The Eternals (2021) Meaning and Ending Explanation



The Eternals 2021


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In 2021, The Eternals is set to hit the cinema. Based on the comic book series of the same name, it revolves around the story of a man who has realized that his life has been living for nothing for longer than twenty years and attempts to find meaning and purpose in his life. The movie trailer suggests that Harrison Ford and Angelina Jolie star in this family drama. Three years from now, what will we say about The Eternals after the movie is released? We will be able to see how people use them in their lives. They will show up in our lives in years to come.

All About Of The Eternals (2021) Meaning and Ending Explanation

The Eternals 2021

The Eternals movie is based on the Marvel Comics and stars Richard Madden, Kumail Nanjiani, Brian Tyree Henry, Lauren Ridloff and Angelina Jolie. The plot revolves around a group of superhumans who were genetically engineered to become the most powerful people in the world. They are called The Eternals.

The main characters are: Ikaris (Richard Madden), an Eternal who was created by a future scientist named Zuras (Liev Schreiber) after his wife Athena gave birth to him; Sersi (Angelina Jolie), a woman who is half-Eternal and half-human; Nova Prime (Kumail Nanjiani), a man with superhuman strength; Phastos (Brian Tyree Henry), an Eternal whose physical appearance resembles that of Elvis Presley; Ayesha (Lauren Ridloff), the last remaining member of humanity’s first family and daughter of Eternity.

The Message of the Movie

The Eternals

The message of the movie is about the power of love and friendship. The movie takes a very deep look at what real friendship means. It shows how it can be tested but still remain strong and everlasting.

In the end, if you stick with your friends through thick and thin, they will always be there for you. The end scene reveals that even though Lucas may have been angry with Noah for some time, he finally realized that his best friend had done nothing wrong and was just trying to help him out of a difficult situation which would only make things worse.

Ending Explanation

Ending Explanation

The movie ends with a montage of the characters throughout history. We see them fighting together, saving each other, and loving one another. The message is that even though times may change and some people may leave us, our friendships will last forever.

The Main Idea of the Movie

Dane proclaims his love for Sersi and is ready to divulge a family secret when she, Phastos, and Kingo are remotely hauled into space by Arishem, who is upset with their disloyalty but chooses to spare mankind if the Eternals’ memories demonstrate that humans are worthy of surviving. He promises to return for judgment before vanishes into a singularity, taking the three with him.

Mid-credits scene: The Eternal Eros (Thanos’ brother) and his helper Pip the Troll pay Thena, Makkari, and Druig a visit and offer them a partnership.

Post-credit scene: Dane Whitman is opening an antique chest acquired from his ancestors that houses the famous Ebony Blade when an invisible figure (named off-screen as Blade) asks him if he is prepared.

Hidden Meaning of the Movie

The eternals are the eternal warriors who are the protectors of mankind in prehistoric times. They were originally humans who died before becoming immortal but eventually evolved into their current form and were chosen to be the protectors of humanity against forces that threatened them at every turn including death itself.

In fact, even though they have been around for hundreds of thousands of years, many don’t even know about them because they are very secretive about themselves because their purpose is to keep mankind safe from any threat so there is no need for anyone else to know what they do or how powerful they really are!

They also hold special powers that help them achieve these goals like being able to sense things that might be coming towards them in order to warn others or taking control over other people’s bodies (this power has been shown a few times in the series) when necessary. They all have different personalities which makes it easy for us to identify with each one of them since we can see ourselves reflected in each one of them!

Was the Ending Satisfying?

Ending Satisfying

The ending was satisfying in that it ended the story on a good note with Dane Whitman finally getting his hands on the Ebony Blade and using it to defeat Thena, Makkari, and Druig. It also showed us that Dane Whitman is not just some ordinary person who can fight against evil alone but he possesses the potential to be even more powerful than anyone else which makes him someone we can look up to!

Movie Symbolism

There is a lot of movie symbolism in this film, some of which we have already mentioned like the white lightning that Dane Whitman wields and his connection to the spirit world. Another example is the way Makkari uses her powers to control people’s minds so she can manipulate them into doing her bidding. This type of power symbolizes how easily we can be manipulated by others and how difficult it can be to fight against these types of forces.


Ever since they came into being billions of years ago, the Eternals have been observed from the fifth dimension of the initial creation. All in all, The Eternals are the quintessential essence of existence, and are the eternal truths embedded within our very natures. They remain embedded at the core of our being, and nothing can come between that. The purpose of this article is to help you begin to venture into this realm with the ultimate purpose of discovering their true meaning which shines an eternal glimmer for each and every one of us.


1.What Did the End of the Eternals Mean?

Ans: The end of the Eternals signified the beginning of a new era for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The events of the film set in motion a chain of events that will see the rise of Thanos and the Infinity Stones. While the ending is still a mystery, it is safe to say that things will get very exciting very soon!

In the film, Thanos assembled all six Infinity Stones and used them to achieve his goal of exterminating half of all life in the universe. The heroes of the MCU were able to thwart his plan, but at great cost. The film ends with Thanos seemingly victorious as he sets his sights on Earth. It is clear that this is not the end for Marvel, and fans are eagerly awaiting the next installment in the saga.

2.Who Is It at the End of Eternals?

Ans: The end of the Eternals leaves many questions unanswered, most notably who is standing before Thanos. It’s possible that this person is one of the six Guardians of the Galaxy, who may have finally met their match. Alternatively, it could be a new character altogether who has yet to be introduced in the MCU. However you look at it, there are plenty of intriguing possibilities waiting to be explored in future films!

3.What Does the Sword Mean at the End of Eternals?

Ans: There is much speculation surrounding the meaning of the sword at the end of Eternals. Some believe that it signifies that the main character, Immortus, has finally won the battle against the evil god, Eros. Others believe that it is a symbol of victory over death. Still others believe that it is a sign that the human race has finally ascended to a new level of existence.

4.Who Would Win, Loki (2011) or Loki (2021)?

Ans: This is a difficult question to answer, as Loki (2011) may have a slight edge over Loki (2021). Loki (2011) is marginally better in terms of box office performance, and Loki (2021) has been improved with the addition of Tom Hiddleston as the new actor. Additionally, Loki (2021) has been given a more optimistic storyline that may appeal to more fans. However, Loki (2011) still has the edge in terms of overall popularity.

5.How Are Eternals Different From Avengers?

Ans: Eternals is a Marvel movie that was released in 2018 and is set in the future. It follows the story of a group of superheros known as the Eternals, who were created by the gods to protect Earth from the Deviants. The Deviants are a race of beings that are seeking to destroy humans and conquer the world.

The Avengers is a Marvel movie that was released in 2012 and is set in the present day. It follows the story of a group of superheros known as the Avengers, who were assembled to fight against the evil forces of Loki and Thanos. The Avengers includes characters such as Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Black Widow, and Hulk.

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