Se7en- Storyline and Short Review




Se7en- Storyline and Short Review


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Se7en, a movie that stars Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman, has remained a cult classic since its release in 1995. In the film, Pitt plays a detective who works for the police department of New York City. One night, he is given the assignment to catch a serial killer who calls himself “the Engineer”. Se7en follows his investigation and gives us a glimpse into how good cops work in the city of New York.

If you haven’t seen the original Se7en movie, it is about a police detective who is trying to catch seven serial killers. The movie does a great job at capturing all the suspense of catching one killer at a time. The story is well written and perfectly sets up the gruesome scenes that follow. Watching this movie today, you can see how far Hollywood has come from 1995.

Se7en- Storyline and Short Review


In Se7en, a detective is tasked with tracking down a serial killer who appears to be using the seven deadly sins as an inspiration for his killings. Se7en is a suspenseful and well-done thriller that grips the viewer from beginning to end.

The storyline is cleverly devised and provides an interesting perspective on how each sin can be used as motivation for murder. Overall, Se7en is a highly effective and enjoyable film that will keep viewers riveted until the very end.

Short Review

Se7en- Short Review

Se7en is an intense and suspenseful thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end. The storyline is well-executed, and the characters are richly developed – making it easy to sympathize with them as they face one terrifying challenge after another.

Detective Somerset (Morgan Freeman) and Detective Mills (Michael Clarke Duncan) are working on a brutal murder case in which the victim had their eyes gouged out. The detectives soon discover that the victim’s husband, Mr. Chang, was recently released from a mental hospital and may have been involved in this horrible crime. They find evidence that links Chang to other killings, but they can’t seem to catch him before.

The short review above is just a taste of what makes Se7en such an excellent choice for movie lovers looking for a thrilling experience. If you’re interested in learning more, be sure to check out our full Se7en review below!

Popular Review

If you’re looking for a thrilling movie experience that won’t let you go until the very end, Se7en is perfect for you. The story is well written and benefits from expertly executed suspenseful scenes. The characters are well-developed, making it easy to root for them as they face one terrifying challenge after another. If you’re interested in learning more about this excellent thriller, be sure to read our full Se7en review below:

Se7en is a well-done thriller that grips the viewer from beginning to end. The storyline is cleverly devised and provides an interesting perspective on how each sin can be used as motivation for murder. The characters are richly developed, making it easy to sympathize with them as they face one terrifying challenge after another. If you’re looking for an intense and suspenseful movie experience, Se7en is definitely worth your time.

Critic Review

When Se7en hit the screen in 1995, it made Hollywood sit up and take notice. And why not? The film’s plot was a slick noir story about corporate espionage, money laundering, and murder. While some may have been confused by the title (which stood for Seven Deadly Sins), Se7en had all the elements that made it a major hit: excellent acting, a strong storyline, and a shocking twist at the end.

Se7en is an excellent thriller that grips the viewer from beginning to end. The storyline is cleverly devised and provides an interesting perspective on how each sin can be used as motivation for murder. The characters are richly developed, making it easy to sympathize with them as they face one terrifying challenge after another. If you’re in the mood for a thrilling experience, Se7en should be at the top of your list!

Why Is the Movie So Famous?

Se7en- Why Is the Movie So Famous?

Se7en is a well-known thriller that has drawn in audiences around the world. The storyline is cleverly devised and provides an interesting perspective on how each sin can be used as motivation for murder. The characters are well-developed, making it easy to sympathize with them as they face one terrifying challenge after another. These qualities make Se7en one of the most famous movies of all time!

Why You Should Watch Se7en?

If you’re looking for a thrilling experience, Se7en is definitely worth your time. The movie grips the viewer from beginning to end and provides an interesting perspective on how each sin can be used as motivation for murder. These qualities make Se7en one of the most famous movies of all time! If you’re interested in learning more about this excellent thriller, be sure to watch this movie as soon as possible!

The Performance of the Cast and Crew

The Performance of the Cast and Crew

The performance of the cast and crew contributes greatly to the overall quality of Se7en. Johnodoe’s expertise as a director brings out the best in his actors, creating an intensely suspenseful experience that cannot be found elsewhere.

Michael Clarke Duncan provides a chilling and vivid portrayal of evil incarnate, while Morgan Freeman delivers expert performances as both detectives track down the guilty and members of Chang’s mental hospital staff affected by his crimes. As a whole, all of them did give their best to put out a great show for us to watch and enjoy.


The cast and crew of Se7en give an excellent performance. They can convincingly portray the various roles they play and create a suspenseful atmosphere throughout the movie.



The cinematography is excellent, providing a realistic look at the scenery in which the events take place. This allows viewers to easily invest themselves in the storyline.


The direction is well-executed, creating an exciting and suspenseful atmosphere. The use of effective music enhances the experience, making Se7en an unforgettable movie experience!

Direction and writing

The direction and writing are excellent, providing a well-crafted storyline that is easy to follow. The movie grips the viewer from beginning to end, leaving them eager to see what will happen next!


The music is well-used, providing a perfect backdrop to the events taking place. It helps to create an intense and suspenseful atmosphere. All of these qualities make Se7en one of the best movies ever made! If you’re looking for a thrilling experience, be sure to watch Se7en. You won’t regret it!

Awards Won by Se7en

Se7en has won several prestigious awards, including two Academy Awards (for Best Screenplay and Best Director), four British Film Institute Awards, three Golden Globe Awards, and numerous other awards. This excellent movie is sure to please viewers of all ages! Se7en has been nominated for and won several awards, including an Academy Award for Best Screenplay and five Golden Globe Awards. These positive reviews attest to the high quality of Se7en as a movie!


When it comes to movies, Se7en is one of the best-known films that revolve around the crime world. It was released in 1995 and starred Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey, and Gary Sinise. The movie received critical acclaim for its strong storyline and stellar performances.

If you’re looking for a thrilling movie experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat, be sure to watch Se7en. This excellent film has been praised by critics and award winners alike, making it one of the best movies ever made! In conclusion, Se7en is a brilliantly written and directed movie that will leave viewers eager for the next installment. It is sure to capture the hearts of moviegoers of all ages!


1.Where Can I Watch Se7en on Dvd?

Ans: Se7en is currently available to purchase on DVD.

2.Can I See Se7en With My Group of Friends?

Ans: Yes, you can see Se7en with your friends – it is a great movie that will leave everyone entertained.

3.Do I Need to See Se7en in 3d?

Ans: No, you do not need to see Se7en in 3D. Se7en is the perfect movie for thrill-seekers of all ages! With its excellent writing, directing, and cinematography, Se7en will leave you on the edge of your seat. You don’t need to see it in 3D – just go watch Se7en and enjoy one of the cinema’s greatest achievements!

4.Do I Need to See Se7en Understand the Plot?

Ans: No, Se7en does not require a prior understanding of the plot to enjoy it. The movie is well-written and directed, so even those who do not know all of the details will be able to follow along.

5.Can I See Se7en With My Child?

Ans: Yes, you can see Se7en with your child. The movie is PG-13 and has been rated as such for a reason – it is an excellent movie that will leave both young and old entertained.

6.Can I See Se7en With My Dog?

Ans: Yes, you can bring your furry friend to see Se7en with you. The movie is family-friendly and PG-13, so there will be no problems enjoying it together!

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