Schindler’s List 1993 Storyline and Review



Schindler's List 1993 Storyline and Review


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Schindler’s List is an historical film directed by Steven Spielberg and released in 1993. It follows Oskar Schindler, a German businessman and member of the Nazi party, who takes charge of manufacturing artificial resin in the face of the extermination camps during World War II. Oskar eventually becomes rich from this business and lives his life with his family until the war ends. The following story will discuss the storyline and provide a review.

The movie Schindler’s List is a Holocaust drama film that was released in 1993. The film was directed by Steven Spielberg and starred Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, Ralph Fiennes, and John Malkovich. It tells the story of Oskar Schindler (Neeson), a German businessman who saved over 1,200 Jews from the Nazis during World War II. This article reviews the plot of the movie and discusses some of its details.

Schindler's List 1993 Storyline and Review

Characters of Schindler’s List 1993

Amon Goeth

Amon Goeth

Amon Leopold Göth was an Austrian aristocrat and sadist who served as commandant at the Krakow-Plaszow concentration camp during World War II. He performed this function of control with extreme efficiency by  either shooting those prisoners he chose to eliminate or putting them in charge of talented workers whom good fortune had spared until they could find some task that would not cause him any embarrassment. His personal life was no less brutal.

Helen Hirsch

Helen Hirsch

Helen Jonas-Rosenzweig was a Polish Holocaust survivor who survived the concentration camps.Before her death, she wrote ‘A Daughter Setting Out’ which is a novel that chronicles her experience during World War II She fled Poland and went to live with an aunt in Czechoslovakia after witnessing the devastation of six millions Jews murdered by Hitler’s Nazis. After living in London for five years on false papers, she moved to America where we can find details throughout this document.

Girl In The Red Coat

She is the missing Âryan baby of Mrs. Schindler and Oskar tries to rescue her. Situation in the story will go throgh Holocaust as different side’s hatestion of discrimination!

Itzhak Stern

Itzhak Stern

Itzhak Stern is a Czechoslovakian Jew who worked in Schindler’s factory. He had been working there for several years before the war broke out and knew Oskar from previous work meetings.

Oskar Schindler

Oskar Schindler is a German businessman and member of the Nazi party. He was born in Svitavy (Slovakia) during 1904, but his family moved to Krakow when he was five years old. After leaving high school, Schindler took charge of factory making artificial resin for machinery oil tankers; however, two years later (at age 21), World War II broke out between Germany and Poland with many Germans.

Schindler’s List 1993 Storyline

The events in the movie begin when luxury resort town of Krakow has been taken over by Nazis who have begun collecting people from all across Europe into labor and concentration camps. There are several scenes that show stories about towns where German troops (and other allies) control every aspect of daily life, such as demolishing monuments or seizing financial assets to finance their military occupation.

The climax takes place at Schindler’s Factory located near the city of Krakow, in Nazi-ruled Poland. Oskar Schindler (Steven Spielberg) has recently been made the head of his own factory there and he is given a huge responsibility: saving 1,200 Jews by manufacturing artificial resin. The day after Hitler’s armies leave Krakow they return to plunder it and round up all of its citizens into camps throughout Europe where many perish during camp conditions or even at close hands during deportations.


The film opens in 1946. An elderly Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson) arrives at a concentration camp and sees his wife standing among the prisoners, then he collapses to the ground while crying. His arrival sparks excitement amongst those around him Into the Labyrinth.

Schindler becomes a factory owner after the war. He makes his money off of all of these manufacturing businesses, as well as other things such as auctions and blackmarket trading. Oskar lives in Argentina until he dies in 1974 (a fact which never is revealed). He was still alive at this point due to help from people who saw movies about him being made for real.

These folks helped along with how someone iced out his whole office with a polar bear sculpture. He comes back to life in Germany and learns that Nazis are being held accountable for the murder of all captive prisoners, so he decides to make some money by putting these people on trial for war crimes After all it’s up them.

On Trial? Oskar accepts this case but then turns down an offer from former SS camp commandant.

Rising Action

After Oskar spots his wife standing among the prisoners, he collapses to the ground crying while exclaiming “Mutti!”

The film follows Oskar through most of World War II. Throughout this time we see him sacrificing everything for his employees and seeing that they are given rights equal to those of German citizens. He late learns about what is going on in Germany thanks to an illicit wiretap placed by a Czech spy. Villain? Oskar goes to the factory that his only son came up with into the labyrinth and asks one of employees why they would make a phone.

The high rank SS officer has put an end to this by asking him “Who are you?” right before he blows away his son, fiancée, fellow workers/cards as in Weilding an assault rifle and gives answer: “I am Albert Einstein!”. Now we see the revenge that Oskar has taken on those responsible for the murder of his family and friends. It seems like a good idea to make some cash off of this, but in truth he doesn’t want any money bad enough for him to be willing to kill again… Still one hopes that at least there is after all these years.



It’s a good thing they don’t let Oskar go, but the SS officers of course want to take him in for turning them into pariahs. When he finally gets fired for getting involved with people that were not his clients and sentenced by the German Court Forgets about their crimes one such forgets all things when you start killing not only your enemies…as well as a lieutenant makes it out of Germany after Hitler Dies!

Failing Action

The movie is named a 1993 drama. The Holocaust survivor Oskar Schindler (Schindler’s List) acts quickly to save over 1,200 Jews from the Nazis during World War II with American businessman and factory owner Heinrich Himmler visiting his plant, where he discovers that only 80 of the workers actually joined in making up what was known as “impossible jackets.” Intro Description

This paragraph begins with a description of the movie Schindler’s List. It informs us that American businessman and factory owner Heinrich Himmler visits Oskar’s plant where he discovers that only 80 of his workers actually joined in what was known as “impossible jackets.”


Masculinity/Sameness – The author focuses on how Oskar managed to keep his business going during and through World War II despite other German businessmen, who created an evacuation plan for themselves in case they were caught by the Nazi army while attempting to escape from Germany prior to the war.

These men tried to opt out of work, only to discover that they couldn’t because Oskar actually convinced the Nazis that he was a willing worker and someone who would willingly keep producing jackets for them if Himmler came over. That news saved their lives; but with factories in Germany being shut down by the Nazi army and destroyed, killing hundreds at a time as you read this review, it cleared enough space so those trapped workers could escape to countries where the capitalist system would still allow them some semblance of a life.

The movie Schindler’s List is based on the story of Oskar Schindler who saved 1,200 Jews from Nazi death camps. Reporter Stern (Fiennes) journeys to Poland to investigate what happened in real life when thousands of Holocaust survivors sought refuge in England after World War II ended.

Schindler’s list 1993 Plot Synopsis: During Nazi occupation, SS officer Amon Goeth has his own factory where he manufactures and distributes Judenlander shoes and broomsticks. He is caught on film kicking a concentration camp inmate to death, making him famous among the Nazi youths, who nickname him “the angel of death”. When Jews begin arriving in Krakow from their imprisonment at Theresienstadt in Prague, Goeth refuses them shelter. Schindler arrives with his cash-strapped company’s workers but can’t buy the factory because he has no paperwork.

What People Like About Schindler’s List 1993?

The story of Oskar Schindler forms the basis for an excellent screenplay. The movie focuses on one man’s strong and determined character despite being surrounded by Nazis, during World War II time period. Viewers have positive comments about how sympathetic he is to those who are in desperate situations, which creates a good film experience overall (All Movie Guide).Frequently viewed movies that use this storyline include “The Thin Red Line” and ”

  1. Axis of Evil: The movie is about what happened in the Holocaust and contains anti-Semitic themes. This can be said since various people are killed, such as Oskar’s employees who were Jewish. “The 60th Anniversary of Tennessee Williams” TV film also features these themes by having a character deliver a speech that suggests more than 90% Jews should have been gassed to death – he equates them.
  2. There are other details in Schindler’s List 1993, such as how the film is dedicated to his wife and two children when he died (William E. Zinsser). They have a picture of this family in an archway that runs through their display window at one point (All Movie Guide). There also was some negativity about movies like “Schindler’s List” that watch peace deteriorate toward war.
  3. There are many positive comments about the movie/film including; The portrayal of Oskar Schindler, a low-key businessman most of his life before becoming a Nazi overseer and profiteer from the Holocaust earned him some renown (All Movie Guide). He initially worked in Brunschwicg as an enamelware salesman until he saved enough money to buy out one man’s business. Notation was made on how successful.

What People Do Not Like About Schindler’s List 1993?

  1. By and large, people who watch this film hated it. Some said that the movie was too slow-paced or had a tendency to drag on; others thought the suspenseful aspects of the story were not strong enough.
  2. Schindler’s List is a classic American fiction work published in 1993 by Steven Spielberg. The film adaptation became one of his most financially successful movies but also caused considerable controversy over tone and historical accuracy.
  3. Schindler’s List was released in 1993. The film focuses on the life of Oskar Schindler (Liam Neeson), a German businessman who saved over 1,200 Jews by providing them jobs and housing during World War II.
  4. The story takes place in Krakow Poland at the end of Hitler’s reign there until beginning of liberation.

Final Thought

This 1993 film is a moving, intense drama that depicts the true story of Oskar Schindler’s efforts to save more than 1,000 Jews from the Holocaust. Directed by Steven Spielberg, the film features an ensemble cast including Liam Neeson, Ben Kingsley, Ralph Fiennes and Embeth Davidtz.

The story follows Oskar Schindler (Fiennes), a German businessman who is forced to do business with the Nazis in order to save his Jewish workers. Schindler’s List is a 1993 drama film about Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories. The film is based on the novel “Schindler’s Ark” by Thomas Keneally.


Why Do You Think That Schindler Was So Successful At Saving His Jews From Certain Death During World War II?

It is unclear why Schindler was successful in this venture. He could have been extremely wealthy, or he could be an exceptional businessman who used his business acumen for the good of other people. There are many possibilities as to why a man would so blatantly risk himself and others to save life during wartime, but it is likely that there was some motivation beyond money; either from feeling guilt over acting out against the law like a Nazi sympathizer.

What Is Schindler’s List 1993?

Schindler’s list is a movie that was made in 1993 by Steven Spielberg. The main character of the movie, Oskar Schindler, motivates others to do his work while also giving them chances at life and giving them shelter from such an evil thing as…Cast: Liam NeesonBen KingsleyRalph FiennesJohn Malkovich.

Were There Any Criteria For Being Included In The List?

When Oskar Schindler was the head of his company, there were…Became a member Hitler’s partyWas involved in any non-Aryan activities – such as having feminine features or dressing like an Austrian Jew.

When And Where Was This Movie Filmed?

The whole film took place at Brinnlitz near Vienna in Germany between 1976-1979….There are different stars to choose from and I chose Liam Neesor.

How Many People Were On Schindler’s List 1993?

In the beginning, during World War II, Oskar Schindler (Neeson), a German Jew who is well known in Krakow but only employed by that city’s Gestapo headquarters. After his coworkers are killed in an Allied bombing raid he takes it upon himself to save as many Jews from the concentration camps Theresienstadt and Auschwitz where they were destined for death through extermination. He obtains military passports so more people.

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