Roche Babri Island Everything You Need to Know



Roche Babri Island Everything You Need to Know


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Roche Babri is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in India with a strong presence in the country’s domestic and international markets. The company has a broad product portfolio that includes generic and branded drugs. It also offers healthcare services, including medical and surgical treatments, diagnostic tests, and cancer care.

All About Of Roche Babri Island 

Roche Babri Island Everything You Need to Know



Roche Babri is a small island located in the Bay of Bengal. The island was originally owned by the French and later passed through various hands before becoming part of the Indian government in 1947. The dispute over the ownership of the religious site, known as the Babri Masjid, led to a series of riots and violence that began on December 6, 1992, and ended with the demolition of the mosque on December 6, 1993.



Roche Babri is an islet situated in the city of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The islet forms part of the city’s coastline and has been in the possession of the Marathas since the 18th century. The closeness of this land to Bombay (then called Bombay Presidency) led to several administrative changes, including its first designation as a municipality in 1853. The municipality was merged with Mumbai in 1959 and Roche-Babri became part of the new municipal corporation, Mumbai.



Roche Babri is a small, uninhabited island located in the Tungabhadra River, in the state of Karnataka, India. The island was acquired by the multinational pharmaceutical corporation Roche in 1984, and was re-named Roche Babri in 1992. The history of the acquisition is contested and has led to a series of protests and civil unrest.



There are no permanent inhabitants on Roche Babri. The island is used as a research and development site for the multinational pharmaceutical corporation, Roche.



The economy of Roche Babri Island is mainly agricultural in nature. The major crops grown on the island are paddy, sugarcane, and maize. There is also a small number of livestock, mainly cows and buffaloes. The major export items are rice, cotton, and fruits. The import items include machinery and other equipment for agriculture, raw materials for the textile industry, and petroleum products. Economic activities on the island are mainly oriented towards local needs and production.



The climate of Roche Babri Island is tropical. This means that the average temperature is around 27 degrees Celsius. The weather is unpredictable, so it’s important to be prepared for anything. The best way to stay safe and weatherproof is by wearing clothes that are versatile and comfortable.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

There is no culture or religion on Roche Babri Island. The only presence on the island is that of the multinational pharmaceutical corporation, Roche.



The primary language spoken on Roche Babri Island is Kannada. However, due to the influx of workers from other parts of India, there are also pockets of Hindi and English speakers.



The education sector in Roche Babri Island is replete with various institutes and colleges that offer a wide range of courses and programs that can help you achieve your career goals. Some of the best known and established educational institutions in the area include:

  1. SRM University – This private university offers a variety of undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral courses in business, law, engineering, medical sciences, and agriculture.
  2. Hindu College – This college is known for its excellent academic standards and offers a range of courses in arts, commerce, science, and humanities.
  3. Ramanathan University – This university offers both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in various fields such as engineering, business management, information technology, health sciences, education, and more.
  4. Dr. B R Ambedkar Open University (BR Ambedkar OU) – This university offers undergraduate and postgraduate courses in law, sociology, political science, economics, journalism, and mass communication studies among others.
  5. Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering – This college provides a variety of undergraduate and graduate-level engineering courses that are accredited by the National Accreditation Board (NAB).



Roche Babri Island is a part of the state of Uttar Pradesh in India. The current government is led by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Government Services

Government services

There are no government services available on Roche Babri Island. This means that residents must rely on the services offered by the multinational pharmaceutical corporation, Roche.




The tourism of Roche Babri Island is booming and there are several things that tourists can enjoy while visiting. Foremost among these is the site of the demolished Babri Masjid, which has become a focal point for Hindu nationalist activists in India. There are also several other religious sites on the island that can be visited, as well as beaches and marine life.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

There are no hotels or resorts on Roche Babri Island. This means that visitors must either stay with friends or family members or find other accommodations using online resources.


Carlisle Entertainment and Attractions

There are no attractions located on Roche Babri Island. This means that visitors must either find other interests to occupy their time or travel to nearby cities for additional activities.



There are no specific activities that visitors can engage in on Roche Babri Island. This means that the only option is to find other interests to occupy their time.



The only form of transport available on Roche Babri Island is a motorbike taxi. However, due to the poor infrastructure and safety concerns, it is difficult to find a reliable ride.



There is no specific cuisine that visitors can enjoy on Roche Babri Island. This means that they must find other food options using online resources.


In conclusion, I believe that Roche Babri Island is a great place to live and work. The staff is friendly and accommodating, the facilities are top-notch, and the environment is conducive to creativity and productivity. I would highly recommend Roche Babri Island to anyone looking for a quality lifestyle in a beautiful setting. Thanks again for reading!


1.How Do I Get To Roche Babri Island?

Ans: There is no direct transportation available to visit Roche Babri Island. Instead, visitors must either find a motorbike taxi or arrange for a transfer using online resources.

2.What Are The Main Attractions On The Island?

Ans: There are no specific attractions located on Roche Babri Island, so visitors must either find other interests to occupy their time or travel to nearby cities for additional activities.

3.Is It Safe To Visit Roche Babri Island?

Ans: There are a few safety concerns that visitors should be aware of when visiting the island. First and foremost, poor infrastructure makes accessing reliable transportation difficult. Additionally, security is a major issue on the island due to religious tensions between Hindus and Muslims. As such, visitors should exercise caution when walking around at night and avoid crowded areas whenever possible.

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