry ride from Oakland to Pioneer Island takes about 30 minutes.

2.Is There A Visitors Centre On The Island?

Ans. There is a visitors centre on the island, which offers information about the history and natural resources of Pioneer Island as well as guided tours of some of its attractions.

3.How Many People Can Be Accommodated On The Ferry?

Ans. There is a limited amount of seating capacity during each ferry transfer from Oakland’s Terminal One to Pioneer Island, because there are tough restrictions for handling the very low numbers of passengers who take these ferries.

4.What Are The Hours Of Operation For The Ferry?

Ans. The ferry operates from 7am to 10pm daily.

5.How Do I Arrange Tours To Pioneer Island?

Ans. If you plan to take a tour of the island, please visit the visitors centre for information about scheduling and prices. Tours must be booked in advance by contacting them at (510) 547-2617 or e-mailing: .

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