The Great Escape (1963) Meaning And Ending Explanation




The Great Escape (1963) Meaning And Ending Explanation


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The Great Escape is a 1963 British-American World War Two film about the escape of Allied POWs from a German POW camp.

It was directed by John Sturges and stars Steve McQueen, Richard Attenborough, James Garner and Richard Johnson. The story was adapted by Donald Stewart from the screenplay of the same name by GeorgeHTaylor and W.R. Burnett.

Based upon a true story, the movie tells of a group of Allied POWs that escape from Stalag Luft III, one of Adolf Hitler’s main WW2 POW camps in Poland.

All About Of The Great Escape 1963 Meaning

The Great Escape (1963) Meaning And Ending Explanation

The Meaning of the Movie

The Great Escape is a 1963 British war film based on the true story of a group of Allied prisoners-of-war who attempted to escape from a German prisoner-of-war camp during World War II.

The film stars Steve McQueen, James Garner, Richard Attenborough, Charles Bronson and James Coburn. It was directed by John Sturges and produced by Sam Spiegel through his company Horizon Pictures. The screenplay was written by Paul Dehn (screenplay), Alun Owen (story) and James Clavell (novel). The music score was composed by Cyril Ornadel. The cinematography was by Gilbert Taylor.

A group of Allied prisoners at Stalag Luft III in German-occupied Poland try to escape over the course of several months in 1944–45 using such methods as digging tunnels with homemade tools, forging papers, smuggling out food and tobacco rations, bribing guards with chocolate bars or money for information about upcoming events in their lives and forging forged stamps from stolen newspapers which they hide under their mattresses.

In one scene two characters kiss passionately when they are locked together in a tiny cell but later when released from the cell are seen as strangers again without any sign that anything has happened between them except for a mysterious look between them which makes us wonder if there is something more than friendship going on between them?

The Message Of The Movie

The Great Escape (1963) Meaning And Ending Explanation

The Great Escape is a 1963 British war film directed by John Sturges and starring Steve McQueen, Richard Attenborough, James Garner, Charles Bronson and Donald Pleasence. The film was based on the true story of the British Army’s attempt to escape from Stalag Luft III in southern Germany during World War II.

The message of this movie is to fight for what you believe in no matter how long it takes and keep your eye on the goal. This quote fits perfectly with my answer: “No one ever won a war by dying for their country. You have to win it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his.” This message has inspired me through out my life.

Ending Explanation

The Great Escape (1963) Meaning And Ending Explanation

The Great Escape is a 1963 film about an Allied POW escape from Stalag Luft III, in the province of Lower Silesia, in occupied Poland during World War II. It was directed by John Sturges and stars Steve McQueen, James Garner, Richard Attenborough, Charles Bronson and James Coburn.

The film’s title comes from the Great Escape (1938), which had been filmed earlier that year and inspired the scriptwriter to write a story with similar themes.

It is based on a real-life incident at Stalag Luft III, which was used as a POW camp for Allied aircrews shot down over Nazi Germany during World War II. The actual breakout took place on March 24–25, 1944; however the events depicted in the movie take place between February 18–20 1944.

In 2002 it was deemed “culturally or historically significant” by the United States Library of Congress and selected for preservation in its National Film Registry.

The Main Idea Of The Movie

The main idea of the Great Escape is that prisoners were taken by the Nazis during World War II and were placed in a German prisoner-of-war camp. It was located in an underground tunnel system beneath Stalag Luft III, which had been constructed as a massive underground complex to house Allied airmen shot down over Nazi Germany.

During this time, the Nazis discovered that most of their POWs didn’t return from missions. To prevent this from happening again, they began placing bombs around the camp’s perimeter every night. The prisoners called these devices “Diesels”, because they sounded like diesel engines starting up while they passed overhead on a daily basis.

The Nazis were desperate to keep them away from the tunnels because it would mean no more escape attempts and so many soldiers’ lives would be saved.

As for the movie itself: This one is quite hard to answer without giving away spoilers! However, I will say that it is about surviving within an insane environment and trying to stay alive through pure ingenuity; nothing else really matters once you’ve reached your breaking point (no pun intended). Just think about it as prison survival with flying saucers!

Hidden Meaning of the Movie

The Great Escape (1963) Meaning And Ending Explanation

The movie was directed by John Sturges and produced by Sam Spiegel.

The screenplay was written by Robert Buckner, based on the book “Goodbye to All That” by Frank Richards. It tells the story of prisoners at a German prison camp during World War II who plan an escape using homemade equipment such as tunnels dug with their own hands and sewing needles as weapons.

One of the key characters in the film is John ‘Jock’ Stirling (Richard Attenborough), who is portrayed as both leader of his group and also a man whose hopes for escaping were dashed when he became frustrated that they were not able to break out before being discovered by the guards, who came after them with dogs..

Was the Ending Satisfying?

The ending of the movie was satisfying in that it showed the prisoners’ determination to stick together and their ingenuity in trying to make their escape work. It also provided a sense of hope for those who watched it, emphasizing that anything is possible if you are willing to fight for your dreams.


With the success of the original, The Great Escape became a major box office hit and became a joy ride for film aficionados ever since. The influence of the movie is undeniable. Many of the techniques and ideas that were showcased in the film were notable and piqued interest in higher education because of its significance to the global development of higher education. With so much significance, it is important to be familiar with its meaning and the ending so as to avoid getting duped by its screenwriters.


1.What Happens at the End of Great Escape?

Ans: The movie ends with the prisoners successfully escaping from their prison camp.

2.What Is the Story of the Movie the Great Escape?

Ans: The story of the movie The Great Escape is about a group of British prisoners who plan an escape from a German prison camp during World War II. They use homemade equipment, including tunnels dug with their own hands and sewing needles as weapons, to attempt to make their escape before being discovered by the guards.

3.What Happened to Charles Bronson’s Character in the Great Escape?

Ans: Charles Bronson’s character, Harry Smith, is killed in the film during the breakout attempt.

4.Who Survived in the Great Escape Movie?

Ans: You are correct in assuming that the survivors of The Great Escape movie were:

The only survivor who was not a prisoner was David “Dick” Shepherd, who had a good relationship with his German captors. He managed to escape from the prison camp along with four other prisoners on March 24, 1944. However, they were recaptured by the Gestapo two days later and sent back to Stalag Luft III where they were executed.

5.What Is Your Review of the Great Escape (1963 Movie)?

Ans: The movie revolves around a group of British POWs who escape from their German captors by using stolen weapons and improvised explosives in an attempt to sabotage the railway leading into the camp.

You might be wondering why I think this is one of my favorite movies? Well firstly because it’s based on a true story which gives me some sense of nostalgia when I watch it. Secondly, this movie has something for everyone: action, drama, comedy, etc., so you won’t get bored even if you don’t like any genre!

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