The Godfather Part II 1974 FAQ



The Godfather Part II 1974 FAQ


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The second sequel to a classic film spurred immense anticipation from the public and critics alike. It was a much-talked about film and its audience expected a good ride.

The story continues in the same vein, whilst keeping the original motifs intact. The same emotions, the same characters… but with one huge difference: the film poster. There’s something intriguing through the eyes of Italian filmmaker Francis Ford Coppola, as he captures the essence of a blood-thirsty duel between mafia families.

All About Of The Godfather Part II 1974

The Godfather Part II 1974 FAQ

Why Did Marlon Brando Star in the Godfather 2?

In the famous scene (seen in every Godfather movie), Don Corleone gives his final blessing to Michael Corleone by saying he will not oppose him until the time comes when “he” can destroy him etc. This is the best known passage from The Godfather: Part II and it’s immortalised in cinema history with Marlon Brando reciting what was originally an improvised spoken line of dialog

Did Joe Pesci Play in Godfather 2?

In the scene, Michael Corleone said: “They would meet for lunch but he also paid visits to whomever he wished. If anyone found out about it, word is that Joe Pesci was a frequent and welcome guest at his home.”

Is the Godfather 2 Better Than the First?

No it is not… you name the issue movie reviewers and fans had with Part II. Brando’s age, a plot that went nowhere fast (the ending), Martin Sheen only appeared in certain scenes etc.. At least The Godfather received four Oscar nominations – this one hasn’t even got nod because the Academy felt there was too great a gap between The Godfather: Part I & 2.

Is Al Pacino Italian?

Yes, Al Pacino is an Italian American actor and second-generation Sicilian. He was born in the east side of New York city on April 25th 1933 to the Lipchitz family (a Jewish immigrant family from Russia).

Why Did Marlon Brando Not Accept Oscar?

Marlon Brando was born in Omaha, Nebraska. He was living there with his mother Georgia and father Salesi when Marlon’s birth unexpectedly coincided with the great depression of 1929 (his home town having endured a negative economic climate from 1920 to 1932). When he turned around 16 Macy Brown cast him as one half of The Two-Face Batman movie serial which is on air till today in TV (note: no dialogue but it still remains awesome.

Was There a Fourth Godfather Movie?

There were two unproduced movies to complete the trilogy. One with Pacino & DeNiro and one with Eastwood, Rourke & Brando in lead roles. Though the script for Part III is lost (a nearly completed draft in fact) a sequence written for it has survives.

What Did Al Pacino Like in Scarface?

Al likes Sonny`s gangster lifestyle and views him as a misunderstood character. He was also impressed by Roberto “Bluto Blutar” De Niro’s work who, he said, had caused audiences to get very angry with his performance of wanting more money than.

How Did George Kay Get Jim Belushi Part?

Belushi was chosen for it on the basis that he resembled Brando when he first started out. He had never acted before but ‘Mr Brooklyn’ who is also credited as his manager got him a meeting at The

What Was Nicholas Cage’s Role in Godfather 3?

Nick Cage got the role of Sonny Corleone, because Lorenzo realised that without Brando there could only be one choice for the part. So he said to him: “Sonny, I want you and Al Pacino in this third Godfather movie.” Nick had just come off an amazing series with ‘Moonstruck’, so all around it seemed like a good idea.

Who Is the Best Actor in the World?

Actors are bottomless pits, and there is no real definitive answer. I think the top three in my personal opinion would be De Niro – one of if not THE greatest actor working today (at least as far as film acting goes). Brando was a major genius who has had an immense career almost solely because his talent allowed him to become A-list actors all across the board – he’s certainly up there with perhaps only 2 or 3.

What Part Did Drugs Play in Godfather Films?

Algie (Vito – Al Pacino) says they didn’t used ’em, but that comes from experience rather than fact as he may have been reluctant at one time to try anything outside of alcohol & cigarettes during filming because it would be clear on camera .

Is Gta Vice City Based on Scarface?

Yeah, that’s the closest thing – it was a bit of Vietnam trailer gone mad. You used to draw inspiration from these kind of films back in the day: Blade Runner & HK movies. I guess you don’t have them any more so had to grab something!

Is Vincent Sonny’s Son?

I wasn’t sure how to answer, but I think Nick was told he would be playing Sonny’s son during casting causing him a rush of emotion, thinking: “Man my life is really gonna change now!”

Is Christopher Walken in the Film?

They all wanted Mister B/The Joker – so they did it themselves on set by talking across Tony and saying ‘Christopher’ as though there were 2 people standing. It took them 20 minutes

How Many Godfathers Are There?

That’s the thing – there haven’t been that many. The first one was well received, although with some rather obvious flaws and a rough final film.. That reception pushed Francis into going to be both an actor and producer (rather than only doing his best) so it led him down this path of creating films that explain & amplify/critique real events he saw during WWII etc… You can see this in ‘Paisano’ where Christopher acts.

Is the Godfather Coda a New Movie?

No, it’s not. I made that when we were looking at the extras of ‘Young Ones’ and it didn’t take Ciccone long to think: “Oh no – our first film is about the end of an era!” His next films are all set right into his new version of history where he wants to insert himself as a character. This means often he cannot show faces or details (so only cool cars in Vietnam trailer etc) .

How Did You Find Richard Hugo?

A little ad in Back Stage. An ex-friend of his asked him on facebook and we were happy enough about that, calling ours an “International Guest” so needed to speak to fewer people, etc.. He came on by recommendation of Mike Tivona who we met at a party and whose contacts he’d asked.

Where Is Gina From Scarface Now?

Ha ha! Well she’s still single, although I don’t know if that was ever a jokey thing for me (but now we’re all about 10 years older and are more used to seeing middle-aged women).This means often he cannot show faces or details (so only cool cars in Vietnam trailer etc) .


I think what happens is when he’s on that bike accident which was originally in the script of ‘Hail Mary’ – it was a rewrite for me where he crashes instead at this party and there’s some blood, then (in Vancouver) Vince Rubin did an amazing work after shooting out parts with M&M candy. He inserted little pieces of celluloid with fake blood afterwards and made him carry it around forever! She definitely has her hands full with two little ones so anything remotely romantic is pushed further down the list.

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