Southampton Island Of North America



Southampton Island Of North America


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North America is brimming with geographical wonders that are so abundant that it seems like one long list of picturesque and rewarding places to visit. Southampton Island of North America joins the list and proves your reasons-why-not to uproot.

This piece of the continent is home to a wondrous marine ecosystem. It is far away from other continents but is just a two-hour flight away, making this place accessible to anyone who wants to travel there. Here, you will find steep cliffs, rugged coastlines, rolling hills covered in green grass, and some of the best birding spots in North America.

Southampton Island Of North America


The island was first sighted by a French expedition in 1607 and named Isle St. Jean after King James I of England. The English claimed the island for their own in 1775, naming it after the Earl of Southampton who had sponsored the voyage.

In 1825, an American Fur Company settlement was established on the island and until 1922 it served as a whaling station during the peak years of its industry (1820-1905). In 1870, the island was surveyed by Frenchman Louis Mandeville and renamed Naviculae Island.

Flights to Southampton Island Of North America from Canada are very limited in selection at this time but you can easily get around with a car or transport costs will be cheap enough for most people to manage.



The climate on the island is subtropical. Summers are very warm and humid with temperatures reaching up to 33 degrees Celsius, while winters can be quite cold, ranging in temperature from -10 degrees Celsius to 5 degrees Celsius.

Winters usually last for about three months and summers for five. The climate is a result of the brutal stormy waters which surround the island, causing rain most days during summer along with foggy mornings in the spring and fall seasons. Winds are also very strong in wintertime relentlessly sweeping across areas leaving little branches to drop ice from trees.



Somerset Islanders are a proud people who have preserved their culture and traditions for centuries. The islanders are multilingual with English, French, Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic and Mi’kmaq all spoken on the island.

The music scene is vibrant with various artists performing throughout the year in local pubs and venues. Crafts such as basketry, jewelry making and pottery can be found in many stores on the island while traditional foods include lobster rolls, scrod and beans.

On the many second-hand shops found on-island you may find a variety of locally produced plastic items including key rings, cutlery sets and carvings which are usually painted in bright colors.

In the past, there was limited electric power available to islanders until 1968 when an improvised electrical generator run by gas from mainland Newfoundland came through heavy rainwater causing serious damage downing several power poles and uprooting trees. Even after this incident electricity was not connected until 1972 on a small scale with individuals being the only ones to have power in their homes at that time.



The political landscape in Newfoundland and Labrador is complex with three major political parties: the Progressive Conservatives, New Democrats, and Liberals. The island of Newfoundland has had a turbulent history with many referendums taking place over the years on issues such as provincial hood, independence, or unionism.

In 1995 a plebiscite was held which saw majority support for joining Canada as one province but this proposal failed when it did not receive the required unanimous approval of other provinces.

In 2003 a second referendum was held which saw two options: “Canada or Independence with unchanged legal and economic relationship or an Independent Island.” The islanders then voted 55% for independence, 43% for Canada, and 2% went to both.

In spite of this result, many still consider Newfoundland as part of the United Kingdom until all issues have been settled between these parties regarding dual unionism/independence status amongst the three parties. This is because a vote by the islanders to return to Canada would be seen as an acceptance of dual unionism under federal jurisdiction and loss of independent status.

Government services

Government Services

The government of Newfoundland and Labrador is headed by the Premier who is appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Lieutenant Governor. The Premier then appoints ministers who are responsible for various aspects of government policy.

Most services are delivered through municipally run hospitals, schools, police departments, etc. There are also quasi-governmental bodies such as NL Power Corporation which oversees electricity generation and transmission in Newfoundland and Labrador.



Tourism is a major industry on the island of Newfoundland and Labrador. The primary attractions are the natural beauty of the province, its thriving fishing industry, and the Atlantic coastline.

There are several official tourism destinations in Newfoundland and Labrador including St John’s, Corner Brook, Placentia Bay and Port aux Basques. There are also numerous unofficially designated tourist spots such as Gorey Beach, Signal Hill National Monument and L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site. Tourism plays a major role in the economy, accounting for 8.1% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).


Transportation on Abbott Island

The primary transport network in Newfoundland and Labrador is the provincial road system. The province has a population of around 470,000 people so it relies heavily on its road network to connect different parts of the island. There are also several airports including Gander International Airport, Deer Lake Airport, and St John’s International Airport which cater to both civil and military aviation needs.



The cuisine of Newfoundland and Labrador is heavily influenced by the Irish, English, and French settlers that arrived over the years. Dishes such as bangers and mash, fish ‘n’ chips, macaroni pie, and shepherd’s pie are all popular in the province.



The wildlife of Newfoundland and Labrador is diverse and includes a wide variety of animals that can be found in both the rural areas as well as urban centers. Some of the more popular wildlife species in the province include whales, seals, moose, black bears, caribou and wolves.


Southampton Island is a Canadian island located in the Beaufort Sea. It is located in the Arctic Ocean, north of the Mackenzie Delta, in Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut. The island is named after the English county of Southampton, England.

The island is the northernmost of Canada’s three offshore islands located in the Arctic Ocean, and has a length of 46 km (28 mi) and an area of 638 km2 (246 sq mi). Southampton Island’s area varies from 15.6 km2 (6.1 sq mi) in Mackenzie Bay to 613 km2 (232 sq mi) in Haughton Bay. It is accessible from the mainland only by floatplanes.


What Is Canada’s Most Northern Island?

Southampton Island is Canada’s most northern island.

What Is The Island Off Southampton?

Southampton Island is a Canadian island located in the Beaufort Sea. It is accessible from the mainland only by floatplanes and has an area of 638 km2 (246 sq mi).

Does Anyone Live On Southampton Island?

No, there are no permanent residents on Southampton Island.

Where Is Southampton Island?

Southampton Island is located in the Arctic Ocean, north of the Mackenzie Delta, in Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut.

Are There Any Trees In Baffin Island? 

No, Baffin Island is completely treeless.

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