Ramree Island – Everything You Need to Know



Ramree Island


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In conclusion, Ramree Island is an amazing place to visit for anyone looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. The island is serene, peaceful, and perfect for relaxing and rejuvenating. Whether you’re looking to enjoy the natural beauty of the island or take advantage of its many attractions, Ramree Island is a great choice.

Ramree Island



Ramree Island is a small coral atoll in the Andaman and Nicobar islands of India. The island is about 9.7 km long and 2.2 km wide, with an area of about 2.5 km². It was formed by a large basaltic lava flow that extended some 8 km from the mainland to the atoll. Ramree Island is a popular tourist destination because of its clear waters, white-sand beaches, and coral reefs.


Ramree Island is located about 55 km north of Port Blair, the capital of the Andaman and Nicobar islands. It is surrounded by coral reefs and contains a number of small coves and beaches. There are no permanent inhabitants on Ramree Island, but there are several resorts that offer basic hospitality services to tourists.


Ramree Island is an important nesting ground for seabirds, including the white-headed sea eagle and the Andaman phalarope. It also contains a number of rare species of animals, including elephant seals and hawksbill turtles.


There are no permanent inhabitants on Ramree Island, but there are several resorts that offer basic hospitality services to tourists. The population of the island varies seasonally; during the summer months, it is usually very busy and full of tourists, while in the winter it can be quite deserted.


The economy of Ramree Island depends largely on tourism. Many of the resorts offer basic amenities, including restaurants, bars, swimming pools, and tennis courts. Other activities available on the island include snorkeling, diving, and hiking.



Ramree is a tropical island located in the Andaman Sea. It has a tropical climate with two seasons – the wet season and the dry season. The wet season lasts from November to May and the dry season from June to October. Temperatures range from 25°C to 32°C throughout the year.

Culture and Religion

The culture and religion of Ramree Island is predominantly Hindu. There are a few Buddhist temples scattered around the island, as well as a few churches.


The predominant language on Ramree Island is Hindi. However, there are also a few English speakers who reside on the island.


Ramree Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Andaman Sea near Port Blair. It is part of the Indian Territory and is administered by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs. Ramree Island has been designated as a National Park and as a Wildlife Sanctuary. The island is also home to the only known population of the Asiatic black bear (Ursus arctos horribilis).

The island was first sighted by Europeans on 16 December 1768 when the French explorer La Perouse sighted it and named it Île de la Reine Charlotte after his wife. The island was uninhabited until 1810 when a penal settlement was established there to house convicts from the Andaman Islands. Between 1824 and 1830, it served as a refuge for sick and injured elephants from Calcutta Zoo.


Ramree Island is a part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Union Territory, which is administered by the Ministry of Home Affairs. The island has one elected representative to the Andaman and Nicobar Legislative Assembly.

Government Services

There is no permanent government presence on Ramree Island, aside from a police station that handles law enforcement duties. The majority of services are provided through contract providers.



There is no one definitive answer to this question, as tourism on Ramree Island is still in its early developmental stages. That said, a few things are known about the potential for tourism on the island – it is a popular tourist destination for scuba diving and snorkeling, and there is potential for ecotourism. Additional information about the potential for tourism on Ramree Island will be forthcoming as more reliable sources are available.

Hotels and Resorts List

There are currently no hotels or resorts on Ramree Island.


There are a lot of great attractions to enjoy on Ramree Island, including natural wonders like the limestone caves, the white-sand beaches, and the mangroves. Additionally, there are several attractions that are specifically geared towards tourists, such as the seafood market, the monkey-filled rainforest, and the turtle-friendly beach. Whatever your interests may be, there’s sure to be something on Ramree Island that will pique your interest!


There are a lot of activities that can be enjoyed on Ramree Island, including swimming, snorkeling, diving, fishing, hiking, and biking. Additionally, there are several areas that are specifically designed for entertainment purposes – such as gambling casinos and the amusement park. Whatever your interests may be, Ramree Island has something to offer you!


The transport options on Ramree Island are limited, and the only way to get around is by boat. That said, boats do make regular trips between the island and different parts of Sri Lanka, so transportation shouldn’t be a major issue.



The cuisine on Ramree Island is unique and offers a lot of different flavors. Some of the favorites include seafood dishes, curries, and sclera (a type of traditional Sri Lankan bread).


Ramree Island is a beautiful and unique place, perfect for tourists looking for an adventure. There are a lot of great activities and attractions to enjoy, as well as delicious food to indulge in. The transport options are limited, but boats do make regular trips between the island and different parts of Sri Lanka. Overall, Ramree Island is an amazing destination that should not be missed!


1.What Is The Best Time Of Year To Visit Ramree Island?

Ans. The best time of year to visit Ramree Island is either during the dry season (from April to October), or during the wet season (November to March). These are both peak tourist seasons, so there will be fewer crowds and more opportunities for relaxation.

2.Can I Stay On Ramree Island?

Ans. Yes, you can stay on the island if you wish. There are a number of hotels and resorts available, as well as campsites.

3.Is There A Wifi Network On Ramree Island?

Ans. Yes, there is a WiFi network available on the island.

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