Residence Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Residence Island


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Residence Island is an uninhabited island located in the middle of the Chesapeake Bay, about four miles off the coast of Cape Charles, Virginia. It is a Wildlife Management Area and part of the Eastern Shore of Virginia. The island was used as a Bird Sanctuary from 1914 until 1982. A 6-foot-tall naval gun garrisoned on the island during World War I fired 2,000 rounds into the bay at Confederate ships and shore batteries near Norfolk, Virginia.

Residence Island



Residence Island was first inhabited by the Siouan-speaking Powhatan tribe of American Indians. The island is mentioned in the 1608 journal of explorer Henry Spelman who noted that he encountered a number of canoes and wigwams on the island.

The first white settlers arrived in what would become Cape Charles County in 1716 when English trader John Nicholson constructed a trading post on present-day Cumberland Island. In 1718, local Native Americans killed Nicholson and burned his post.

In 1726, the English constructed a small cabin on the island that they used as a staging area for their exploration of the Chesapeake Bay. The following year, Captain George Dixon anchored in Graves Creek off what is now Cape Charles and claimed the island for King George I. In 1764, during the American Revolution, British forces seized Residence Island to use it as an observation post for their bombardment of the American capitol in Washington, D.C.

In 1796, a party of whites from the Maryland mainland discovered coal at Residence Island and began mining operations which continued until 1802.

The island was used as a Bird Sanctuary from 1914 until 1982. A naval gun garrisoned on the island during World War I fired 2,000 rounds into the bay at Confederate ships and shore batteries near Norfolk, Virginia.

Today Residence Island is a public park consisting of 12 hectares of land and water. It is open to the public from sunrise until 10 pm, every day except Christmas Day. There are also seasonal evening events and guided tours available.



Residence Island is located at the junction of the York and James rivers in Chesapeake Bay. It is about 9 km long and 3.5 km wide, with an area of 12 hectares. The island has a sandy shoreline, marshy areas in the interior, and rocky cliffs along its south coast. There are no trees on Residence Island; instead it mainly comprises grasslands, shrubbery, and scrubland.



The primary ecosystem on Residence Island is a mixed-hardwood forest dominated by oak, hickory, and pine. There are also numerous flowering plants, ferns, and mosses. The island has several small streams that flow into the Chesapeake Bay.

The first human inhabitants of Residence Island were the Native Americans who hunted deer and grouse on the island.

In 1607 Captain George Dixon built a cabin on the island and began trading with the local tribes. The first European settlers on the island were a group of English Puritans who arrived in 1637.

They built a small fort on the south coast of the island, which they defended against attacks by Native Americans and pirates.



There is no permanent population on Residence Island. The island is used mainly for recreational purposes, including hiking, biking, fishing, and birding.



The primary economic activities on Residence Island are tourism and commerce related to the park. There is a visitor center located in the park that provides information about events, hikes, and tours available in the area.



The climate on Residence Island is temperate, with average temperatures ranging from 12 to 21 degrees Celsius.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

The culture and religion on Residence Island are largely Protestant. There is a church located on the island, as well as several other religious buildings.



The primary language spoken on Residence Island is English.



There is no formal education available on the island. However, there are several schools located in the park that provide instruction to children of all ages.



Residence Island is politically independent. The government of the island is run by a democratically elected body known as the Resident Islanders Council.

Government Services

Government Services

There is no permanent government presence on the island. However, there are a number of services available in the park that are designed to serve the needs of visitors.

These include a food store, a post office, and a medical center.



Residence Island is a popular tourist destination. The majority of visitors come to visit the park, but there are also a number of other attractions located on the island that are open to tourists. These include restaurants, wineries, and beaches.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

There are no hotels or resorts located on Residence Island.



The main attractions on Residence Island are the park itself and the surrounding environment. There are a number of hikes available in the park that offer stunning views of the island and its surroundings.

Other attractions located on Residence Island include wineries, restaurants, beaches, and golf courses.



There are a variety of activities available in the park that can be enjoyed by visitors of all ages. These include hiking, fishing, kayaking, swimming, biking, and golfing.



There is no public transport available on the island. Visitors must either walk or drive to destinations located on the island.



There are a number of restaurants located on the island that offer a variety of cuisine. These include seafood, Italian, and American dishes.


Residents of Residence Island are known for their relaxed and laidback lifestyle. This island nation is made up of a series of small islands located in the Eastern Caribbean Sea.

It’s home to a population of around 1,500 people who belong to over 30 different nationalities.

The majority of the population is employed in the tourism and hospitality industries. The climate on the island is tropical, with temperatures ranging from a high of around 27 degrees Celsius in the summer to a low of 18 degrees Celsius in the winter.


Are There Any Hotels or Resorts Located on Residence Island?

There are no hotels or resorts located on Residence Island. Visitors must either walk or drive to destinations located on the island.

Do I Need to Have a Passport to Visit Residence Island?

No, visitors do not need a passport to visit the island.

Can I Bring My Pet With Me When I Visit Residence Island?

Pets are not allowed on the island.

What Are the Costs Associated With Traveling to Residence Island?

There is no cost associated with traveling to Residence Island.

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