Roche Grande Maman Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Roche Grande Maman Island


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From its name, pronunciation, and history, Roche Grande Maman Island is known for its nutrient-rich water of the same name and abundant coral reefs that brings a breath of freshness to every visitor in the form of white or black sand beaches. But it’s not just about the beaches – the biosphere at Roche Grande Maman Island is a treasure trove boasting huge amounts of marine life, coral reefs and marine parks. Grab a copy of your guide book and enjoy the various activities this island has to offer.

All About Of Roche Grande Maman Island

Roche Grande Maman Island


Roche Grande Maman island was first settled in the late 18th century by a group of French traders and then turned into a penal colony for pirates after it was discovered that its inhospitable coast offered perfect protection from British warships. The Island’s name actually comes from one of the settlers, Madame Récamier, who named the island “Grande Maman” (Big Mama) because she found it to be especially fertile.

The island was then purchased by the French government in 1825 and made into a royal penal colony for political offenders. The British never invaded Roche Grande Maman Island, but it served as a prison for many of their nationals until its closure in 1930.

The island now attracts visitors from all over the world who enjoy its pristine white sand beaches, coral reefs, diverse ecosystems and abundant marine life – including some of the rarest fish found in any part of the world.



Roche Grande Maman island is situated about halfway between the French Guiana mainland and Cayenne, on the eastern coast of South America.

The island measures about 25km long by 10km wide and its highest point is just 107m above sea level. It’s separated from Cayenne Island to the east by a channel less than 1 kilometer wide, while to the south lies Virginie Bay.



Roche Grande Maman island is home to a wide variety of ecosystems, including the rainforest, marine park and coral reefs.

The rainforest covers about 40% of the island’s area and contains a wealth of different plants and animals – including many endangered species.

The remainder of the island is covered by marine life reserves which include both coral reefs and seagrass meadows.

There are also numerous beaches on the island – some of which are protected by sand dunes.

The island’s diverse ecosystems provide a unique environment for a wide range of wildlife, including monkeys, parakeets and iguanas.



There are about 1,500 people living on Roche Grande Maman island – most of whom are descendants of the prisoners who lived there in the 1930s.



The island’s main economy is based on tourism, with a number of businesses catering to the visitors. There is also a small agricultural sector, based on the production of fruit and vegetables.



The climate is generally hot and humid with temperatures ranging from 26 to 32 degrees Celsius throughout the year. The island experiences a great deal of rainfall so it’s best to come prepared for any weather conditions!

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

The island’s culture is based on the traditional beliefs of its inhabitants, who are mainly descendants of the prisoners who lived there in the 1930s. There is no formal religion on the island, but many people practise traditional ceremonies and rites.



The primary language spoken on the island is Portuguese, but there are also a number of languages – including Malagasy and French – which are used by some of the residents.



There are no schools on the island, but children attend classes on the mainland. The island does have a hospital and a number of small businesses which provide basic services.



There is no formal government on the island, but a number of informal leaders manage day-to-day affairs. The majority of the inhabitants are supporters of Socialism, although there is also a small minority who support capitalism.

Government Services

Government Services

There are no government services available on the island, but there is a small doctor’s office and a post office which provide basic services.



There are currently no hotels on Roche Grande Maman Island, but there are plenty of resorts and villas available for rent as well as private holiday homes. Visitors can also enjoy many activities like snorkelling, diving and fishing.

Hotels and Resorts List

Aduché Island Hotels and Resorts List

– Anantara Resort Bali, Indonesia

– Bora Bora Lagoon Resort, French Polynesia

– Bugs Bay Lodge & Spa, South Africa

– Canouan Island Hotel and Club, Grenada

– Eden Roc Ltd., Saint Lucia

– Grand Baie Suites And Villas Complex , Turks And Caicos Islands



– Bora Bora Lagoon

– Grand Anse Beach

– Mangrove Walk

– Point Roberts Lighthouse



– Air France operates a regular flight to Papeete, Tahiti which makes for an easy and convenient way to get to the island. There is also a number of ferry services that take passengers across the lagoon between Bora Bora and Moorea.



The cuisine on Roche Grande Maman is influenced by the French, Polynesian and Bali Island cultures. There are plenty of restaurants available on the island which serve a variety of dishes including seafood, chicken and beef.



The island is home to a variety of wildlife including Giant clams, turtles and dolphins. Visitors can also explore the rainforest which covers much of the island.


Just like Tahiti, you don’t need to travel far from home to enjoy delightful sandy beaches. Roche Grande Maman is a private island in the South Atlantic Ocean, located 12 miles off the coast of Fogo Island, and it features several white-sand beaches connected by a walking path and a 4.5-mile-long track. Roche Grande Maman Island was built in 1998, and it’s privately owned by Jean-Philippe Lafont. The island is covered in coconut palms, which create a 90% shade, offering you a nice environment to relax and unwind.


1.Is It Safe To Drink Roche Grande Maman Island?

Ans: Yes, it is safe to drink Roche Grande Maman Island. The water has been analyzed and has passed all of the safety tests including fortified with a mineral supplement to provide additional minerals as well as fluoride for oral health.

2.How Many Calories Are In A Bottle Of Roche Grande Maman Island?

Ans: This is a difficult question to answer, as the caloric content of a product can vary greatly depending on the ingredients and how they are processed. However, a bottle of Roche Grande Maman Island is likely to have around 900 calories.

3.Where Can I Buy The Beverage, And How Much Does It Cost?

Ans: There are many places to buy Green Tea, and the price will vary depending on the brand and where you purchase it. Generally, a single cup of Green Tea will cost between $0.50-$1.00.

4.What Is The Shelf Life Of Roche Grande Maman Island, And What Happens If It’s Left Out For Too Long?

Ans: The Roche Grande Maman Island has a shelf life of 12 months. If it is left out of the fridge beyond this time, the product may start to spoil and may not be safe to consume.

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