Polyaigos Island



Polyaigos Island


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Located in the Ionian Sea, Polyaigos Island is a haven for nature lovers and hikers. This is a small, uninhabited island that is part of the Cyclades group of islands. It has a total area of only 0.5 square kilometres and is made up of two large coral reefs – one on the east coast and the other on the west coast. The island has a number of hiking trails that lead to its different coasts, as well as cave systems, freshwater springs, and towering limestone cliffs. There are also natural hot springs that can be visited, making it a popular spot for relaxation.

Polyaigos Island


Polyaigos Island is one of the many islands that were part of the ancient Cyclades group. It probably played a significant role in the development and defence of this important Aegean Sea region. The first written mention of Polyaigos Island dates back to Homer, who referred to it as “Pelasgia” – meaning “the island ruled by Pelasgus”.

Legend has it that, years before Troy was besieged and destroyed by Achilles and his fellow Greeks, there was a battle fought on Polyaigos between Achilles and Prote us, the latter of which was one of Homer’s guardians and a son of Poseidon. During the Mycenaean era, Polyaigos Island was only one of many islands in the Cyclades group.

Then, during Classical and Hellenistic times, Cresipaterus – an important ally to Rhodes-which is part of today’s Skaramanga due to its modern naming -was built on a nearby island called Alorus. According to some research by archaeologists Greg Hepworth and George Malamoudi in 1990; this might have been done as a result of rivalry between Ptolemy I Soter (358-285 BC) who founded Alexandria, and Lysimachus (281-239 BC) who was the first ruler of Magna Graecia.

In any case, Polyaigos Island later came under the rule of Athens after Cresipaterus passed into Roman hands. Consequently, it is likely that many of the buildings and monuments on this island that we see today were erected during this time period. One important example is the Temple of Apollo located in Pyrgos – which has been included on the UNESCO World Heritage List together with nine other islands in 2009 -which was probably built around 280 BC by the second century BC sculptor Polydoreus.


The climate on Polyaigos Island is mainly Mediterranean, with a drier winter and longer, hotter summers. In fact, the average annual temperature here is around 24 degrees Celsius – which is about 7 degrees warmer than the national average! The island’s terrain also plays a significant role in moderating the climate – for example, by providing protection from nutrient-rich coastal waters. Consequently, there are few trees on Polyaigos Island; instead vegetation typically relies on shrubs and herbs.


Polyaigos Island is home to a number of cultural traditions that are unique to its inhabitants. For example, the islanders enjoy singing and dancing – both recreationally and in celebrations such as religious ceremonies. Additionally, Polyaigos Islanders have their own dialect which they use in everyday conversation. And lastly, traditional handicrafts such as pottery, textiles and metalwork are still made here by local artisans today.


Polyaigos Island is an autonomous municipality within the regional unit of East Attica, situated about 20 km south-west of Athens. It has a population of 4,733 inhabitants (2011 Census), which makes it one of the lesser populated municipalities in Greece. Politically speaking, Polyaigos Island is part of the electoral district of Ithaki and belongs to the party category “Independent”.

Government services

There are no government services on Polyaigos Island. Instead, the island is served by a small number of local businesses. These include a post office, bank, petrol station and several taverns and cafes.


The only form of transportation available to residents of Polyaigos Island is walking – which can be difficult in wet conditions or when there’s snow on the ground! Consequently, most people rely on private cars for transport within the municipality. However, there are limited parking spaces available – so motorists must always allow for ample space when driving here.


Polyaigos Island Tourism

Polyaigos Island is not a tourist destination in its own right. However, it does offer visitors the chance to explore unique cultural traditions and scenic beauty. In fact, this remote island has become something of a hotspot for weekenders and festival goers thanks to its beautiful surroundings and relaxed atmosphere.


Polyaigos Island Transport

There is no regular transport service available to residents of Polyaigos Island. However, there are a limited number of taxis that operate on the island. Accommodation facilities

On-island accommodation can be found at the village of Polyaigos. In recent years there have been efforts made to attract more visitors by upgrading this isolated destination and enhancing its infrastructure – as well as boosting morale for people living in nearby communities. One such initiative is a local café that serves traditional dishes, alongside western favourites like burgers, sushi and pizza! Another new addition on the island are cable cars leading up the mountain so residents no longer need to scale steep slopes by foot – making it much easier access those iconic vistas from around 300 metres above sea level!


Polyaigos Island is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Nestled in the Saronic Gulf, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that offers visitors a serene and tranquil setting coupled with striking natural beauty. The island is also famous for its unusual plant life, which includes endemic species of orchids, ferns, and palms. Here are 10 things to know about Polyaigos Island before you go!


1 . What is the Population of Polyaigos Island?

There are no permanent inhabitants on Polyaigos Island, which makes it a popular spot for nature lovers and hikers. The island has a total population of zero.

2. How Long Has Polyaigos Been Inhabited?

The first human presence on the island dates back to the Neolithic period, around 4500 BC. However, there is little evidence remaining to support this claim as only fragments of pottery have been found thus far.

3. What Does Archaeological Research Suggest About Polyaigos’ History ?

Since there is no archaeological evidence to support the claim that the island has been inhabited for centuries, it is likely that its history goes back even further than 4500 BC. According to research, it seems possible that Polyaigos may have played a role in ancientsea trade routes connecting Greece and Cyprus.

4. What Are Some of the Natural Attractions on Polyaigos Island?

Some of the main attractions on Polyaigos Island include its twin coral reefs – one found on the east coast and another located on the west coast. The island also boasts limestone cliffs, crystal-clear waters, and a variety of plants and animals.

5. What is the Best Time to Visit Polyaigos?

The best time to visit Polyaigos Island is between May and November, when the weather is warm but not too hot. In December, January, and February it can be quite cold on the island – ideal for skiing or snowboarding in nearby villages!

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