Prometheus (2012) Meaning And Ending





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Prometheus is a 1979 science fiction film that was directed by Ridley Scott and written by David Giler and Walter Hill. The film was released on June 1, 1979 by 20th Century Fox. It follows the Greek mythological legend of the titan Prometheus, who brought fire to mankind and tricked the gods.

This movie is definitely one you should take a look at if you consider yourself a fan of science fiction. Prometheus wasn’t just a small film for Ridley Scott, it was a stepping-stone for his career.

All About Of Prometheus (2012) Meaning And Ending


The Meaning of the Movie

movies are a way for us to escape our everyday life and have exciting adventures on the silver screen! One of the greatest movies ever made was still released in 2012? It has spawned numerous sequels and prequels.

The Message of the Movie

The movie “Prometheus” is about the search for the origins of life. Though, the film is about a lot more than that. But, the theme of “The Search for Origins” needs to be understood in all its implications to fully enjoy any part of the movie. Here, we look at what “Prometheus” is all about and why it is relevant for our lives.

Ending Explanation

Ending Explanation

Hollywood has been releasing movies with cliffhangers and twists, where grandiose ideas of exploration and discovery are blended to be revealed when a sequel is made. The most renowned of these is the prometheus movie, which also had an ending that was left up to the viewers to decide their own ending to the movie. The ending left open ended many questions, but luckily though there are different ways in which the movie can end, here we have compiled a list of possible and logical endings for the movie prometheus (2012).

The Main Idea of The Movie

The story of Prometheus was a mystery to most people. It was named The Deacon. In a time when people didn’t have much technical creativity, the movie had people’s imagination running wild. If you have watched the movie, you must have been curious about the main idea of that story.

Hidden Meaning of the Movie

Prometheus is a movie that is based on the Greek mythology of Prometheus. It was released in 2012. Prometheus was a titan who freed ancient Greek humans from the gods’ control and gave them the ability to reason and create their own religion. The movie revolves around Sarah Shaw’s (Freida Pinto) search for clues on the origins of the universe, which leads her to the true meaning of being human and knowing its creator. This is what we learn from the movie, and from this, it is clear that mankind is given a complete freedom to choose what they believe in.

Was the Ending Satisfying?

The Prometheus movie was a sci-fi thriller derived from an old Alien movie. It focussed mainly on the awakening of the titular character and his quest for universal knowledge, against a backdrop of a war between humanity and the machines. It also presented a concept of creation, as well as the origin of life on Earth. The ending was definitely satisfying to the people who thoroughly enjoyed the movie. The film had polarised critics at some point in time, and it still blends in with the real cultural debate you have to have been through.

Movie Symbolism

Prometheus is a 2012 futuristic science-fiction film directed by Ridley Scott and starring Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Idris Elba, Logan Marshall-Green, Guy Pearce, and Peter Mullan. ‘Prometheus’ is a science fiction story about humans that return to the moon to find the origins of humanity. The Nostromo, a spaceship which contains the crew members of the ill-fated voyage to find the ancient ship ‘Prometheus’ in the search of the origins of human beings is awoken from its long sleep. From there on, we head to a distant planet infected by an original form of life.

IMDB and rotten Tomatoes

no matter how many times we tell you that you should see the movie, you just may not make it happen. And if you are going to have a look at the trailer, make sure that you read the rating on imdb and rotten tomatoes. It can help you in making the right choice. One of those movies that show up YEARS after the release, but still with its popularity intact.


The legendary Greek hero Prometheus is one of the few characters from Greek mythology who has escaped from the strict shackles of a straightforward and natural explanation. According to ancient Greek myths, Prometheus was born and raised on Mount Caucasus, where he was nurtured and trained for the role of helping humans during a time of persecution. Prometheus was known for his trickster nature. He is said to have tricked Zeus into giving mankind fire as well as a large number of other gifts.


1.What Was the Point of Prometheus?

Ans: Prometheus was a Titan who stole fire from the gods. Zeus punished him by chaining him to a rock in the Caucasus Mountains and forcing him to eternally suffer hunger and thirst.

The basic idea behind Prometheus is that you are the new Prometheus, or even better than Prometheus because you can share your knowledge with others.

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2.How Scary Is Prometheus?

Ans: Prometheus is a fictional character who appears in the film series “Alien” (1979) and its sequel, “Aliens” (1986). He is depicted as an android with an artificial intelligence called the “artificial brain”, which controls his behavior. Prometheus was created by the company Weyland-Yutani to find out what happened on LV-426 after their research team there discovered a potential threat to their operations.

He finds the organism that killed his creators and brings it back to Earth. He encounters Ripley, one of the survivors of the Nostromo’s crew, while she was escaping from being hunted down by a facehugger. The two later encounter each other again when they both travel aboard another ship heading for Earth.

It is unknown if he survives this encounter or not but it is assumed that he does because he appears in Aliens: Colonial Marines (2012), playing a minor role as an android on board a spaceship owned by Weyland-Yutani during some flashback scenes from Aliens (1986).

3.Is Prometheus Rated R?

Ans: No, Prometheus is not rated R. It’s a PG-13 movie and the rating is more of a guideline than an actual number.

A ‘PG’ means Parental Guidance suggested for children under 13 years old. ‘PG-13’ means that the content may be suitable for young teenagers but parental guidance is recommended.

4.Is Prometheus Appropriate for a 10 Year Old?

Ans: Prometheus is a very exciting film with a lot of action, adventure and suspense. It is perfect for any age group. I would recommend this movie to children ages 10 and above because there are some scenes that might be too intense for younger kids.

5.Is There Any Nudity in Prometheus?

Ans: Yes, there is nudity in Prometheus. In the movie, David and Shaw meet each other on a ship where they both strip naked. It is also seen when David is lying in bed with his shirt open while he sleeps and when an alien has sex with him while he is sleeping as well.

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