Troy Meaning and Ending Explained



Troy Meaning Ending


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Troy is a town in the northwest of the Iliad peninsula, overlooking Mount Ida. The name Troy was given to it because the Trojans built their city here.

There are many stories about the events that happened here: how Agamemnon brought his army to Troy, how Paris stole Helen and ended up in Greece, and how Achilles was angry at Agamemnon for killing his friend Patroclus and then had to fight his way out of the city. What is Troy Meaning?

It is a way of explaining the word Troy, one of the cities that were destroyed by the Greek and Trojan War. The explanation for the Ending of the Movie “TROY” is that you have to guess why it ends where it does.

Troy Meaning Ending

What Is Troy’s Meaning and What Do the Clues Tell Us?

The word, “Troy” is from the name of a city in the northwest of Asia Minor. The name Troy derives from Mycenaean Greek τρούγαι (“troíai”)(the older form lies behind “Troy”).

The Mycenaean town of TROY was an important center of prehistoric Greece with economic, political and military influence comparable to the Archaic-Phoenician city-states like Chozē / Gaziš (“Troia”), Ugarit (“Truwaitha”) and Haliṣ (Allia, later called Troiē “Troie”).

It eventually rose to prominence as the administrative, cultural and religious center of Calcium. It seems likely that Troy was so important a town because it was the main hub of trade routes and therefore was one of their biggest targets.

It has been suggested that Troy may have happened at a more locational center, but due to its importance in several major historical events, it seems likely that it replaced an older city that had existed before these occurred.

These pathways gave access to the interior of Anatolia and Europe, where there were few slow boats. Besides these trade routes, Troy also had its own trading contact with other cities in Asia Minor like Smyrna (Izmir) and Miletus through which goods from Egypt as well as later ones out of Crete came ashore here.

Once the Greeks entered Anatolia during the 8th century BC, Troy was taken into their domain as a tributary state of Thessaly by 800 to 756 BCE. Greek sources mention there being four stents – one ship per month which was identified.

The Hidden Meaning of the Movie Troy

The Hidden Meaning of the Movie Troy

Troy contains naturally acoustically strategic locations notably the citadel of Troy, near an ancient river crossing and a hill down which attackers were also vulnerable. Perhaps because they destroyed Acacia nearby, during their assault on Lenea 57–56 BCE (see below), Alexander inflicted considerable damage on the city and left behind much material evidence like a major fire.

A number of ancient writers have stated that Troy’s demise was due to this conflict with Alexander, specifically citing burning torches thrown into its citadel by Greek soldiers after the battle as being instrumental in destroying it; one writer came up with the “Troy fire” theory.

However, Troy most likely did not burn down on their own accord. The city was sacked by the Greeks in 1184 BC and though copies of various artifacts were taken away as trophies by the victors, almost nothing remains today that could confirm a deliberate conflagration. It is more probable that the destruction was caused by a natural disaster.

Syrian legends have placed Troy in Qal’at al-Bahr (Dardanelles) and indeed, no archeological finds of any kind were recorded at this place even during its successive settlements between 2250 BCE–17 50 BCE.

Clement of Alexandria (3rd century CE) attests to the legend that the Trojans founded Byzantium thereon and it was only after they were expelled from their city by Heracles that they moved elsewhere, this last settlement taking place in stony banks called Tel exterior.

What Is the Moral Lesson of the Wooden Horse of Troy?

What Is the Moral Lesson of the Wooden Horse of Troy

The moral lesson of the wooden horse is that somehow this commonwealth was important to humans from different countries and the fame of it lasts beyond their lifetimes. For Snorri Sturluson, Ottar and Otters are like gods because for example, in relation to fires

It is the honor of the man that in a house or out, no fire should burn too long. The “Kjellberg” stone dwarfs which appear on images and stones are said to show when Thor transformed himself into a dwarf along with Odin. This was thought to demonstrate that Thor was a master craftsman.

The ancient Greek poet Pindar says that once, before the great earthquake at Peloponnesus, Thebelos saw two snakes sleeping together next to the sun; their relationship is described as “a wedding of necessity”. It is believed that these snakes are the prototype of the Nöesianic snake stone image in Greek mythology, though this association has also been held to be with Tyrian serpents.

Is Achilles a Hero?

Is Achilles a Hero

He was the most heroic person in human history and also, he likes to have fun. Despite his death at Troy, not many people know about Achilles’ deeds before that time. His greatest service consists of running back up all into battle ten times and killing twenty-five of Hector’s men. Achilles was the first hero who kept his fight in the front line.

William FitzStephen, a Norman nobleman goes to Iceland on a Viking raid then gets caught up in a war between Danish crown prince Harold and Norway’s King Harald Sigurdsson. His final death was due to the fact that he entered a clandestine agreement with Harold.

Many people have wondered why it took such a long time for Achilles’ body to be returned home, but in fact, there are many plausible reasons as well. Sometimes we do not know what is better, to be alive or dead, as we get older. It took Achilles 17 years of waiting before his last wish could ever be fulfilled and by that time he had already died.

William Haslinger tells us in the second chapter on King Harold’s brother Tostig that England went to war because he had been in exile. He then goes on to tell us what happened next by saying that King Harold died at Glastonbury, Killed by the Welshmen.

William FitzStephen tells of a simultaneous attack against Earl Tostig and England with one thousand ships, which was met with utter disaster, only five hundred men returned. After all these years and having many wars to fight back in his homeland, it seems that Achilles was not really appreciated for his heroic deeds until after he had died.

Who Was Agamemnon and Why Did He Bring His Army to Troy?

The Greek war god, head of the gods, and ruler of most aspects of life on earth. He can do anything with his power to help his fellow man. Agamemnon was known for having taken Danae as a concubine who bore him twin sons by the name of Achaemenides (one of whom was named Aeneas), and Atreus.

Once Agamemnon, along with his sister Clytemnestra/Coronidea and Atreus had died tragically at the hands of their own sons (Atreyu), then they were buried in a tomb inside Troy. Agamemnon was the commander of the Greek army, which was sent to Troy to take over the city. Agamemnon was a very brave and courageous man, who is credited with having brought his army to Troy. Agamemnon was from Argos, a city in Greece.

He had a brother named Menelaus, who was married to Helen of Sparta. Helen had been kidnapped by Paris, who is also known as Helen of Troy. Agamemnon and Menelaus grew up together and went to Troy after they had defeated the soldiers of Aeneas.

Aeneas was known as Paris or Helen’s suitor. The Trojans were a group of people who lived in what is called the Greco-Phrygian city of Troy. The ancients wrote that Helen of Sparta’s beauty was as breathtaking and magnificent as Paris/Aeneas’ delirium after she had been stolen from him by Aphrodite (the goddess).

What Is the Ending of the Movie “troy”?

The conclusion of the film was not clear. People believe that Paris and Helen were killed during a war between Troy and Greece, but this is only speculation from people who do not know two important things about the Trojan War.

It has also been speculated by some experts on ancient Greek history that Menelaus and Paris escaped from the war and Troy was destroyed by its enemy, Persia.

The poem is written in iambic pentameter, or “iamb,” with alternating first and second foot (i.e., words of the opposite meaning): each line has ten syllables; five feet make a paeon, or half-syllable and a hendecasyllable – four syllables, each containing either a long or short vowel.

The first line of the Iliad tells how king Priam found Paris on his knees at rest after battling with Menelaus and King Agamemnon of the Greeks during a war waged at Troy. The opening line also tells of Paris and Menelaus’ return for Neoptolemus, son of Achilles who had killed their father 11 years before by throwing a spear into his chest when he was still helpless in childhood due to being stillborn twins he had at birth.

The Iliad opens much like a short story, and the war immediately starts after Paris’ return to Troia’s ancient city of Troy, west of Greece and northeast Anatolia across from Methoni in Aitolia on a nearby tribute of troy. Athena achieved island west of Troy and north Pieros on the top side of this part to the ahiainses mountains by Troy, Kastro in northern Anatolia across from Methoni steilenica Greece.

The ending of the Iliad has King Priam bringing Troy’s fallen heroes back home to bury them at his city gates and give thanks to Athena for their return, prophesying that one day Troy will rise again.


Blog Conclusion: Troy is a 2007 American epic film based on the Greek legend of the Trojan War. The film was directed by Wolfgang Petersen and written by David Benioff and his wife, Nina Jacobson. It stars Brad Pitt as Achilles, Eric Bana as Hector, and Orlando Bloom as Paris.

The story focuses on the last months in the life of Achilles before he is killed in the Trojan War. The plot follows Achilles’ friend Patroclus (portrayed by Ewan McGregor), who must choose between loyalty to his former commander or vengeance against Hector’s murderers.


 1. Is Troy (2004) Treated Unfairly?

Ans: No, Troy (2004) is treated fairly in the sense that it follows the events of The Iliad as closely as possible. There are a few changes, but they make perfect sense and pose no conflicts with the story.

2. Does Troy Have the Same Ending That Homer Did?

Ans: No, Troy does not have the same ending that Homer did. In the Iliad, Achilles kills Hector after a long and bloody battle. After the death of Hector, Achilles is ready to return home to Greece. However, he is prevented from doing so by Agamemnon, who claims that Achilles is still owed honor due to his previous victory over Hector.

3. What’s the Story of the Trojan Horse?

Ans: The Trojan horse is a story about the Greeks and their siege of Troy. The Greeks had a large army that was ready to attack Troy, but they were not sure how to get past the walls. They found an old man who told them about a horse that could go through the walls. The Greeks built a large horse made out of wood and put soldiers inside it. When the Trojans saw the horse, they thought it was their god Apollo and let the Greek army in.

4. What’s With All of the Sacred Stones?

Ans: Sacred stones are believed to have spiritual properties that can help you achieve your goals in life. There are many different types of sacred stones, and each has its own unique benefits.

  1. Amethyst is known for its ability to attract positive energy and help protect against negative energy.
  2. Turquoise is a stone that is said to protect the wearer from harm and bring good luck.

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