Ras Rakan Island – Everything You Need to Know



Ras Rakan Island


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Ras Rakan Island, formerly known as Pulau Ubin, is an island off the northwestern coast of Singapore. The island was formerly used as a military training ground and was designated a conservation area in 1988. It has been open to the public since 1992, and today is a popular tourist destination. Ras Rakan Island’s main attraction is the Tree of Heaven, which is the world’s largest tree.

Ras Rakan Island



Ras Rakan Island is a small uninhabited island located in the Andaman Sea. It is said to be home to a supernatural creature known as a Rakan, which is said to have the power to control the weather. According to local legend, the Rakan can transform into any animal in order to hunt its prey, and it is believed that the island is its natural habitat.


Ras Rakan Island is located in the eastern coast of Singapore, just off the northwestern coast. The island measures approximately 2.5 square kilometers and has a total population of zero. There are no roads or buildings on the island, which makes it a very exclusive destination for tourists.

The only way to get to Ras Rakan Island is by boat, and transportation can be expensive due to the limited number of ferry service options available. Visitors are allowed to stay for only two days at a time, and there are no ATMs or shopping facilities on the island.


Ras Rakan Island is home to the Tree of Heaven, which is the world’s largest tree. The island also has a variety of flora and fauna, including deer, monkeys, and birds.


Ras Rakan Island currently has a population of zero, making it one of the most exclusive destinations in Singapore.


The economy of Ras Rakan Island is primarily dependent on the tourism industry. The main attractions on the island are the beautiful and rugged landscapes, as well as the many rare and endangered species of animals that can be found there.

Other major industries include fishing, agriculture, and small businesses related to tourism. The government of Ras Rakan Island is trying to diversify the economy by promoting other industries, such as creative industries and information technology.



The climate of Ras Rakan Island is tropical. The temperature ranges from around 26 degrees Celsius in winter to around 30 degrees Celsius in summer. The average rainfall is around 1,200 millimeters per year and the island experiences two typhoons every year.

Culture and Religion

In general, Ras Rakan Island is a polytheistic society that worships a variety of gods and goddesses. There is a significant Hindu influence on the culture, with many people practicing yoga and meditation. There is also a significant Muslim population, with mosques being common sights throughout the island.

Overall, Ras Rakan Island is a friendly and welcoming place where people from all walks of life can find acceptance and friendship. The culture is tolerant of different beliefs and practices, and people are generally accepting of others no matter what their background or ethnicity may be.


The predominant language on Ras Rakan Island is Malay. However, there are also a number of different languages spoken on the island, including Javanese and Buginese. There is no official religion on the island, but some people believe in traditional animist beliefs.


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the education requirements and preferences of Ras Rakan Islanders will vary depending on their individual backgrounds and career goals. However, many Ras Rakan Islanders do have some formal education, either in school or through the military. Additionally, many Ras Rakan Islanders have completed vocational training programs in fields such as engineering, business, and information technology.


The politics of Ras Rakan Island are similar to those in other parts of Indonesia. The island is a part of the province of East Nusa Tenggara, and the government there is led by a governor who is appointed by the president of Indonesia. There are also three legislative assemblies on the island, which each have 33 members. Elections are held every five years, and candidates must be registered with one of the three political parties that operate on the island.

Government Services

There are a number of government services available to Rasakan Islanders, including health care, education, and emergency response. Additionally, the island has its own police force and military unit.

Ras Rakan Island is home to many different cultures and religions. The predominant language on the island is Malay, but there are also a number of different languages spoken on the island. There is no official religion on the island but some people believe in traditional animist beliefs.



Tourism is a growing industry on Ras Rakan Island, and there are a number of hotels and resorts available to tourists. Many people who visit the island travel to see the natural beauty of the island and its many cultural attractions.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels And Resorts List

Here we have a comprehensive list of hotels and resorts that are located on Ras Rakan Island in the Maldives.

  1. The Abode Ras Rakan – This is a luxurious resort that offers all you could hope for in a luxury resort, including an excellent spa, world-class facilities, and beautiful landscaping.
  2. The Beach House Ras Rakan – This is a smaller resort that is perfect for those who want to get away from it all and relax on the beach. It also has excellent facilities for guests with disabilities.
  3. The Dhigali Resort Ras Rakan – This is a great option if you’re looking for something luxurious but not too expensive. It offers stunning views, delicious food and drink, and a lovely pool area.
  4. The Ganesh Resort Ras Rakan – This is a great choice if you’re looking for something affordable and spacious. It has everything you need, including an excellent pool area and comfortable rooms.


There are a number of attractions located on Ras Rakan Island, including the crystal-clear waters and stunning natural beauty.

  1. The Magellan Cave – This is a limestone cave that offers an excellent view of the ocean. It’s also home to some interesting wildlife, such as bats and spiders.
  2. The Dhigali Fort – This fortress was built in the 18th century by the Portuguese and contains beautiful gardens and architecture.


There are a number of activities available on Ras Rakan Island, including hiking and biking. You can also snorkel or dive in the crystal-clear waters.


There is no direct transport to Ras Rakan Island, but you can take a ferry from Malé.



Ras Rakan is an uninhabited island located in the Ras Mohamed National Park in the Gulf of Oman. The island is known for its seafood, which is mostly exported to Saudi Arabia. The cuisine of Ras Rakan Island features a variety of spices and flavors that are used to enhance the flavor of seafood dishes.

Some of the most popular dishes include shrimps cooked with cumin, cardamom, cloves, and cinnamon; squid cooked with turmeric, pepper, ginger, and garlic; and black grouper cooked with onions, tomatoes, garlic cloves, Maldives chili powder, and cumin.


In conclusion, Ras Rakan Island is a beautiful place to visit with plenty of activities and attractions to keep you busy. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing getaway or something more active, the island has it all. The people are friendly and welcoming, the food is delicious, and the scenery is absolutely stunning. I would definitely recommend a visit if you’re in the area!


1.What Is The Currency In Ras Rakan Island?

Ans. The currency in Ras Rakan Island is the Dhivehi Rupee.

2.How Can I Get To Ras Rakan Island?

Ans. Ras Rakan Island is not accessible by direct transport, but you can take a ferry from Malé.

3.What Is The Temperature Like On Ras Rakan Island?

Ans. The temperature ranges from 25 degrees Celsius in winter to 30 degrees Celsius in summer.

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