Unguan Island-Everything You Need to Know!



Unguan Island


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Unguan Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the middle of the Celebes Sea, about 160 kilometers south of Makassar.

It is part of the easternmost province of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The island is known for its diverse birdlife, including more than 230 species of seabirds.

Ungual Island is also home to more than 100 types of coral, as well as over 100 varieties of land birds and mammals. The island’s only inhabitants are a small number of people who live on the island’s three villages: Sinjai, Gareme, and Ipuh.

Unguan Island




Unguan Island was first inhabited by the Ati people in the early 18th century. It was uninhabited until 1775, when the Spanish explorer Dionisio Alcalá Galiano landed on the island and named it Isla de losing, or Island of the Unclotted Dog.

In 1796, a group of soldiers led by José Joaquín de Vergara sailed from Callao, Peru, and discovered and claimed Unguan Island for the Spanish Crown. The settlement that grew up on the island was called Puerto de la Cruz (Port of the Cross).

In 1824, an American whaler, John Kendrick Bangs, discovered Unguan Island and named it after his ship – the Bangs Whaler. In 1834, a smallpox epidemic broke out among the inhabitants of Puerto de la Cruz and most survivors moved to a new settlement on Unguan Island.



Unguan Island is located in the Celebes Sea, about 160 kilometers south of Makassar. The island is divided into three main islands: Ungual (the largest), Graeme, and Sinjai. The total land area of the island is about 696 square kilometers.



Unguan Island is a small chain of coral atoll located in the Pacific Ocean, about 2,400 kilometers northeast of the Galapagos Islands.

The atoll has an area of less than 1.5 square kilometers and a population of just over 50 people. The island is home to a number of rare and endangered bird species, including the Nazca booby, the Chilean booby, the white-faced booby, and the masked booby.

Unguan Island is also home to a number of unusual plants and animals, including three species of jumping spiders, a species of centipede that can grow to lengths of up to 30 centimeters, and a cassowary.



The population of Unguan Island is just over 50 people. The majority of the residents are native to Ungual Island, while a small number of residents also live on Graeme and Sinjai Islands.



Unguan Island is an unincorporated territory of the United States in the eastern Caribbean Sea. As of the 2010 census, its population was 1,569.

Unguan Island is made up of two main islands – Unguan and East Unguan – connected by a small bridge. The two islands have a total land area of 1.4 square kilometers (572 acres).

The economy is based on tourism, with visitors drawn to the island for its lush vegetation and stunning views of the surrounding reef.



The climate of Unguan Island is tropical, with average temperatures ranging from 24 degrees Celsius in the winter to 29 degrees Celsius in the summer.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

Unguan Island is inhabited by the Unguan people, who are Christian. The official language of Unguan Island is English, but the majority of the population speaks a dialect of the Melanesian Pidgin English. The Unguan people practice traditional animist beliefs.



Unguan Island is home to two languages – the Unguan language, which is spoken by the majority of residents, and a dialect of Melanesian Pidgin English, which is used by a small number of residents.



Unguan Island has one school, which provides primary and secondary education.



Unguan Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the South China Sea. It has been under the control of the Philippines since the 1970s, and the island has been a source of an ongoing dispute between the two countries.

In March 2017, a Chinese-owned oil rig began operating in waters near Unguan Island, drawing protests from the Philippines which claimed that the rig had entered its territorial waters without prior notification.

On March 29th, 2017, several Philippine Navy ships escorted a Chinese oil rig back to China after it had been blocked from approaching Unguan Island by the Philippine Coast Guard.

Government Services

Government services

Unguan Island is not currently accessible by road, and the only means of accessing the island is by sea. The government of the Philippines provides limited services to residents, including medical care, education, and water access.



Unguan Island is a small, uninhabited island situated in the middle of the Philippine Sea. The island is home to a number of endemic plant and animal species, including the endemic Unguan palm, which is threatened with extinction. The island has been designated as a protected area by the government of the Philippines.

Tourism on Unguan Island is currently illegal, but it is possible to visit the island via dive trips organized by private companies. Unguan Island is also a popular tourist destination for scuba diving and snorkeling.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List

Unguan Island is a beautiful and unspoiled island that can offer you a unique and unforgettable experience. With an array of hotels and resorts, you can find the perfect accommodation to fit your needs and budget. Here are some of the top resorts and hotels on Unguan Island:

  1. The Punta Cana Resort & Spa – This luxury resort offers stunning views of the Caribbean Sea and is situated on a secluded stretch of beach.
  2. The Amancay Inn – This quaint hotel offers charming accommodations in a colonial-style atmosphere. It is also close to popular tourist destinations, such as Punta Cana and Marigot Bay.
  3. The Grand Hotel El Conquistador – This luxurious hotel has been welcoming guests since 1957 and features luxurious facilities and stunning views of the Caribbean Sea. It is perfect for couples looking for a romantic getaway or for business travelers who want to enjoy some downtime.



Unguan Island is a beautiful destination that offers its visitors a number of exciting attractions. Some of the most popular attractions on Unguan Island include:

  1. The Unguian Palm – This endangered palm is the only species endemic to Unguan Island and is one of the island’s major tourist attractions.
  2. The Isla Grande – This large coral atoll features crystal-clear waters and stunning white sand beaches, making it an ideal spot for a beach vacation.
  3. The Lighthouse – This beautiful lighthouse is situated on a rocky outcrop and offers stunning views of the ocean and Unguan Island coastline.



There are a number of activities available on Unguan Island that will accommodate all interests and needs. Some of the most popular activities include:

  1. Boating – Visitors can enjoy boating in crystal-clear waters or exploring the island’s many coves and reefs by motorboat.
  2. Snorkeling – This fun activity is perfect for those who love swimming with fish and coral reef ecosystems at their leisure.



Although Unguan Island is accessible by air, the best way to explore it is by spending a day on a motorboat. There are also several small coves that can be reached without getting wet and enjoy the tranquility of the island’s crystal-clear waters.



Unguan Island is known for its excellent cuisine. There are several restaurants that offer a variety of local and international dishes, making it the perfect spot for a romantic dinner or a family afternoon out.


In conclusion, Unguan Island is a great place to visit if you’re looking for a relaxed and tranquil getaway. It’s easy to get to and the locals are friendly and welcoming.

The island has a variety of attractions that should keep you busy for a while, whether you’re looking to explore the lush forest or take a swim in the crystal-clear waters. Overall, I think Unguan Island is a great place to spend some time and I’m sure you’ll enjoy your stay!


What Are The Transportation Options To Get To Unguan Island?

There are several transportation options to get to Unguan Island. Visitors can either fly into Cebu City and then take a motorboat ride, or they can take a plane directly to the island’s airport and then rent a motorbike or car for the day.

What Are The Attractions On Unguan Island?

There are several attractions on Unguan Island that visitors can enjoy. These include a forest, clear waters, and coral reef ecosystems.

What Are The Costs Associated With Visiting Unguan Island?

The costs of visiting Unguan Island vary depending on whether visitors want to stay on the island or visit some of its nearby coves. However, in general, most activities cost between PHP 100 and PHP 300 per person.



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