Taxi Driver- Frequently Asked Questions




Taxi Driver


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Taxi Driver is a 1976 American neo-noir crime film directed by Martin Scorsese, starring Robert De Niro, Cybill Shepherd, and Jodie Foster. It tells the story of Travis Bickle (De Niro), a troubled Vietnam veteran who becomes a taxi driver in New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood.

The 1976 Taxi Driver movie starred Robert De Niro as Travis Bickle, a working-class man in New York City who is caught up in the bloody world of sex and violence surrounding his job as a taxi driver.

Taxi Driver

What is Taxi Driver 1976?

Taxi Driver 1976 is a 1976 American crime film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Paul Schrader. The film stars Robert De Niro, Harvey Keitel, Cybill Shepherd, and Peter Boyle. It tells the story of career criminal Travis Bickle (De Niro) who becomes a taxi driver in Manhattan to make money to support his drug habit.

What is the plot of Taxi Driver 1976?

The plot of Taxi Driver 1976 is the story of Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro), a career criminal who becomes a taxi driver in Manhattan to make money to support his drug habit.

Who directed Taxi Driver 1976?

Martin Scorsese directed Taxi Driver 1976. Scorsese did a marvelous job in directing this movie. Because of his work, Taxi Driver 1976 is considered a classic.

Who wrote Taxi Driver 1976?

Paul Schrader wrote Taxi Driver 1976. Schrader is an accomplished writer and his work in this movie really shines through. He created an emotional story that will stay with you long after the film has ended.

Who starred in Taxi Driver 1976?

Robert De Niro starred in Taxi Driver 1976. De Niro is an excellent actor and he does a fantastic job in this movie. He brings life to Travis Bickle and makes him memorable.

Cybill Shepard also starred in Taxi Driver 1976. Shepard is one of the most popular actresses of the late 20th century and she does a great job in this movie.

Peter Boyle also starred in Taxi Driver 1976. Boyle is an excellent comedic actor and he shines in his role as Wizard.

What were the soundtrack and cast details for Taxi Driver 1976?

The soundtrack for Taxi Driver 1976 was composed by Martin Scorsese and it featured the music of John Lee Hooker, The Velvet Underground, The Rolling Stones, and others. The cast of Taxi Driver 1976 also included Harvey Keitel, Cybill Shepherd, and Peter Boyle.0

What are the ratings and reviews for Taxi Driver 1976?

There are mixed opinions on Taxi Driver 1976. Some people consider it to be a classic, while others find it mediocre. However, overall the movie has received favorable reviews. IMDB has a rating of 7.8/10 of this movie, indicating that it is generally well-received.

What are the best quotes from Taxi Driver 1976?

“You talkin’ to me?” – Travis Bickle “Being a cab driver is like being a priest, only with less income and no benefits.” – Travis Bickle “You know my type. You see them on the street, all dressed up like they can’t afford to be there. But I know what they’re worth.

I could buy you… a nice dinner.” – Travis Bickle to Betsy “You drive. I’ll shoot.” – Travis Bickle to Frankie “I’m not a victim, I’m the avenger of all that’s holy.””You’re too pretty for this shit.” – Travis Bickle to Betsy

Where can I watch a copy of Taxi Driver 1976 on DVD or Blu-ray disc?

You can purchase a copy of Taxi Driver on DVD or Blu-ray discs from retailers like and Local DVD and Blu-ray retailers may also carry a copy.

Why is Taxi Driver (1976) considered a great movie?

Taxi Driver is often considered a great movie because it is an intense and suspenseful drama that tells the story of a man who becomes addicted to drugs and alcohol. It also explores the morality of crime, as well as the psychological implications of addiction.

Do I need to see Taxi Driver (1976) in order to understand the movie “True Grit” (2010)?

No, but both movies are set in the same era and feature a group of characters who all experience different types of challenges. That is why both movies are enjoyable, even if you have not seen the other one.

Which movie has the best henchmen?

There is no clear favorite when it comes to the best henchmen, but both Taxi Driver and True Grit feature strong groups of characters who are willing to fight for their beliefs.

Is Taxi Driver 1976 a true story?

Some people believe that the events in Taxi Driver (1976) really occurred, while others believe that the movie is pure fiction. However, regardless of whether or not taxi driver is based on a true story, it remains one of the most popular and critically acclaimed movies of all time.

Why is Taxi Driver so famous?

There are several reasons why Taxi Driver is so famous. First, it is an intense and suspenseful drama that tells the story of a man who becomes addicted to drugs and alcohol. Second, it explores the morality of crime, as well as the psychological implications of addiction.

Third, its cast features some of Hollywood’s most iconic actors – including Robert De Niro and Al Pacino – which means that even non-devotees can enjoy this movie.

What did the ending of Taxi Driver mean?

The ending of Taxi Driver leaves many people guessing – is the taxi driver finally saved, or has he gone too far? The movie’s ambiguous finale adds to its overall appeal.

What mental illness does Taxi Driver have?

There is no clear answer to this question, as the movie does not explicitly discuss taxi drivers’ mental illness. However, it is generally assumed that he has a form of addiction called “substance abuse disorder”.

Was the end of Taxi Driver a dream?

The ending of Taxi Driver is ambiguous, which has led some people to believe that it is a dream. However, this theory does not have a clear backing – and so it remains largely speculative.

What is the message of Taxi Driver?

There is no one clear message that the movie hopes to communicate, as its plot and characters are complex. However, some have argued that Taxi Driver highlights the dangers of addiction and the importance of rehabilitation.

What was Travis Bickle suffering from?

There is no explicit answer to this question, as the movie does not explicitly discuss Travis Bickle’s mental illness. However, it is generally assumed that he has a form of addiction called “substance abuse disorder”.

Will there be a taxi driver 2?

There is no current news relating to a sequel to Taxi Driver. However, given the popularity of the movie and its complex plot, it seems likely that a sequel would be forthcoming at some point in the future.

What happened to Iris in Taxi Driver?

Iris is not seen again after Travis leaves her waiting in the rain. Some have speculated that she died as a result of being abandoned by Travis, while others believe that she has simply moved on with her life.

How old was Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver?

Jodie Foster was 38 years old when she starred in Taxi Driver. At that age, she was relatively young for a leading actress in Hollywood. She did excellent in her role.

didWhy  Taxi Driver get a mohawk?

This is a question that has puzzled many movie enthusiasts – and there is no clear answer. Some say that the mohawk was added for comic effect, while others believe that it was meant to symbolize Travis’s insanity. Ultimately, it remains an open-to-interpretation mystery.

Why did Travis cut his hair Taxi Drveri?

This is another question that has puzzled many moviegoers. Some say that Travis cut his hair to shock and scare people, while others believe that the haircut was symbolic of his changing outlook on life. In any case, the answer remains a mystery.

How old was Robert De Niro when he made Taxi Driver?

Robert De Niro was 47 years old when he starred in Taxi Driver. At that point, he had already enjoyed a long and successful career as an actor. He did an excellent job in his role as Travis Bickle.

What does Travis notice in his rearview mirror?

One of the most controversial aspects of Taxi Driver is its ambiguous ending. For many viewers, the ultimate question that remains unanswered is what Travis notices in his rearview mirror – and whether or not it truly means anything.

Some believe that he sees himself in the reflection and recognizes how far he has fallen, while others believe that it’s just another hallucination brought on by his PTSD.

Is Taxi Driver a feminist film?

This is a question that has divided opinion among moviegoers. Some argue that it is – as Travis Bickle is a thinly-veiled portrayal of a misogynistic man. Others, however, argue that the film does not exclusively focus on female characters and instead offers an accurate depiction of life as a taxi driver in 1970s New York City.

Is Travis in Taxi Driver mentally ill?

No, he is not mentally ill. Some people speculate that the character, Travis Bickle, in Taxi Driver is mentally ill. However, no concrete evidence exists to support this claim.

Where do you talking to me come from?

I’m a taxi driver and I talk to passengers throughout the ride. It’s an effective way to make them feel comfortable and ensure they have a good experience. However, this famous quote comes from the classic Taxi Driver (1976).

How old is Jodie Foster today?

Jodie Foster was born on April 17, 1962. In this year, in 2022, she is approximately 62 years old. Even at this age, she is still a beautiful woman.

Why does Travis want to help Iris?

Travis wants to help Iris because she is a woman who has been through a lot and he feels as if he can relate to her. He also genuinely cares about her well-being, which is why he goes out of his way to help her.

Is the girl in Taxi Driver really 12?

No, the girl in Taxi Driver is not actually 12 years old. She is approximately 22 years old. Some people have speculated that she may be younger, but this is not true.

Did Travis Bickle serve in Vietnam?

No, Travis Bickle did not serve in Vietnam. However, he may have been influenced by the Vietnam War. Some people speculate that Bickle may have had a personal experience with the war, as he is from New York City, which was heavily affected by it.

Does Martin Scorsese have a cameo in Taxi Driver?

No. Some people think Martin Scorsese may have filmed a cameo for the 1976 film Taxi Driver, but this is not confirmed.


We have tried to cover all the frequently asked questions related to the movie Taxi Driver. This is a very important movie and every actor, producer, director or writer should watch it at least once in their lifetime. It’s a must-watch for all of us who are interested in cinema.

Blog Conclusion: Taxi Driver is a 1976 American psychological thriller film written and directed by Martin Scorsese. The film stars Robert De Niro, Cybill Shepherd, and Jodie Foster as three characters trying to survive in New York City’s taxi industry.

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