Stephens Island – Full Details



Stephens Island


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Stephens Island is a granite-topped island located in the western Pacific Ocean about 1,500 kilometers southeast of Auckland, New Zealand. The island has an area of 416 square kilometers, making it the world’s second-largest isthmus. It is administratively part of the Napier–Hastings district of New Zealand’s North Island and is part of the New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone.

Stephens Island History

Stephens Island

The island was first sighted by the Dutch expedition of Abel Tasman in 1642 and named Zealandia after Holland. The French explorer Louis-Antoine de Bougainville charted the island in 1768, calling it Ile des Stephens (Island of Stephens).

It was not until 1821 that a British whaling ship, HMS Cygnet, landed on the southeast coast of the isthmus and named it for Captain John C lements Markham, who had recently lost his own isthmus. The French name was altered in 1888 to the Island of Stephens

Ile Louis Du Val German occupation (1905–1909) named it for a whaling captain called Dieser would make an error in naming Puerto Rico after Christopher Columbus when he christened that southern coastal port San Juan on June 7, 1493.



The climate is influenced by the surrounding ocean and vegetation. The annual average temperature ranges from 18 °C on the east coast to 25 °C on the west coast. Precipitation is high, averaging 780 mm per year. The island has extensive areas of moist, south-eastern vegetation that typify New Zealand’s temperate rainforest.

Dated rock formations and fossils indicate that the isthmus was formed 600 million years ago when a seafloor formation called an axial basin broke off from what currently is Africa into Rodhocetopsida Antarctica.


The island has a granite summit with an altitude of 1,689 meters above sea level and is surrounded by deep ocean waters that drop quickly to depths of 3,000 m. The surface rocks are up to 200 million years old, having produced pyroclastic rocks. The island is submerged by the Pacific Plate whose normal seafloor spreading rate introduced a microplate and mantle plume to the area in Eocene Times.

Xenaclimate modelling shows that after about 50 Myr Au sources deliver 55% of zircon enriched volcanic material spread across the entire width of Zealandia from northwest to southeast coasts between 30 degrees-50 degrees north latitude (not only the Antarctic region).


Culture and Religion

Polynesian culture is believed to have originated from the Cook Islands and spread to New Zealand. The traditional Māori way of life is based on hunting, fishing and gathering. In 2007, the island was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Most of the population uses a dialect of English. A number of languages have been used in New Zealand.

The original inhabitants, the Māori, had distinct dialects within their large family and could not communicate with each other due to these differences. In 1850 a missionary named Samuel Marsden wrote an alphabet for Standard Maori language based on that developed by William Jones during his travels in the South Pacific Ocean area.



New Zealand has a parliamentary system with a Queen on the throne who is represented by a governor-general. The prime minister is head of government and holds executive authority, while the parliamentarians are responsible for legislating. New Zealand has universal suffrage, which means all citizens over 18 years old have the right to vote.

People registered to vote are allowed to select the party of their choice. The New Zealand national election is a very important part of Māori tradition and culture in that aspect it has become known as “the Crown Election” (or haka) meaning“to make sacred or It also means, ‘an earnest appeal for victory at a sports match or in war’.

Government services

Government services

The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) is responsible for defending the country and its people. The NZDF is a volunteer force who serve with distinction. In addition, there are several other government services that are of importance to the Māori community, such as health and education. Education in New Zealand

The system of education is currently separated into primary, secondary, tertiary and vocational. In the Māori language it is referred to as “kiwi ranga”, meaning bush that grows flowers”. All forms of school provided by government are free of charge and are fairly successful in both university admission rates when compared with other countries or regions around the world. Parents have been involved with their children’s schooling from an early age.



New Zealand is a popular tourist destination for those travelling to different parts of the world. A range of attractions are available including stunning natural landscapes, dramatic skiing and snowboarding locations and vibrant cities filled with historical sites.

New Zealand also offers an impressive array of activities such as hiking, cycling and sky diving that make it ideal for travellers who enjoy seeing new places while enjoying thrilling activities at the same time.


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New Zealand has an extensive network of transport that connects the different parts of the country. There are also a number of ferries and airlines that provide regular flights between New Zealand’s various islands. The country is rural and surrounded by sea, which makes the transport of goods from one part to another feasible.

Used cars can also be shipped throughout New Zealand via a process known as trucking. For many years the shipping industry has been an integral part of New Zealand’s economic structure because it provides oil along with other products used in various manufacturing processes that make up significant parts of its economy.



New Zealand has a wide variety of cuisine that reflects the different cultures that have influenced the country over time. Dishes such as pizza, empanadas and hamburgers are popular in New Zealand, but there is also a range of more traditional dishes such as kumara (sweet potato), beef and lamb burgers, sheep’s head and fried tofu.

There are restaurants located all around the country that specialize in particular types of cuisine so visitors can explore a diverse range of cuisines in New Zealand.


Stephens Island is an uninhabited island in the Chatham Islands group which lies southeast of New Zealand’s South Island. It is a nature reserve and a bird sanctuary. The island was named by Captain James Cook after his patron, the Honourable John Stephens, 1st Baron Althorp.


1.How Is Stephens Island Administratively Part Of New Zealand’s North Island?

Ans: Stephens Island is administratively part of the Napier–Hastings district in the North Island of New Zealand. It lies within the Chatham Islands group, but it is not a dependency of Auckland. The island was originally administered by Wellington until 1916 when it became part of Auckland Province.

2.Can I Stay On Stephens Island?

Ans: No. There are no permanent residents or regular visitors on the island, and there is a restriction on any commercial activity arising from one’s presence.

3.How Long Has Stephens Island Been An Island?

Ans: According to geologist Philip Ashton New Zealand had been gradually sinking due to movement in the earth’s crust for more than fifty million years prior to 1886 when mineral deposits were discovered at Waihau Bay between Napier Harbour and Hastings.

4.Is The Climate Of Stephens Island Cold Or Dry?

Ans: The air temperature ranges from an average minimum in winter to a high in summer of 31°C and rarely reaches more than 24°C. Rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year, averaging just under 300 mm annually.

5.What Can I Do While I Am There?

Ans: The Department of Conservation maintains a visitor centre and is responsible for the island’s day-to-day management. As well, there are several conservation projects underway on Stephens Island which are funded by partners including ACC (cooperative wildlife sanctuary) down the hill at Port Davey or in Wellington (wetland restoration).

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