Spike Island



Spike Island


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In a world where corporate, political and governmental influence seems to rule all, a private island in the Bahamas seems like something out of fairy tale. In attendance are all the hard-working men and women who are responsible for running whatever private business that forms the backbone of the country. After colonisation, this island has been the scene of many political and entrepreneurial activities. The people working on the island have helped design the country that we’ve got today.

Spike Island


The island was given to Bahamian private company, United Caribbean Co. Ltd in 1971 by the government of Trinidad and Tobago which operates a refining facility here. The name Spike Island comes from Estero de Bolasco, who during her time as resident magistrate on Ponce claimed this land for Spain One such famous American businessman who built his cotton mill here is John Fitch (1652-1719). His own development at Old Bahama Head began in 1712, but the mill was not up and running until 1727.

The island has been the home of a number of sugar estates – most notably Fort Pitt Estate (established c1793) and Town Point Estate (established 1815).

Banking establishments were established here as early as 1841 when Palmer, Nash & Co., one of the oldest banking houses at Nassau became operational.

In 1898


Under the tropical tropic climate on a given day, it can range from 25 °C to 29.4 temperatures at 8.58am The average temperature in June is 27 °C and the rainfall ranges from 293mm to 313.3mm

In March, the maximum relative humidity – at 65% during morning hours, then becomes 93%, falling further until reaching 63% (by evening)

Nighttime lows decrease drastically compared with daytime highs: between 6-15 degrees depending on highest local averages of 24 degrees Celsius in the afternoon.

The historical record indicates that average crossing sea levels first decreased and then increased as a result of storm surges after 1667, although absolute measurements of water level on Spike Island are not known until 1951 .

Due to increasing New England hurricane accounts during 2007-2008 there was a spike in direct insurance claims from hurricanes Andrew (1992) and Ivan (2004), which further associated spikes in demand for overall coverage throughout the years 2002.



Residents of Spike Island refer to themselves as “Spike-ites” or simply “The Spike”. The island’s culture is known for spear fishing and hunting. They are also very close knit, making it easy for outsiders to become a part of the community over time (for example during Hurricane Ivan on September 20, 2004)

On its abundant wooded hill above sea level can be found a number of plantations: Bahama Palm and Ligustrum trees dominate the lower elevations while more mature hardwoods such as Overhill Redcedar, Cyprus Pine and Eastern Hemlock can be found near the summit.

Due to Spike Island’s isolation (being located in the middle of an open ocean) there is a lack of television or radio reception.



Travelers coming to Spike Island can expect to see a very relaxed, small-town type of culture where residents genuinely enjoy spending time with each other.

Visitors are welcome at any time of the year and there is no need for reservations – simply show up!  Due to its remote location, however, tourists should be prepared for slow internet speeds and limited cell phone service. The island is home to a small grocery store and two gas stations.

If you are looking for more than just groceries, however, the closest town on Spike Island is Kemp Town (population: 95), which has a pharmacy, bank, hardware store and other amenities.


Spike Island has two public bridges that span the adjoining inlet. A ferry connects Spike and Kemp Town, while smaller private boats can be chartered on a limited basis for fishing trips or sight-seeing excursions to nearby Wreck Reef and San Juanico Bridge National Monument. The island of Nova Scotia was visited by John Cabot, who sailed from Bristol England August 4–19, 1497 Spikes main bridge.


Spike Island is the only place on Nova Scotia’s East Coast where you can find fresh lobster and oysters. Shellfish season generally runs from October to early April, with daily catch reports by phone if not in person. While fish does indeed abound off of Spike Island, this bounty would be greatly appreciated more so than back home because unlike many other places Canada-wide; there are no major supermarkets or chain stores nearby offering anything but frozen seafood. Local Taste

Spike Island is a small fishing community that thrives on local commerce. As such; vendors who stock fresh shellfish will regularly visit to sell and cook for their customers, or have them drop in at their home-made crab trap shack which offers the best ingredients at half price! It’s also possible to rent boating gear by the day so you can attend any of these marketing opportunities. Spike islanders are proud of what they have and love to share their island with visitors.



Spike Island has a colony of feral goats that roam the island, although goats generally do not bother people. Other than ferals (which can and will nibble on apples), feathers are one other unusual local wildlife sighting; tomtits have been observed nesting on houses in several locations around town as well as pecking holes beside small flora clumps and trees.

Along with pigs also live wild boars which enter towns only rarely if at all , making a normal residents last defensive wall-in one must expect to be violated by hogs in the woods. Research shows that wild boars, though feral, are slowly being eliminated and have been since 1912 due to habitat loss of swamplands which they require. Wild boar populations are easily protected as they inhabit wilderness areas inaccessible and out-of civilities except on special occasions such as hog hunting weekends from Bowden’s Road due south.


While Spike Island is far from being a tourist attraction, its location along the coastal area of Bermuda and changeable weather conditions has encouraged divers (divers can be easily expected in any marinas equipped with dive platforms,) to start exploring the island for fish and other marine life presents. The local fishing communities are proud of their efforts at economic viability despite occasional water shortages .This sense of pride has developed into learning opportunities around sustainability as well as applying enough pressure.


What Is Spike Island?How Does Spike Island Work?

Spike Island is a feature of Bermuda. It’s located in the western part of Bermuda, is probably best known for its intense winds that potentially threaten shipping and lives with hurricane force 10+ gust & wave surges.

There are two parts to Spike Island: The East or Domestic side, where most people live/work; and the West or International Side (with no residences). Both sides have varying levels of access restrictions depending on.

Can I Get Addicted To Spike Island?

It’s possible to become addicted, although with a little abstinence it will pass. Just make sure you time your visits when the winds are calmer for maximum enjoyment! There is normally only one person at the Government Dockyard that has any clearance and access rights over Spike Island; But why would anyone want to be there in such strong conditions ? See our FAQ article “Why go into hurricane force 10 offshore

Is Spike Island Worth Visiting?

There are benefits and attractions at both the Dom/Academy side (East) & Internacional side (West), but check out what you might enjoy. See our FAQ for more information.

Do People Still Live On Spike Island?

No, the residents of Spike Island have been relocated to a new section of Bermuda. Both sides are safe places for people and needs so there is no need for an affinity with one side over the other; nor dangerous conditions that affect their residences on either hand .

Does Spike Island Really Work And How Long Does It Take For Me To Start Seeing Results From Using It?

The results from Spike Island will vary from person to person; with most those who use it in the 4-6 week range getting cardiovascular benefits, weight loss and possible detox action. You may see real differences after one month but take your time slowly healing yourself back into health, adding a good exercise program as part of that process can be fantastic! The exercises should be done slowly to give you all the benefits they offer.

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