Princess Mononoke Storyline and Short Review



Princess Mononoke Storyline and Short Review


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Princess Mononoke is a critically acclaimed anime movie that was released in 1997. It received universal acclaim for its animation, storyline, characters and overall narrative. Here’s our review of the Princess Mononoke Storyline and Short Reviews.

Princess Mononoke is a Japanese animated feature film that won the 1995 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature. It tells the story of a forest spirit and his quest to return life to the forests that he once protected. This movie can be viewed as an allegory of our current socio-economic status, with humans attempting to conquer nature, yet nature always being able to win.

Characters of Princess Mononoke



Shitake is a young prince who has been raised by his mother and father to be the next ruler of their country. Shitake changes greatly after he travels through the forest, meeting many different and mysterious animals before reaching Iron Town where humans have started building up settlements in the area that was once wild land.



He is a young warrior who constantly cooks food and treats himself with opium. Okot feels loss over losing his village in battle against the humans to which he blames on an animal spirit that has been terrorizing them for several years.

San Princess Mononoke

San Princess Mononoke

She is the legendary spirit of the forest who challenges humans for taking over her land. She takes on many forms as she fights to protect nature from destruction by humanity’s encroachment into it, and you discover that San has a surprising ability to do this.


He appears right before Shitake at just about every important juncture in his journey through the forest which causes him great confusion but he comes around referring or talking with San Princess.



He appears in the form of a ferocious dog but is actually San Princess who has been killed and he comes back to help protect nature.

JaKarr, Yuvaraja & Totoro

JaKarr, Yuvaraja & Totoro

They are wild boars that served as characters from Japanese folk tales but due to them being domesticated by humans they have now lost their purity and ability to survive on their own. They instead serve as animal spirits that can double for Tsuu.



A forest spirit who shows up at one point in Shitake’s life, protecting him and telling to kill a creature known as the Forest Spirit. Jakob also hates humans for trying to poison their land with pollution and caustic chemicals which causes all the people of Iron Town not respecting his environment or beliefs unless he can prove otherwise that no animal is harming them.

Moro Princess Mononoke

She is the spirit of a vixen (fox) that rules over humans in Iron Town. She goes after Shitake, battling him along the way knowing full well he sees her as being human and later sacrifices herself fighting on his behalf to which Lord Moulin talks about how it will honor Moro’s innocence by doing so; she comes back from death just before San does.

Lady Bodhi

Lady Bodhi

She is the Iron Town’s head of medical services who believe in trying new treatments and medicine that would help forest animals attack humans, which Shitake finds to be intriguing.

Lord Moulin

He believes that a spirit killed Teakettle Bange the last warden for their village after he failed his duties as well as shooting himself with an arrow found; Lord Moulin also works closely on Bosh’s work ethic seeking out.

Princess Mononoke Storyline

The main castle town located in the woods in which Shitake and Kagyu befriended San Princess and JaKarr. It is a wealthy town with many families who live there offering samurai training to its youngest men so they may become one as well, it’s also home of weapons maker Hibachi Buggee managing to make bows; with many practices by Lords Moulin & Bodhi hanging around nearby making the towns inhabitants live in fear of them.

San and Jakku are two orphans who were found by Yagyu as well as Ashitaka and the others near Castle Town, nothing is known about their families except for that they lived around or part way through castle town. They have become a pair when saving each other against danger but also working together to defeat enemies such as Heihachi Bange.


A character that spends the entire movie helping Ashitaka and others by explaining about Lord Myoujin, Eboshi & Teakettle Bangee who don’t believe in forest spirits.

Yahaya Mamani (Suzaku) – The man to whom Lady Bodhi is married as well as a follower of Prince Shishido which reminds her on how important it is to have faith in both medical treatments and spirits even though they may be from the forest, how she can put all her faith in them.

Dainippon (Shrek 1 & Swamp 2) – A close friend of San Princess and Jaakko who has also become friends with Bodhi now seeing them as allies due to their ability of knowing different remedies for illnesses; Dainippon works alongside him making stone lanterns if needed as well.

Rising Action

Rising Action

Atsushi Toyoko (The Sky Crawlers, One Missed Call) – The director who also plays the chief physician to Princess Bodhi and Kagyu; he is quite nice but has a different view on medicine that isn’t so old school like Dr. Kayaba and actually knows what it means to use modern medicines in his role of being doctor instead of putting faith in ancient texts as Doctor Heian does.

Katsuya Misawa (Anshan, Kuroko’s Basketball) – The head of the San residence and Lady Bosh’s husband. Though he doesn’t care much for Lord Moulin upon his arrival but he cares enough to want him in a castle town which might lead to princess’ bounties; he also doesn’t really like using eastern medicines given by Kagyu on seeing that it is ‘t that effective.

Yasuhiro Oishi (Eureka 7, Kamen Rider Build) – The Chief of Haki Castle who tries to make the expelling the forest spirits on Princess Bosh’s request a reality while addressing Lord Moulin as “Buddha” and keeping most of his thoughts at bay in fears such as people trying to take over Hakkari Castle or be sacrificed.



Yukiko Tomita (Bubblegum Crisis: The Story of Little Neighbors from Another Planet) – A Zen-like nun and medical doctor who is asked by Princess Bodhi to cease making up new remedies as she looks through past documents.

Miyuki Zawahiri (Aquarian Logos, Occultic; Nine, Akagi)

The court astrologer at Haki Castle who predicts the future to come in hopes of figuring out how to expel the forest spirits but with Princess Bodhi and Lord Moulin she ends up knowing about someone using hypha that looks similar to her as well as a person whose partner is cut from an adulterous union. She also mentions that there was not just one Buddha but many.

Failing Action

Failing Action

Yukiko Kato (Kuroko’s Basketball, Gun grave) – The sanity for the Sun Clan led to a failure of Princess Bodhi ‘s attempt. Antagonists/Hai bane Club Members. Takashi Matsuyama (Sakura Wars) – The original master of Enkidu

who wants to provoke a war between the Fallen Ones and humans in order for them to consequently obliterate each other but is stopped by?

. He later goes on from using his henbane army as payment for gun parts obtained from him, only leads its members into proper battle once seen.

Two drama CDs were released, each featuring a different story generated by the same scenario. One of them titled “Those Who Hold Enmity Among Man” was published through Victor Entertainment in Japan, while another named “Escape from Hotel Alice” was featured on Korea’s Datum website as promotion for Hachiman tote, sore you! Surakarta Surakarta (The Demon Child)

Princess Mononoke Review

Princess Mononoke Review

Princess Mononoke is one of those rare animated films that blends beautiful storytelling with a lush, hand-drawn aesthetic. The film tells the story of Shitake, a warrior who comes to Deer Country in order to save the Forest Princess Takano from Jingo, an arrogant hunting party leader. Along the way, he encounters strange animals and monsters that have been driven out of their homes by humans and fights for their return.

The story’s 15th century Japanese setting comes through in the traditions and legends that are passed from one generation to another. Jingo, a greedy bandit who is seemingly inspired by Richard Wagner’s Bayard and Hector character as played by Edmond Dante’s (with some inspiration borrowed from Frank Waldhorn) for Mononoke Home confronts Azhagar at first when she denies his greed but later grows over this obsession.

What People Like About Princess Mononoke?

  1. This is a film that will reach out to anime viewers who aren’t often exposed to the mainstream of Japanese animation. It’s one in which mystical powers can be harnessed by humans with no limitations except their faith and knowledge, not unlike The Saints Are Coming episode “A Boy Named Harry” from Buffy or Charmed.
  2. The set design contributes greatly to its vast wilderness settings as well as battles it stages but are often overshadowed by Shitake’s slaying.
  3. This was such a good movie I think it deserves some attention and praise! The whole thing is based on Miyazaki’s conception of how nature should be like in this era where humans can shape them to their interests at will.

What People Don’t Like About Princess Mononoke?

  1. It’s not an action-packed film, taking its time to develop the characters and their relationships. There are some weak anime sequences; for example, a three-minute fight between humans and boars that goes on without much excitement orison. And while there is violence–a frequent complaint against Japanese animation in general– it never feels gratuitous or overused as happens in films.
  2. It’s a bit disappointing that the film-makers felt justified in calling this an anti-war movie as there are only three instances of destruction rather than hundreds. But then again, it is set during World War II when Japan was clearly on the winning side against Italy even more so with their allies the Italians. Ironically though Americans were fighting for freedom against brutal Japanese fascists and didn’t give me second thoughts about sending them.

Final Thought

In the movie Princess Mononoke, a young girl named Shitake falls in love with a beautiful goddess-like wolf spirit and is forced to leave his village. He travels with his friend San and their companions to find her and finally return home.

Princess Mononoke is a 1995 Japanese animated film directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli. It is the 14th animated feature film directed by Miyazaki, and the only one he has not written or directed himself. The story takes place in ancient Japan and centers on the conflict between humans and nature spirits known as on.


Who Are Some Famous Actors Who Play Important Roles In This Movie?

Some of the actors you will recognize are Ju Kechi Fukunaga as Shitake, Yoko Ono as Princess Mononoke and Eike Takaya as San. There is also a small role by Richard Epicarp playing Ishida Goemin (who was cameoed in Spirited Away earlier on).

How Does He Change From A Young Man To An Old Man During His Journey Back To His Homeland, Nippon (Japan)?

Throughout this film, Shitake changes several different ways and becomes one of the greatest men ever to walk the land. In order to do so he must become someone that Shitake cannot recognize anymore in which case he has gained greater knowledge, wisdom and strength along with his journey home. When I watched this film earlier on as an undergrad at UNCW it was my first encounter with Japanese folklore (I believe) however being able to sit.

What Is The Story Line Of Princess Mononoke?

The story centered on humanity’s confrontation with nature. There are three main stories told in the film: 1) Shitake, the young prince from a prominent family is cursed by an old blind hermit reportedly named Hidetada Yamagata (who bears resemblance to Hirohito), leaving him as half man-half beast and toothless.

2) Princess Mononoke tells of Prince Shitake as he journeys back home

Why Do Americans Whine About Ponyo?

Ponyo is a Japanese animated children’s film which was released in Japan on December 6, 2009 and internationally on January 11, 2010. The general consensus seems to be that it is very cute and some people seem to have a personal vendetta against Miyazaki due to the fact that he was once interviewed about his opposition of the Iraq War (despite being an independent animator).

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