All About Of Raymond Island – Which Will Help You To Travel



Raymond Island


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Raymond Island is a small and uninhabited island located in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, Queensland, Australia. It is named after Scottish explorer, Captain James Cook who sighted the island on 17 August 1770.

The island is located off the coast of Gladstone, Queensland and has a white sandy beach. The beach offers coastal walking trails, lagoons wildlife areas and camping facilities.

The surrounding waters offer snorkeling in coral reefs with large sea turtles from June to November (particularly between May–September). Other marine life include reef fish such as moray eels and octopus.

Raymond Island

All About Of Raymond Island



Raymond Island was first sighted by Captain James Cook on 17 August 1770 while travelling along the eastern coast of Australia. The island is named after Scottish explorer, Captain James Cook who sighted the island on that date.

Today, Raymond Island comprises a single low lying sandbank which rises to only 0.5 metres above sea level and is connected to nearby Ward Islands at its northern end and Mainland Queensland at its southern end by a thin 1.5 kilometre sand spit and there is no ria.



Raymond Island has a tropical marine climate with significant daily variation in temperature and humidity. The average hottest month is the wet season between December and May, with an average daily temperature ranging from about 27–32 degrees.

The highest recorded mean annual air-temperature was 34ºC (93ºF), whilst a minimum summer monthly mean of 28°C (82°F) has been reported.



The coldest month is January, with an average daily temperature of about 22°C (72ºF).

The annual mean rainfall on the island is approximately 900 mm. The barrier reef is rich in biodiversity and extends for around 1,000 kilometres on the east coast of Australia.

Scientists believe there are at least 2 million species living within these waters that include over 400 coral reefs alone.

Considered the third largest coral reef system after the Great Barrier Reef and Indonesia’s Bangka Belitung, lies off Australia’s north-east tropical coast.



The eastern coast of Australia is divided into six states and two territories, with Queensland being the closest state to Raymond Island.

Over 80 per cent of Australians live east or north-east of Western Regional State in Central Highlands region which includes number coastal towns such as Cooktown, Cairns on Cape York Peninsula by Northern Territories border.

Government Services

Government services

are available from the mainland, with a regular air service to Cairns. There is also a weekly boat service linking Raymond Island with Thursday Island in Torres Strait. Sports

Several members of the Australian Olympic team at Sydney 2000 taught surfing in this area. A number Sea World staff are also park rangers and instructors offering beach-side programs for local communities.



The main visitor attractions on the island are the coral reefs and beaches. Apart from diving, snorkelling or swimming there is also fishing, sailing and kayaking to enjoy.

There are also a few Aboriginal artefact sites to be found on the island. Marriage Island, the only community on and around Newton Island, is a sacred retreat for Aboriginal people.

Children sometimes continue a tradition where they marry their teenage sweetheart in this island during an annual visit to see their future family members over winter.

A joint agreement between State Governments (Queensland Government) and Torres Strait Islanders saw Raymond Islet recognised as Nomads National Park while still holding permanent residency rights of certain individuals also proving ex-servicemen ‘s rights.


Raymond Transport boat

The island is served by a small airfield and only the remotest parts of the island have transport links with Cairns or Thursday Island.

The nearest port on mainland Queensland is Cooktown which is approximately 240 km away by road. There are regular boat services in Torres Strait between Thursday Island, Raymond Island and other mainly Torres Strait Islands.

A regular ferry service runs from Thursday Island to Urunga on the contrary coast, whilst Pormpuraaw and Cape York each have their own weekly vehicular ferries for both internal travel within the country of Australia as well as overseas.


Raymond Cuisine

There is a wide variety of food available on the island, catering for most dietary requirements. Typical dishes include barramundi, chicken tiko (a traditional Torres Strait dish), squid and octopus cooked in various ways with fresh coral as a side dish.

There are also many local fruits and vegetables which can be found at markets throughout the year. The island has no notable industries, though there was some cattle ranching and pearl hunting in the 19th century.

The majority of the population is connected to Thursday Island by mail or telephone each week.

This depicts a typical scenario that would be encountered during research on this nation’s culture, traditions, food tradition as well as finding out more about its inhabitants lifestyles leading up to why they chose it for their new home after being introduced from across America just 20 years ago.


Raymond Island Wildlife

The island is well known for its many birdlife, including the Torres Strait harpy eagle. The island also has a small population of red junglefowl and cassowary which can be found in the surrounding forests.

There are no significant mammals on the island apart from bats which can occasionally be seen emerging from dark crevices during night time . There is also occasional sightings of paw-paw, rosellas and pigeons throughout the surrounding wildlife.

The island does not have any notable land animals other than bats, pigs which were reportedly brought in for non agricultural purposes (such as meat farming) by European settlers during the late 19th and early 20th centuries from mainland Australia who colonised Thursday Island until 1947 after war erupted between Britain and Japan over Formosa.


Raymond Island is a small island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, about 100 kilometres east of Plattsburgh, New York. The island is about 8.5 square kilometres in size, with a population of about 160 people. The island’s history is linked to the fur trade and the logging industry.


1.What Is Raymond Island’s Climate Like?

Ans: Raymond Island has a warm-summer Mediterranean climate. The average annual temperature ranges from 18 °C in the winter to 25 °C in the summer.

2.How Many People Live On Raymond Island?

Ans: There are 160 people living on Raymond island, with around 85% of the population being independent farmers and fishermen. There are also a few tourism operators and service providers on the island.

3.Where Do Most Of Residents Work?

Ans: Residents that live on Raymond Island primarily commute to the mainland for employment. The majority are employed in other parts of New York state and Quebec, with another significant percentage commuting to Ontario.

4.What Is Vegetation Like On Raymound Island?

Ans: Vegetation varies from dense mixed forest at Tidal Cove with up to 350 species including holly, sea grape and blackberry through a rocky coastline dominated by littoral cinquefoil and sea lavender.

5.How Many Languages Do Island Speakers Speak?

Ans: There is one centre for society where people from many different backgrounds come together. This is at Tidal Cove where the Portage.

Homestead and Church shows people working together as one community advancing in peace with compassion for each other’s individual needs and differences.

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