All About Of Tanegashima Island – Everything You Need to Know



Tanegashima Island


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Tanegashima Island is one of the most isolated islands in Japan, lying some 335 kilometers south of Fukushima prefecture.

The island, which has an area of 3.2 square kilometers, is home to around 1,000 people, who live in a few villages, the largest of which is Hoshino. Tanegashima is famous for its Ryukyu Islands sweet potato, a cultivar that has been developed locally.

All About Of Tanegashima Island

Tanegashima Island



Tanegashima Island is located in the Seto Inland Sea and is part of the Tanegashima City. The island was first inhabited in the early Jōmon period (11,700-4,500 BP). Archeological evidence suggests that people have been living on the island since at least the Yayoi period (3,000-1,500 BC). In 1542, Spanish explorer Hasekura Tsunenaga noted a shipwreck near the island and named it Isla de Tanegashima.

The island came under Japanese control in 1869. It was made a part of Kagoshima Prefecture in 1897. The Japanese military used the island as a testing ground for mustard gas before World War II. After World War II, the island became a stronghold for guerrillas who opposed government policies. The island was finally captured by Japanese forces on July 17, 1945 and officially annexed to Japan on October 1, 1945.



The geography of Tanegashima Island is dominated by the Yakuza, a criminal syndicate with significant influence in the politics and economy of the island. The group has been linked to organized crime, extortion, and contract killings throughout the Shimane, Tottori, and Okayama Prefectures.


Tanegashima Island is located in the Seto Inland Sea and has a humid subtropical climate. The island is home to several types of forests, including broadleaf woodlands, mixed deciduous woods, and coniferous forests. There are also many plantations of sweet potatoes.


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the population of Tanegashima Island will vary depending on a number of factors, including the time of year. However, according to recent estimates, the island’s population may stand at around 20,000 people.


The economy of Tanegashima Island is highly specialized due to the island’s small population and limited resources. The main sources of income are agriculture, fisheries, and tourism. Agricultural production is focused on the production of sweet potatoes, barley, apples, grapes, and persimmons.

Fisheries employ a large percentage of the workforce in the cold-water fishery for tuna, yellowtail tuna, mackerel, and sardines. Tourism is an important part of the island’s economy with visitors coming for the scenic beauty and unique culture.



The climate of Tanegashima Island is highly variable, due to the influence of the Seto Inland Sea. Summers are hot and humid, while winters can be cold and windy.

Culture and Religion

Tanegashima Island is a small, isolated island located in the Seto Inland Sea, about 120 kilometers southeast of Osaka. The island is home to the Tanegashima Jinja, a Shinto shrine dedicated to the goddess Benzaiten. The island’s population is mostly Christian, with a small percentage of adherents to other religions. Japanese customs and beliefs are still widely observed, and there is little foreign influence on daily life.

The culture of Tanegashima Island is characterized by its traditional values and strong belief in Shintoism. The island’s inhabitants are deeply patriotic, and they take great pride in their history and culture. They are also very friendly and welcoming, always eager to show foreigners around town.

The religion of Tanegashima Island is predominantly Christian. There are a few Buddhist temples on the island, but they are relatively small in number and have not had a significant impact on the culture as a whole.

Christianity first arrived on the island in the early 1900s, when Christian missionaries began arriving from mainland Japan. Since then, the religion has gradually become more popular, and there are now about half a million Christians living on Tanegashima Island.


The predominant language on Tanegashima Island is Japanese, but English is also commonly spoken.


The island is home to a number of schools, both public and private. The majority of students attend school on the mainland, but there are also a few schools on the island that cater specifically to children from Tanegashima Island. Most students enter high school after completing their primary education on the island.


Tanegashima Island is a part of the Tanegashima Prefecture, which is in the southernmost region of Japan. The prefecture elects its own governor, and it has a very close relationship with the national government in Tokyo.

Government Services

There are no government services available on the island. All public services, including healthcare and emergency response, are provided by the national government in Tokyo.


Tourism is one of the most important industries in Japan, and Tanegashima Island is no exception. The island has a long history of tourism, dating back to the Edo Period (1603-1868). Today, it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan and is known for its beautiful landscapes, culture, and history.

There are a number of ways to enjoy Tanegashima Island as a tourist. You can visit the famous Inland Sea and soak up the natural beauty of the island or explore the many historical sites. There are also plenty of attractions for those who love shopping and enjoying delicious food. If you’re looking for a relaxing vacation, Tanegashima Island is definitely worth exploring!

Hotels and Resorts List

There are a number of hotels and resorts on Tanegashima Island. You can search for vacancies and book rooms online, or contact the accommodations directly to make your reservation.

Pre-Departure Tips

Here are some tips to help prepare for your trip to Tanegashima Island:

  1. research the island’s attractions beforehand; you’ll want to have a good idea of what you’d like to see before you arrive
  2. be aware of the weather conditions; this island can be quite hot in summer and cold in winter
  3. pack your sunscreen, hats, and sunglasses; the island can get quite bright during the day.
  4. have your passport and tickets ready; you’ll need to show them to get access to many of the island’s attractions
  5. be prepared for long lines at some of the more popular tourist spots; it’s worth it to enjoy all that this beautiful island has to offer!


The most popular attractions on Tanegashima Island include the Isla de la Juventud (Island of Youth) and the Tanegashima Observatory. The Isla de la Juventud is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is home to the world’s second-largest coral reef system.

The Tanegashima Observatory is a facility operated by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) that houses one of the world’s most advanced telescopes. Other attractions on the island include the Tanegashima Marine Park, which encompasses a variety of habitats including coral reefs, mangroves, seagrasses, and rocky shores.


There are a number of activities available on Tanegashima Island, including scuba diving, snorkeling, cycling, hiking, and fishing. Some of the more popular sites for these activities include the Isla de la Juventud and the Tanegashima Marine Park.


The island is accessible by ferry from the Japanese mainland. ferries depart from Chitose, Hokkaido and arrive at Tanegashima Island’s port of Itazuke. There are also regular buses that travel between the city of Kushiro on the Japanese mainland and Tanegashima Island.



The cuisine of Tanegashima Island is similar to that of the Japanese mainland, but there are a few local dishes worth trying. One example is tane-zuke (a type of mixed seafood dish), which can be found in restaurants throughout the island.


Thank you for reading our article on Tanegashima Island. In conclusion, we think it’s clear that this island is a must-see for anyone traveling to Japan. With its beautiful landscape and interesting history, Tanegashima is definitely a place not to be missed.


1.What Are The Transport Options Available To Get To Tanegashima Island?

Ans. There are a number of transportation options available to get to Tanegashima Island, including ferries from the Japanese mainland and buses.

2.What Is The Best Time Of Year To Visit Tanegashima Island?

Ans. The best time of year to visit Tanegashima Island is generally spring or fall, when the weather is milder.

3.What Is The Tourist Infrastructure Like On Tanegashima Island?

Ans. There are a few tourist facilities available on Tanegashima Island, including restaurants and hotels.

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