Tanaga Island



Tanaga Island


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Tanaga Island is a Canadian island located in Lake Superior. The island has a population of about 350 and is the largest of the islands in the archipelago. The village of Tanaga, located on the east side of the island, is the only settlement on the island. The primary economic activities are tourism, forestry, and fishing. The island is part of the Sioux Narrows First Nation. The island has a rich cultural heritage, including a tanning industry that has been in operation for over 100 years.

Tanaga Island


Tanaga Island is the largest of the islands in the archipelago and was first mapped by Europeans in 1614. The area around Tanaga Island was inhabited by First Nations peoples for thousands of years. The island’s primary economic activity, forestry, began in the nineteenth century. During World War II, a military airfield was built on Tanaga Island to support operations against Japanese forces operating in North America.

The population of Tanagar Village decreased significantly during Prohibition (1920-1933), when alcohol sales were outlawed throughout Canada. However, following repeal of prohibition, new businesses quickly emerged to fill the void.

The island also has an interesting history of cultural expression, such as a tanning industry that was in operation for over 100 years and is still active today on the eastern portion of Tanaga Island. The villages began around 1868 when one immigrant from France built himself a small home at what is now known as Parish’le Verte (white cottage), but his family started moving up to secluded cottages and ultimately made them their permanent residences by 1920 where French-speaking residents reside today. Of note are five “Tanagoe” blocks; near Archib ald Street (above Heron Bay), Raynal Avenue, Gordon Street, MacLean Avenue and Fisherman Creek.

The settlement is also the site of whale watching activities during appropriate seasons and scenic beauty which claims to be among top ten in Canada. In more recent years however Tanaga Island has seen a rapid population increase with at least two major housing developments completed on both halves of the island that now sit well within 500 metres separation distance between each other as a result pressures are once again increasing for schools and library facilities around sea wards canada’s southern lakes/coasts mainlines transportation corridors.


The climate on Tanaga island is classified as “Cfa” by the Köppen-Geiger climate classification system. This means that it has a humid continental climate, with cool to cold winters and hot summers. The average temperature ranges from −3 degrees Celsius in January to 25 degrees Celsius in July. The island is surrounded by cool waters.

The main industries on the island are commercial fishing, wood plants (logging and lumber mills), tanning of leather hides and treatment for stone sand products; some quarries producing limestone, dolomite or marble products as well as camping facilities for visitors needing rest stops during their summer-time trip to Canada’s Hot Springs Capital located nearby in Heron Bay area. A wide variety of wildlife thrives upon Tanaga Island National Park including crows, raccoons deer mice skunks foxes squirrels muskrat moose pine martin , beaver, otter, hare rabbits and weasels to mention a few.


Tanaga Island is home to the Tanaga First Nation whose culture has been closely intertwined with that of the island for centuries. Today, there are a number of businesses and services operated by members of the community, including a post office and three schools. There is also an active volunteer committee which assists in various projects on the island.


Tanaga Island is represented by the Member of Parliament for the riding of Kings—Victoria. The Member of Parliament for the riding is MP John Duncan.

Philip Ralston served as interim mayor between 2009 and 2011, then again in February 2013 to replace Todd Meekison who was subsequently elected Mayor of Campbell River. The current Mayor as at 2015-08-21 has been Arnold Palminteri from 1991 – 1994, Joseph Caceres from 1997 – 2001; Glenn Mitchell first contested election elcted councillor in 2008 until he resigned not being eligible for re election law passed that year makes one ineligible for another term after 12 years so 18 are needed nomination vote possible self also resigned as mayor on July 18, 2011.

Tanner Double from Botanical Gardens NPA is currently the Mayor of Tanaga Island and Campbell River City Council until 2016-17 election came to a close when Terry Hill resigned after losing his seat at city council in 2015 by acclamation.

Government services

The Tanaga Island post office is located on the island. There are also three schools on the island; a kindergarten, an elementary school and a secondary school. The Government of Canada operates a general store and health clinic on the island as part of its program of providing basic services to remote communities.

The economy of Tanaga Island is based largely upon tourism, although there are also some small businesses engaged in commercial activity. The main attractions on the island are its natural amenities, including lakes, rivers and forests; and the cultural heritage associated with its First Nation community . Through its First Nations partners, the Campbell River Indian Band manages almost 500 acres of land on Tanaga Island whose main economic activity is commercial fishing.

The community also has a ferry connection to Horseshoe Bay and runs daily scheduled tours as well as charters year-round with operator Mary Luikinga of Seamasters Charters Ltd., which provide transportation to Vancouver/Victoria.


Tanaga Island is the largest and most northerly island in the Aleutian Islands. It is located in the Bering Sea, east of Unalaska Island and west of Attu Island, with a total land area of 6.0 square miles (15 km2). Administratively, Tanaga Island is part of the Unalaska Borough of the Unalaska Region of Alaska. The site is important because it held evidence of human habitation by 12,000 years ago.


What Are The Aleutian Islands?

The Aleutian Islands are a chain of volcanic islands in the North Pacific Ocean. The largest and most northerly of these is Tanaga Island, located east of Unalaska Island and west of Attu Island. With a total land area of 6 square miles (15 km2), it is the largest island in the archipelago. Administratively, Tanaga Island is part of the Unalaska Borough within the Unalaska Region of Alaska.

The island is important because it held evidence of human habitation by 12,000 years ago.

What Does The Aleutian Cultural Heritage Include?

Tanaga Island’s rich cultural heritage includes a tanning industry that has been in operation for over 100 years. The traditional way of tanners extracting animal skin from animals was to scrape off the flesh with sharpened stones and then place the skins on wooden frames to preserve them. Today, this process is still used, but modern methods have been developed that use harsher chemicals. Other aspects of Tanaga Island’s culture include subsistence fishing and

How Many People Live On Tanaga Island?

There are only a few people living on Tanaga Island today, most of whom are members of the Tanaga Island Native Corporation.

Who Rules Tanaga Island?

Tanaga Island is a part of the Unalaska Borough of the Unalaska Region of Alaska. The local government on Tanaga Island is the Tanaga Island Native Corporation, which was established in 1968 to manage and protect the island’s cultural resources and promote economic development that benefits all residents.

What Is Tanaga Island’s Economy Based On?

Today, the main economic activity on Tanaga Island is subsistence fishing. The island also has a small tannery that uses harsh chemicals to extract animal skin, but this industry is in decline due to competition from other areas of the world.

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