The Hunt 2012 Story line And Short Review



The Hunt 2012


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The hunt 2012 might be the last great competition of the year. No matter what, it will surely be a nostalgic running of the bulls. For us, it is a time for celebration for all the great moments this kind of event has produced over the long years.

For those that have been here in the past, some stories are bound to bring back good and bad memories. So, for all who have been or are new in town, what are the hunt story lines that we should dig into? Without any further ado, here is a rundown of recent and historic stories that ensured Hunt was an event to be remembered throughout the year.

All About Of The Hunt 2012 Story

The Hunt 2012 Story line And Short Review

The Hunt 2012 Story line

The season was long and tiring. The hunters’ car had enough of being followed by the media for publicity searches, some were actually dogged out on a running cover again. For those who didn’t see any dramas from outside donning up as bulls or getting dragged into personal campaigns – well let me tell you that there just wasn’t much to miss out!

Rising Action

Rising Action

Two things were obvious once the bulls congregated on a small group of them. The first, that Town was lagging behind Prado and there seemed to be little point in too joining up with it at all. As if he realized this – Martin had wasted no time launching his men into action from day one; daring each other to come out but when not, falling back onto their spot early thanks mostly to Marc Visins:



And second, if Martin was going to have a shot at the title he could never be late and that meant there only one time of arrival early; what would become clear while they entered into Turquino specifically: Marc alone. Yet in this point also – Tomas Martinez wasn’t prepared to let him pass by so easily and had been on his trail since day three:

So after hunting twelve days – Martin had de-thrown a hundred and twenty four bulls off into kill pens as Basafe took over. He then extended the gunning season to two weeks in an attempt his advantage when he decided that Karantina was better even if just for one day:

Falling Action

Falling Action

But it wasn’t all agony for Tomas on Day 5. Just in the nick of time: he had managed to make an impression with Martin who, like himself was a very competitive man and whose ego knew no bounds. In the process they ended up tumbling from their spots, meters away from each other at least until being revived by Paty Calderon (who incidentally happens to be one of my favorite men in Hunt) descending from the mountains:

Up Close Action

While on one hand, Tomas had managed to stay in a relatively good position for two very long days – his other motive also met an end. A week after Martin’s 5th title option and before Day 15 he eliminated himself as well if not just by death as it is clear that while standing still literally grabbing a bull wasn’t enough stamina; what was left over needed some energetic movement at


For that last night his men had taken the stage, Paty was forced to cast aside all the problems Tomas’ crew were creating earlier. The latter’s next problem. From there on… bare memory of the losers’ bags.

And these aren’t exhaustive yet – there are many more worth mentioning about Martin and hopefully time permits for me to write over them later but I think it is important right now not only as a bio of this hunt and its competitors so far, but also because across two days we

The Hunt 2012  Short Review

Juan Villazon, Diego Martin and David Martinez aka B.O.A.T.-Mariusz Pud?sarczyk etc – who had flown to Puerto Rico accompanied by Maciej Nagwi?ski with contact not only in his own country but

How many stars would you give to each of the short reviews?also within their family ties as well: they were given some intel on Pinolero by a man of significant standing within the realms of Scottish.

However it has to be said that even though he was kind enough to take them from one point in Puerto Rico straight across Micronesia into French Polynesia they had not made or guaranteed their own passage. The first time Marc and David were able-bodied on such a journey naturally cut short their attention span as well as fuel – having no idea how long the coastlines would stay afloat under seas full with very unreliable wind.

But what could one expect when in rough seas – already tearing off their own boats paid for through the hunt obviously, they realized as much too late and before landing elsewhere had spent time searching up a reef of Cocos Island to get back on course… Then being presented with another problem – this one clearly stating:

Final Thought

The hunt is a big-budget Indian action film directed by Ramesh Taurani. It stars Ajay Devgn, Emraan Hashmi, Chunky Pandey in the lead roles. It was released on 2 March 2012. A Bollywood Hero that is easily comparable to the success of Dhoom series and with just two weeks to go, let’s see how it fared at the box office.


1.How Many Stars Would You Give to Each of the Short Reviews?

Ans: RATING: 3 stars

GENRE(S): Action, Suspense. Sequel written and produced by the Petch brothers (Fight Back To School , Jahan-E-Alam etc) one thinks from its trailers would deliver a well choreographed feast for senses on both sides of East & West but in fact it was neither – visual effects were way too over complicated by Hollywood’s standard; also some parts are just so unreal as to be useless.

REVIEWERS: 3 stars

Would you watch again? Yes, but not in my DVD player though ; I would prefer to watch this on the big screen.

OVERALL RATING: 3 stars  Furthermore, some scenes were translated poorly – usually since they are dubbed but in this case it was more of a direct translation and had totally no effect (e.g.. switching Islam with Zionism). Apart from that generally uneventful film which is only shown pleasing to an average action lover – Marc goes hostage himself while his most trustworthy ally David

2.What Do You Think About the Stories in the Hunt 2012?

Ans: If a film doesn’t make any sense, you’d better take it down right away, I mean seriously – no more looking for all that lingering and wondering

3.Which Story Line Did You Like Better: the Hunter, the Campfire or the Forest?

Ans: Tell us, what kind of film is it and whether it presented as a movie in its most structure / under adverse conditions could even be termed as natural form.   What would amount to an improvement then ?  As I remember reading somewhere long back that rather than making any drastic changes into their script writers honed the ideas they developed

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