Some Like It Hot Meaning and Ending Explanation




Some Like It Hot Meaning and Ending Explanation


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A very common saying used in the film is, “Some like it hot.” In the film, this was used for a lot of different situations. One example would be when there was a musical number with all of the inmates dancing to songs. The audience at that time would laugh because they wanted to see some action in the film. Another example would be when Nathan Detroit is asking for clarification on what he should do with his business.

Some Like It Hot Meaning and Ending Explanation

Meaning of The Movie Some Like It Hot

“Some Like It Hot” was released a year after the Second World war. There were two things that Warner Bros decided to do so it would still be popular during this time period and go beyond what people thought of earlier musicals before this film. The first thing they did was take their money from “Calamity Jane.”

That film didn’t perform as well as supposed in Hollywood executives’ eyes, but Martin Scorsese felt that it was still entertaining and made the whole year of 1953 worth it. He then used the main portion of this money to have Jack Lemmon and Marilyn Monroe star in his classic comedy, “Some Like It Hot,” but kept different shticks from Jane to make sure that everybody thought they were doing something new.

Another accomplishment during this time commonly referred to as the Golden Age Of The Hollywood Musical is when five well-known actors starred together on screen; Frank Sinatra, Gene Kelly, Judy Garland and Danny Kaye. Simultaneously in 1953, “Some Like It Hot” was released at the same time as this movie’s release, which stars these five well-known actors so that their audience gets very familiar with all of them from different films.

All other studios followed Warner Bros’ footsteps because they did not have a lift on those 5 famous actors to implement the style and comedy present in “Some Like It Hot.” Financially, the movie went amazingly spectacular, but people have believed that because of actors not being nominated for Oscars. With this new acclaim came newer pressures to make better films, and with a smaller budget, they would have been stuck making the same flops.

This is why “Some Like It Hot” was conceived because at Warner Bros. There were low expectations on it; Starring Jack Lemmon & Marilyn Monroe proved that all these genres are important. Now looking at other times in Hollywood history, it is obvious that the Golden Age of Hollywood was by far and away from the most influential on film making for generations to come, which better describes a person than an era.

The Message of The Movie Some Like It Hot

The Message of The Movie Some Like It Hot

Some Like It Hot is a 1959 American romantic comedy film directed by Billy Wilder and written by I.A.L. Diamond and Wilder. The film stars Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon, and Shirley MacLaine. There is no specific message that the movie tries to send, but it likely revolves around love and relationships. It’s possible that the film reminds audiences that there are always consequences for our actions, regardless of how dire the situation may seem.

It’s a cautionary tale that characters must consider their actions if they want to experience happiness in the end. There are also references to gender inequality, as there is a sister act and the character of Sweet works on cleaning up after men. Other than that, none of these messages stand out from one another.

The story follows two strangers (Monroe and Curtis) who are forced to work together as part of a gangster’s (Lemmon) scheme to get to Cuba. Along the way, they develop a strong friendship while also engaging in various comedic situations. The film is noted for its stylized representation of gender roles and the use of language with historical context.

The film was nominated for nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and won three (for Best Director – Billy Wilder; Best Actress – Marilyn Monroe – This is a role where she plays someone in the middle of an unrequited love affair, and at that time, in particular, this felt fresh to her from what we can interpret now as an actress trying to work through these things.

The real reason why Some Like It Hot does not get mentioned in the same breath as classics like Casablanca or Citizen Kane is that a genuine film buff does not consider Marilyn Monroe’s best work during her early years to be some of her lesser-known efforts. Much has been said about why she had this dramatic transformation at age 24; bringing it back up here could go with what I stated earlier and there being narrative history on both sides.

While also acknowledging that although likable characters don’t make great acting roles, they are still an important piece to the puzzle. Some Like It Hot is not exactly perfect, but it’s often overlooked simply because of how famous Marilyn Monroe became so quickly, and flaws like unnatural performances, a third-rate script or overall shoddy direction were ground most under her overrated coattails in later years.

Ending Explanation of The Movie Some Like It Hot

Ending Explanation of The Movie Some Like It Hot

Some Like It Hot is a comedy-drama set during the Prohibition era in Chicago. Joe (Jack Lemmon) and Jerry (Tony Curtis) are two musicians who coincidentally meet at a hotel while on tour. The men are attracted to each other, but their respective girlfriends order them not to see each other again.

Although they initially comply, the two get caught up in an outrageous series of adventures that take them from one wild night to the next. It’s just a complete mess of fun and yet try as they may, it somehow feels like you’re never quite sure if They’ll be together or apart at every step.

which is enough entertaining material on its own that I still only gave this movie 2 ½ stars out of 5. Without trying too hard, but with everything new done right, nothing in life can come close to what an authentic depiction of the end times could offer.

Suppose you’re knowledgeable and keep an open mind. In that case, it’s still possible to accept how weird things are going on today as not being a morality tale or God ushering His judgment, especially when I literally see every facet of American Culture fall apart.

It is so easy to spot Higher Powers in the Bible, but what use would that be since their core focus was spiritual growth? The timing for this movie happened during February 1943 – April 1944, which would be perfect if it did not involve the most important aspects of normal life about which we’ve lost awareness, distracted, or perverted.

The Main Idea Of The Movie Some Like It Hot

The movie Some Like It Hot is about two men who are forbidden to be together because their girlfriends have arranged it. Despite this, the two men get caught up in a series of adventures that take them from one wild night to the next. The movie is given a rating of 6.8 out of 10 on IMDB and the award for best screenwriting which it received, came from Walter Wanger in 1944.

This should give viewers enough to go off after trying this new film though some say that they wished they had gone into other genres instead, especially when accepted as one who struggles with mental illness yet tries to never abandon hope – I’m amazed by people who have such strong faith in people and can’t see how they too would be treated.

About Carol, Susan Anne Ritts is an American journalist who has written two books of poetry, ” One Man’s State of Mind: A Journalist/Poet Reflective Journey In An Age of Dysfunction,” which was published in 1999 by McFarland & Company Inc, Chicago. Her articles sometimes refer to Jewish myths or Elie Wiesel, Muhamed Ali, and Ram Dass.

Comparing one day as if it were the only so than to compare two days with an exact description of how horrible it was. ” Each crisis represents a step toward my mastery over life, each moment a chance for me to affirm that I am indeed master in my own house.”

Some Like It Hot Movie Hidden Meaning

Many did not know the meaning of the film Some Like It Hot; one reason may be because they had never heard or seen it. Many others were unfamiliar with making mistakes, and partners went missing, if you can call them that in human relationships. The loose ends seem to come together quite nicely.

Still, the worry must be appreciated at this point since there are many decisions to make as a result of all that has happened so far between these two people who see each other in such a way that the only time they seem to come together is when one or both are in trouble. The intention of this film was definitely to bring global pop culture science fiction into its first U.S presentation on July 11.

Depending on other reviews, you may want to keep reading; if so, please do not hesitate as I will be updating with more information soon enough. “Nobody ever grows up exactly like the girl he loves.” Melville The Hunter the hunted is a popular theme throughout human culture; we all have some image or mental picture of what “makes” us who and what we are. The voice that calls you to action because there is something greater behind it all regardless of whether this sounds reasonable or not, but seldom do people ask questions why?

Many adventures take place in conscious lucid awareness with wild rewards when earned levels up depending on intentionality. However, many seem not to be aware they often have weathered trials in the past. In a manner speaking, those from non-physical dimensions can speak to us but are not visible and cannot be seen nor contacted with great effort or equipment selection.

Based on their expression, it is clear that there is much more going on than what meets one’s senses at all times; perception for life must reflect who you see yourself as rather than being dependent upon others’ opinions or perceptions.

The Ending Of The Movie Some Like It Hot

With the impending release of Some Like It Hot on July 11, we can expect more news and reviews to come in as the film nears its theatrical debut. However, at this time, Warner Brothers have not released an ending for the movie. All that is known is that it “ends with a bang.” There is a theory that the Wild West sheriff and bandit(s) die in an explosion.

The storyline doesn’t clarify how they died or what their relationships are with each other, but there were two bandits working together at some point (possibly related). There was also a general feeling among fans that Jack Lemmon’s wife was connected somehow to another character, although whether she dies or not remains unclear. We know for sure that a hero survives (Triple H), and three characters meet their demise.

Some Like It Hot Movie Ending Explanation

Some Like It Hot Movie Ending Explanation

There is no one definitive answer to the question of the movie Some Like It Hot’s ending. However, some people believe that the Wild West sheriff and bandit(s) die in an explosion at the end of the film. This could be because they are fighting each other or possibly because something explodes near them. Additionally, it is possible that Jack Lemmon’s wife is connected to another character and dies as a result.

Whatever happens in between the young woman throwing the gun in a trash can and who shoots who is unclear, but three characters meet their death. The hero survives and shows no ill effects from his bullet wounds. Many people believe that the heroes shoot each other with guns or hit them with bats, believing it to be unrealistic for someone to survive being shot multiple times by stainless steel objects covered in barbs as if designed by experts on blade combat.


Some Like It Hot is a unique film. The film is about three different women in different times of their lives who are all connected to the same man. They go through a number of events that tie them together and make them want to take revenge on him for his previous actions. They stick together through certain trials and tribulations.

Throughout the course of the film, they grow in maturity as characters. They are all pretty different from one another yet manage to work together due to their passion for each other’s vengeance plans across four decades throughout time and place. The movie is interesting on several fronts, so there isn’t any reason you shouldn’t watch it if you have an hour or two free!


1.Why Is It Called Some Like It Hot?

Ans: Some Like It Hot is a 1959 American romantic comedy film directed by Billy Wilder and starring Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, and Jack Lemmon. Wilder and I.A.L. Diamond wrote the screenplay.

The film tells the story of two people who are forced to go on the run from the police after one of them commits a murder. They end up living in a stolen truck and staying at various hotels across Los Angeles while trying to avoid capture.

2.What Happens In The Movie Some Like It Hot?

  1. In Some Like It Hot, two criminals, Joe and Jack, are forced to flee from Miami to Chicago after a heist goes wrong. Along the way, they disguise themselves as women and take on various jobs as women in order to make ends meet.
  2. One of the most famous scenes in the movie is when Joe and Jack go to a speakeasy called The Copacabana, where they try out for a show that features female impersonators.
  3. Another scene often discussed is when Joe and Jack are in jail and meet a woman named Sugar, who helps them escape.

3.Were Some Like It Hot Banned?

Ans: Several films (for instance, Lady Sings the Blues and The Crying Game) have been banned in different countries or regions of many countries. Some Like It Hot was never banned by any country on its release date but has since become infamous for being a controversial movie that serves to stir up controversy just because it is so quotable!

4.Is There A Color Version Of Some Like It Hot?

Ans: There is only the Black and White version of Some Like It Hot.

5.What Genre Are Some Like It Hot?

Ans: Some Like It Hot is a comedy film.

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