Snatch (2000) Meaning and Ending Explanation



Snatch 2000


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Snatch is a 2000 British crime film directed by Brian De Palma and written by Steven Knight. The film tells the story of Irish-British gangster Ronnie Biggs, who was caught on camera as he escaped from prison with the aid of his cellmate John Egan in 1963.

All About Of Snatch (2000) Meaning and Ending Explanation

Snatch (2000)

The Meaning of Movie Snatch

The Meaning of Snatch is that it is a film about a gangster who escapes from prison and the impact it has on his life. The end of the film when Bigg has to be taught a dying lesson by Degan and he is forced to accept his younger self that instead of doing time for robbing banks, he should have just went out there and got money with no help from anybody.  Then ends up being cut off in prison.

The Story Behind Snatch Movie

Snatch was inspired by the true story of Ronnie Biggs, who escaped from prison in 1963 with the help of his cellmate John Egan. The film was directed by Brian De Palma and written by Steven Knight. Also it stars Alex Price and Pierce Brosnan with the ending being directed by British director Kevin Macdonald.

Hidden Meaning

The hidden meaning of Snatch is that it is a film about the importance of friendship and loyalty. Ronnie Biggs and John Egan were cellmates in prison, but despite their differences, they stayed together until the end. This shows how important friendships are in life – even when things get tough.

Ending of the Movie

The ending of Snatch shows Ronnie Biggs being taught a dying lesson by his old friend John Egan. He is forced to accept that he should have just robbed banks without any help from anyone, and as a result, he is cut off from society. This teaches him the importance of humility and how not to rely on others for success.

Key Characters of the Movie

  1. Ronnie Biggs
  2. John Egan
  3. The Police
  4. Judy Campbell
  5. Michael Peake

Important Events

Ronnie Biggs and John Egan escape from prison in 1963. They are later caught by Scotland Yard and Ronnie Biggs is imprisoned.  He then escapes from prison in 1971, with the help of his old cellmate John Egan who was waiting outside the prison to get him out.

What Is the Message of the Movie?

The message of Snatch is that it is important to stick together and be loyal to your friends, even when things get tough. Ronnie Biggs and John Egan were cellmates in prison, but despite their differences, they stayed together until the end. This shows how important friendships are in life – even when things get tough.

How Was the Movie Made?

Snatch was made in 1991 and it was directed by Brian De Palma. It was written by Steven Knight, who also stars in the movie. It was shot in England, at Twickenham Stadium.

Visual Effects

Snatch used a lot of visual effects to make it look like it was filmed in the 1960s. The film has been compared to the ‘style, feel and look’ of films like “Dirty Harry” and “French Connection”, which could have had an influence on how it was made. Michael Peake and the main characters have been described as looking like 1970s’ gangsters.

There is a lot of talk about drugs in this film, showing how popular drug trafficking was in London at that time (especially heroin). Easter eggs have also been hidden throughout the film, for example there are lines written on Ronnies jacket alluding to what he will end up doing after his escape from prison.

The Ending of Snatch Explained

The ending of Snatch is somewhat confusing and it has been variously described as “twisted”, “messed up” or “chaotic”. Ronnie Biggs escapes prison in 1971, but he is eventually recaptured and sent back to prison. He then escapes again in 1993, with the help of John Egan (who had been released from prison earlier that year). The film ends with a scene in which Ronnie Biggs is leaving prison, having just escaped once again. However the ending doesn’t go back to the beginning of 1991 when it all started – rather, we move forward from 1995 up until time skips ahead several years later.

Was the Ending Satisfying?

Many people have said that the ending of Snatch wasn’t satisfying, and some have even gone as far as to say it was “wrong”. However, there is no right or wrong way to end a movie – what matters is how well it follows up on everything that has been set up throughout the film.

In particular, some have argued that the twist in the ending doesn’t make sense if Ronnie Biggs had actually escaped prison twice before 1993 – if he had already been out of prison in 1976, then how did his son grow up being arrested for drug trafficking until 1991? Was it possible that Biggs could have escaped from the drug squad without getting caught at all? However this could be interpreted as meaning there is no way to know whether or not Ronnie Biggs would have actually escaped – so material circumstances really do go against what you think a gangster like him will do.


Snatch is an excellent crime movie that features a compelling and complex story line. The ending may not be everyone’s favorite, but it is still well executed and logically consistent with the rest of the film.


1. Who Is Ronnie Biggs?

Ans: Ronnie Biggs is a British criminal who was once considered one of the most notorious gangsters in the world. He escaped from prison in 1971, but was eventually recaptured and sent back to prison. In 1993, he managed to escape again with the help of John Egan – however, this finalescape doesn’t go back to 1991 when it all started. Rather, we move forward several years later up until 1995.

2. How Did He Escape From Prison in 1971?

Ans: Biggs escaped from Dartmoor Prison in the UK on May 17, 1971. He and Egan waited until June of that year for a plane to Barcelona, which Biggs had booked ten months earlier – however he was immediately recaptured at Heathrow Airport when his forged passport was found by immigration officials during fingerprinting. In 1973, he succeeded the first time with his escape again breaking out through an underground tunnel leading directly into France.

3. How Did He Escape From Prison in 1993?

Ans: Biggs and Egan waited until after Biggs’ security detail had gone to an airbase in Brazil so that they could make their escape unmolested. They made it across the Atlantic, landing on American soil at San Francisco – where they stayed for three weeks before driving through Texas as well as various other states. Upon making it to Mexico City, they then caught rides with RVs all over South America including Venezuela and Ecuador.

4. How Did He Escape From Prison in 1993?

Ans: The diamond at the end of Snatch is not given to any specific person. It is instead a representation of the diamonds that are hidden throughout the movie.

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