Skraeling Island



Skraeling Island


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Skraeling Island is located in the middle of a vast and infinite ocean. It is a small, uninhabited island that is constantly being battered by the waves. It is said that because the island is so isolated, it is home to a race of demon-like creatures that feast on the blood of humans. No one has ever been able to verify this story and it seems to be nothing more than folklore. Nevertheless, the island’s sinister reputation has stayed with it and has prevented anyone from setting foot on it. As such, it remains a mystery, waiting to be explored.

Skraeling Island


Skraeling Island is an island in the Bay of Fundy, located between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. It was named after a group of Natives who inhabited it at the time. In 1834 the island was sold to Joseph Cuthbert Grant, who became Lord Amherst. His son-in-law Edward Ellice-McCormick then bought it from him in 1849 and made it part of his company’s holdings.

After World War II, during which Canada did not participate, Skraeling Island became a tourist attraction for Canadians as well as Americans who visited Halifax Harbour by cruise ship on their way to visit Maine or Quebec City. In 1963 the Canadian government purchased all the land on the island that was not covered by parkland or marinas from Ellice McCormick Limited for $6 million CAD ($6 billion in 2015 dollars).

The government also paid another $2 million CAD ($2 billion) for private residences along with other private property owned by various companies associated with McCormick and his family members (including five golf courses) totaling about. The federal government has since opened two state parks on parts of Skraeling Island: “Grant Park” and “Amherst Island”. The former contains over 500 acres (200 ha), while the much smaller “Island Beach Provincial Park” is located adjacent to it across Amherst Island’s eastern end near Cape St Lawrence.


Skraeling Island has a climate that is classified as oceanic, meaning its weather is influenced mainly by the marine environment. Year-round precipitation falls mostly in the form of rain or snow and there are very few days with temperatures above 70 °F (21 °C). The island experiences strong maritime influences which result in cool breezes and significant temperature variations throughout the year.

The marine influence on climate can be quite powerful; in winter, the island experiences frequent gales covering all but 100 sq. miles of its terrain, while temperatures may experience fluctuations up to 25 °F (15 °C) over a period of four hours and 40 minutes. These factors contribute regularly to flash flooding in areas along the Atlantic coast that have been disturbed by human development or erosion such as Amherst Harbour itself where cold winds from the north frequently open a deep-water channel.

As the island’s topography is so uneven and movement of air from over the ocean can produce conditions not typical for other similar areas in Canada, climates on Skraeling Island are considered more humid than those elsewhere in BC even though their precipitation totals are slightly lower.


The culture of Skraeling Island is heavily influenced by the Mi’kmaq and Newfoundland cultures. These two groups have a long history of co-existence and interaction, which has resulted in the island’s cultural diversity. Traditional activities on the island include hunting, fishing, gathering berries and other fruits, as well as crafting items such as baskets, boards, and clothing out of local materials.

The Mi’kmaq people continue to play an integral part in life on the island, as much of their economic stability is based primarily on selling fish and other seafood to passing ships. In order to do so, they have developed various complex methods for catching these animals with nets which include a series of boats that travel in different directions throughout the day moving between lands at strategic points along the shoreline during low tide waters (24 knots).

The repeated movements mark an important aspect of Mi’kmaq q culture that is still practiced today by the Hunter Regional School. It is also common for Mi’kmaq families to help hunt whales, salmon and other fish along the island’s shores several times a year in order to make a living from their traditional means of subsistence such as fishing through commercial companies hired by local governments.


The politics of Skraeling Island are dominated by the two major political parties, the Liberal Party and the New Democratic Party.

These parties have a significant presence on both the island council and provincial legislature, although there is also some competition from other smaller party representatives. Local governments play an important role in administering education, health care, infrastructure development and other services which are available to residents.

The economy of Skraeling Island is based largely on tourism; however, this sector of the local economy is expected to increase over time. Tourism on Skraeling Island generally consists of day trips from cruise ships and individual visitors who travel here for recreation or business purposes.

Fishing has historically been a major contributor to the island’s economy; however, many fishing jobs have moved offshore due in part because technology has reduced demand for fish products by consumers in other parts of Canada (33).

Government services

The municipal government of Skraeling Island is responsible for the provision of a wide range of municipal services which are available to residents, including road maintenance, water and sewage systems, waste management, parks and recreation facilities. Education is also provided by the municipality; however, a number of schools on the island are operated by religious organizations.



Tourism is a significant source of income for the island and its residents. Visitors come to Skraeling Island to enjoy its natural beauty, visit historical sites and participate in various recreational activities, such as fishing or hiking. The tourism sector has recently experienced growth due in part to increased interest from international visitors; however, it is still considered relatively small compared with other economic sectors on the island (33).


There is no vehicular transportation on Skraeling Island. Guests arriving by air must either take a taxi or use the public bus service which operates between mainland B.C. and the island (cost of travel is covered by tourists).


When the sun sets, the bloodthirsty hordes of Skraelings flood the island in search of fresh meat. They are merciless and will stop at nothing to hunt down any living thing, be it human or animal. Although their coarse manners and savage ways make them seem like a nightmare come true, they actually have a story that is steeped in mystery. Little is known about these creatures, but what is known is that they are fierce warriors and deadly hunters. If you are looking for an edge when it comes to surviving on the island, learn all you can about these savage monsters!


What Are The Most Important Aspects Of Life On Skraeling Island?

The most important aspect of life on Skraeling Island is its natural beauty. The island is home to a number of lakes and rivers, as well as forests and mountains. It is also an excellent place to enjoy recreational activities, such as fishing or hiking.

What Is The Distance To Other Communities?

The greatest distances on the island are between Bowen Island and Skraeling. Of those two, a direct one-hour bus ride links Skraeling Island with North Saanich. Another 10 minutes by boat will take you from this community to Saturna (the closest town of over 2500 people) on Vancouver Island’s southern coast across George Bay. There are no ferry connections that would connect Skraeling Island with Vancouver, Seattle or other communities further north. Other nearby islands are only about 20 minutes away by car (an hour’s drive).

What Is The Apparent Population Of Skraeling Island?

The total census populace on Skraeling Islands and surrounding areas was 2,100 in 2011. There were 783 occupied private houses and no residential schools on record at that time. The 2010 federal estimate puts it at 1,250 persons, with a total land area of 35.3 square kilometers, or 23 sq miles (the island has no marine waters). That said, the 17-square-kilometer developed upper lagoon serving as Skraeling Island’s port and fishing village is probably home to more than 700 people in all—most full members of First Nation groups on Canada’s West Coast.

What Is The Distribution Of Skraeling Island’s Population?

Skraeling Islands and its surrounding communities are home to four First Nations (usually called “bands” by outsiders). These include Johnston Harbour, a Kwak’wala group; Mission Group Communities on Sugar Point Hill and Crescent Bay reserves for the Southern Tsimshian Nation; Si’men, originally from Campbell River in British Columbia but with members drawn from many tribes throughout the Lower Mainland; and St’at’imcets of Laa Juu Aulnay, whose women have been a major influence as well as drivers for settlement on Skraeling Islands since 1914. A fifth band has settled off-reserve: Pachena Band near Quadra Island, with approximately 200 members.

What Are The Main Economic Activities On Skraeling Island?

The primary form of economy is fishing, supplemented by logging in the interior and subsistence farming.

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