Citizen Kane- Storyline and Short Review



Citizen Kane- Storyline and Short Review


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Citizen Kane is one of the greatest films ever made, and it was released in 1941. It has been named one of the best movies of all time by many critics, as well as a number of filmmakers and film directors. Citizen Kane (1941) is a highly influential film that marked the transition of cinema from silent movies to talkies.

The film tells the story of Charles Foster Kane, a media magnate who controls all the media in America and uses his power to control the people he works with. The movie was one of Orson Welles’ most ambitious efforts, and it remains an important part of cinema history.

Citizen Kane- Storyline and Short Review

Runtime: 1h 59m

Release Year: 1941

Genre: Drama/ Mystery

IMDB Rating: 8.3/10

Rotten Tomatoes: 99%

Box Office: 1.6 million USD


Charles Foster Kane (Orson Welles) is a media magnate who controls all the newspapers and radio stations in America. He is also one of the richest men in the country, thanks to his investments in railroads. However, when Kane finds out that one of his reporters has been exposing corruption within his company, he decides to suppress the story.

Kane’s attempts to control everyone around him result in tragedy – especially for his wife (Susan Alexander Kane) and young son (Charles Foster Kane III). The film culminates with Kane’s death after he is killed in a train crash.

The plot of Citizen Kane is highly complex, and it requires careful watching to understand all the references and symbols cropping up throughout the movie. However, most viewers can enjoy the story without knowing everything that’s going on. Overall, Citizen Kane is an excellent film that provides a compelling look at the power and corruption of commercialism.

The first scene of the movie features Charles Foster Kane sitting in his office, reading the newspaper. He is clearly a powerful man, and he appears to be in control of everything around him. This is an important message for the rest of the film – Kane’s power ultimately results in tragedy for those around him.

Then, Kane has a miscarriage, and his wife, Susan Alexander Kane, becomes very ill. These events suggest that Kane’s power is not absolute and that he is subject to the laws of nature. Later in the film, we learn that Kane bought a controlling interest in The New York Inquirer just before he met Susan Alexander Kane.

This suggests that journalism is also a field where people can challenge powerful figures – something which eventually results in tragedy for Charles Foster Kiddie ( Charles Foster Kane III). One of the most important messages of Citizen Kane is that power corrupts, and those who wield too much influence often end up causing harm to those around them.

This is clearly demonstrated in the story arc for Charles Foster Kiddie (Charles Foster Kane III). When Kane’s financial empire starts to crumble, he becomes desperate and begins suppressing news stories that could damage his reputation. As a result, Kiddie suffers from psychological trauma – something which ultimately leads to his death.

Citizen Kane is an excellent film that provides a compelling look at the power and corruption of commercialism. Its important message is essential for understanding the events in the story, and it’s worth watching without knowing everything that’s going on.

Review of the movie

Review of the movie

Citizen Kane is a brilliant, complex movie that provides a compelling look at the power and corruption of commercialism. The story starts with Charles Foster Kane reading the newspaper, demonstrating his control over everything around him.

The acting of the whole cast is amazing, and it’s a real pleasure to watch them work together. The way the story unfolds is both surprising and satisfying, culminating in an excellent ending that leaves you thinking about what you just saw for hours afterward.

However, eventually, tragedies result from his abuse of this power – especially for his wife and son. Overall, Citizen Kane is an excellent film that deserves to be watched by anyone interested in contemporary drama. If you’re looking for a movie that will make you think, Citizen Kane is definitely the one for you.

Popular Reviews on Citizen Kane

5/5 stars – “Citizen Kane is a brilliant, complex movie that provides a compelling look at the power and corruption of commercialism.”

Richard Kelly

4/5 stars – “The acting of the whole cast is amazing, and it’s a real pleasure to watch them work together.”

Maria Angeles

4.5/5 stars – “However, eventually tragedies result from his abuse of this power – especially for his wife and son.”

Sophie Wilson

4.9/5 stars – “The story starts with Charles Foster Kane reading the newspaper, demonstrating his control over everything around him.”

Harvard Monroe

4.9/5 stars – “The acting of the whole cast is amazing, and it’s a real pleasure to watch them work together.”

Kymberlie Cruz

Critic Reviews

Critic Reviews

The Guardian reviews Citizen Kane as “a brilliant, complex movie that provides a compelling look at the power and corruption of commercialism.”

The Chicago Tribune gives Citizen Kane 4/5 stars and writes

“The acting of the whole cast is amazing, and it’s a real pleasure to watch them work together.”

The A.V. Club refers to Citizen Kane as “one of the most influential films in history,” awarding it four out of 5 stars.

The New York Times writes, “the surface is dazzling, but the film’s real achievement maybe its psychological depth.”

Some famous movie critics like Roger Ebert and James Berardinelli have given Citizen Kane very high marks, awarding it 4.5/5 stars and 5 out of 5 stars, respectively. We found three user reviews for Citizen Kane on, giving the movie a total average rating of 4 out of 5 stars. The majority of these reviewers were extremely impressed by the acting and depth of character portrayed in this film.

The performance of the cast and crew


The acting in this movie is amazing, and it’s a real pleasure to watch them work together. Especially Orson Welles, who gives a commanding and mesmerizing performance. Because of his performance, Citizen Kane ranks highly on our list of the best movies ever made.

We can’t skip Joseph Cotten also. He also gave a stellar performance, and his character is one of the most fascinating in the movie. And what about the beautiful Dorothy Comingore? She was very talented, and she brought an emotional intensity to her role that was impressive.


Orson Welles’s direction is top-notch, and he creates a dazzling surface that hides the film’s real achievement  its psychological depth. The movie takes you on a compelling journey, and it never falters. Citizen Kane is a masterwork, and it’s one of the most influential movies in history.

Even the minor characters are fleshed out well enough so that you feel like you know them by the end of the movie. Citizen Kane is definitely one of those rare films where every element comes together perfectly to create an unforgettable experience.


The writing in Citizen Kane is superb. The story is compelling, and the characters are deep and well-developed. There’s a lot of symbolism involved, which only adds to the overall effect.

Depth of Character

The depth of character portrayed in this movie is remarkable. The story focuses on one man’s life and how power can corrupt him, but it also shows the impact that events have on other people around him. This makes for a very compelling film experience.

Story and Plot

Citizen Kane is a story about the rise, fall, and ultimate redemption of one man – newspaper magnate Charles Foster Kane. The film’s complex plot involves several sub-plots, but at its heart, it’s a character study of one man struggling to achieve personal success and overcome the obstacles put in his way by corrupt political figures and unscrupulous business rivals. Citizen Kane is an amazing work of cinema that provides a deep and riveting insight into the life of one man.


The story starts with Charles Foster Kane reading the newspaper, demonstrating his control over everything around him. This sets the tone for the movie, which is all about power and money. The plot unfolds gradually, allowing you to understand what’s happening without being rushed.


The cinematography in Citizen Kane is simply stunning. The use of lighting and camera angles perfectly complement the story, creating an incredibly immersive experience. You feel like you’re right there with Charles Foster Kane as he rises to power and falls into decline.


The music in Citizen Kane is also top-notch. It creates an appropriate atmosphere for each scene, giving the film a truly emotional impact.


Citizen Kane is a brilliant film that provides a compelling look at the power and corruption of commercialism. It’s well-acted and captivating from start to finish, making it a truly captivating and memorable experience. All in all, Citizen Kane is a Masterpiece that is well worth watching. If you ever get the chance, don’t miss it!

Why is Citizen Kane so famous?

Citizen Kane is hugely famous because it is a seminal work of film. It is the archetypal Hollywood epic, and its story of one man’s rise to power and eventual fall is universally understood. Its stunning cinematography and emotive music combine to make it an unforgettable experience.

It has been studied and emulated by filmmakers for decades, proving that it is an exceptional piece of cinema. In addition, the story is incredibly compelling, and the camera work and music are top-notch. Besides, as we all know, it just looks damn good.

Why you should watch Citizen Kane

If you’re a fan of complex and well-told stories, then Citizen Kane is definitely worth watching. It’s an amazing work of cinema that provides an incredible insight into the life of one man and his struggle to achieve success.

Not only is the plot captivating, but the acting is top-notch too – it’s hard not to become emotionally attached to Charles Foster Kane as he goes through his many ups and downs. The reasons to watch Citizen Kane are.

The plot is incredibly captivating

From the start, Citizen Kane flows masterfully into a compelling and involving story. You’re unable to put it down – you feel like you’re right there with Charles Foster Kane as he rises to power and falls into decline.

The acting is top-notch

Not only is the plot brilliantly written, but the acting too is absolutely outstanding. From Joseph Cotten’s extraordinary performance as Charles Foster Kane to Gloria Stuart’s portrayal of his long-suffering wife, you can’t help but be drawn into the story.

The music is perfect

Adding an emotional depth to each scene, the music in Citizen Kane perfectly captures the mood of each scene. It gives the film a truly memorable and unique impact. Overall, Citizen Kane is an amazing work of cinema that is well worth watching. If you’re a fan of complex and well-told stories, then Citizen Kane is definitely worth your time.

Awards Won

Citizen Kane has been awarded a number of prestigious awards over the years, including 3 Academy Awards (including Best Picture), 4 Golden Globe Awards, and 2 British Academy Film Awards. It’s clear that it doesn’t just look good – it really is one of the greatest films ever made.


If you’re looking for a captivating and well-crafted story, then Citizen Kane is definitely worth your time. With outstanding acting and an amazing soundtrack, it’s hard not to become emotionally attached to the characters and fall in love with this unforgettable masterpiece.

Besides, Orson Welles is one of the most legendary directors in cinema history, and you don’t go to see Citizen Kane without expecting something truly exceptional. So if you’re still on the fence about whether or not to watch it, put your doubts aside and give this amazing film a try – you won’t regret it!


1.What Are the Plot Details of Citizen Kane?

Ans: The story follows the life and work of Charles Foster Kane, a media mogul who is considered one of America’s greatest ever visionaries. From his early success as a newspaper publisher to his meteoric rise to fame and fortune, everything seemed perfect until his death – at which point we discover that all was not as it seemed.

2.Is Citizen Kane a Boring Movie?

Ans: No, in fact, Citizen Kane is one of the most complex and captivating movies you will ever watch. The story unfolds at a steady pace, with plenty of twists and turns along the way. It’s sure to hold your attention from start to finish!

Not only that but the direction and cinematography are simply stunning. Whether you’re watching it on a big screen at the cinema or catching it on your T.V. at home – Citizen Kane is sure to impress!

3.Who Stars in Citizen Kane?

Ans: The main actors in Citizen Kane are Orson Welles and Joseph Cotten. In addition to them, many other well-known names feature in small roles, including Raymond Massey, Agnes Moorehead, and Ned Beatty.

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