Poivre Island Everything You Need to Know



Poivre Island Everything You Need to Know


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Poivre island is a small uninhabited island located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, east of Quebec City and north of Montreal. The island is part of the Îles-de-la-Madeleine Regional County Municipality and the census metropolitan area of Québec City. It is a popular tourist destination for boating, fishing, birdwatching, and hiking. Poivre Island is designated as a National Wildlife Area and a Geological Site of Reserve.

Poivre Island Everything You Need to Know



The island has been inhabited by the Huron and Algonquin peoples for over 10,000 years. Archeological evidence suggests that Poivre Island was first settled in the Late Woodland period (around A.D 1000). The island was visited by Jacques Cartier in 1534 but remained uninhabited until 1635 when Samuel de Champlain established a trading post on the eastern coast of Poivre Island. In 1642, hatchet man Jacques Marquette explored the island and reported that it was “well wooded, abounding in-game, and well-watered”. In 1672, Louis Jolliet followed Marquette’s path across Poivre Island and discovered the Port-Royal River.

In 1759, during the French and Indian War (1754-1763), British forces led by General James Wolfe landed on Poivre Island to capture Quebec City. The island was retaken by the French in 1760 and remained under French control until 1763.

In 1892, the island became part of Quebec City’s municipal boundaries. Poivre Island ceased to be an official political entity in 1976 when it was amalgamated into the Metropolitan Community of Québec (MRC de la Capitale-Nationale).

Today, Poivre Island is a popular tourist destination for boating.



Poivre Island is located in eastern Québec near the mouth of the Saint-Lawrence River. It is administratively divided into two municipalities: Îles-de-la-Madeleine to the north and Cap green to the south.

The island measures about 10 km long by 4 km wide and has a total area of 1,430 hectares. Its terrain consists mainly of gentle hills sloping towards the Saint Lawrence River, with several coves and bays.

The highest point on the island, Barlow Peak, reaches 401 metres above sea level.



The ecosystem of Poivre Island is a large and diverse ecosystem that includes plants, animals and natural phenomena. The ecosystem is made up of five zones: the maritime zone, the scrubland zone, the forest zone, the sub-tropical zone and the tropical zone.

The vegetation in each zone is unique and plays an important role in the environment. The maritime zone is composed of salt marshes, mangroves and seagrasses.

The scrubland zone is home to cedar-juniper forests and oak-palm forests. The forest zone features mahogany, ebony, ironwood and silkwood trees.

The sub-tropical zone has palm trees, rubber trees, cinchona trees and many other varieties of plants. The tropical zone has rubber trees, banana trees and many other types of fruit trees.



Poivre Island has a population of about 120 people. Most of the residents live on the eastern side of the island.

The majority of the residents are francophones, but there is also a small number of anglophones and natives.


EconomyThe economy of Poivre Island is mainly based on tourism. There are a few small businesses that sell products such as lobster, seafood and cheese.



Poivre Island has a humid continental climate with cold winters and warm summers. The average temperature ranges from −4 °C in January to 24 °C in July. Precipitation is evenly dispersed throughout the year, with an annual average of 424 mm.

Culture and Religion


The culture and religion of Poivre Island is mainly Catholic. There are few churches on the island, but most residents attend mass in Saint-Pierre or at one of the small villages on the island.



The primary languages spoken on Poivre Island are French and English.



The primary education available on Poivre Island is typically in French. However, there are a few English-speaking schools that provide kindergarten to grade 12 instruction.



The politics of Poivre Island are largely based on membership in fraternal organizations such as the Knights of Columbus and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. There is also a small number of businesses that are owned by francophones or anglophones.

Government Services

Government services

The government services available on Poivre Island are limited to medical care, postal service and police protection. There is limited healthcare available on Poivre Island. The only pharmacy is located in Saint-Pierre. There are no hospitals or clinics on the island. Residents must travel to either Saint- Pierre or Quebec City for medical services.



The main tourism industry on Poivre Island is related to the lobster fishery. The island has a few small hotels that offer accommodation and meals.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

There are a few hotels and resorts located on Poivre Island. The following is a list of some of the more popular establishments:

  • Grand Hotel de l’Islande 10 km east of Saint-Pierre, POI 610 437-2121
  • Le Gros Champlain Resort 5 min from airport outside St.- Pierre PO I 604 499-1111



The attractions located on Poivre Island include the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, which can be viewed from several vantage points on the island; various Medieval villages including La Roche-Guyon and Eabana; and the rugged coastline.



The main activities available on Poivre Island include hiking, swimming, kayaking and fishing.



Residents of Poivre Island can easily access transportation services that are available in both Saint-Pierre and Quebec City. These services include flights, buses and boats.



The cuisine available on Poivre Island is typical of the Quebec region. There are several restaurants that offer traditional lobster dishes as well as Picardy-style braised beef.


Overall, Poivre Island is a great place to stay if you’re looking for a luxurious getaway. The island’s high-end amenities and unique environment make it a great place to relax and rejuvenate, while the friendly staff makes it easy to get along with everyone. The only downside is that the island is quite expensive, but if you can afford it, Poivre Island is definitely worth checking out!


What Is The Population Of Poivre Island?

The population of Poivre Island is relatively small, which means that the island has a boutique feel. The total population as of 2016 was just over 400 people.

How Much Does It Cost To Stay On Poivre Island?

The price of staying on Poivre Island can vary depending on the time of year, but as a general rule, it costs around $500 per week.

What Is The Temperature In Poivre Island?

The average temperature on Poivre Island is around 21 degrees Celsius, so it’s a bit hot during the summer months. But don’t worry, there are also several thermal pools available to help cool down!

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