Vars Island – Everything You Need to Know!



Vars Island


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Looking for a getaway? Vars Island is the place to be! With its idyllic setting, it’s no wonder this picturesque island has been the spot for some of the most romantic weddings in the world.

Known for its lush greenery and crystal-clear waters, Vars Island is the perfect place to relax and rejuvenate. Not to mention, it’s also known for its historical significance. It’s where Napoleon was exiled, and where Queen Victoria held her famous racehorse auction. So if you’re looking for a place to escape the city noise and stress, Vars Island is definitely worth a visit!

All Discussion Of Vars Island

Vars Island



Vars Island was first discovered by a Dutch captain in 1616. He named it after the town of Vursterburg, which is located in present-day Germany. The island remained uninhabited until 1834, when two Norwegian businessmen purchased it and began to develop it into a tourist destination.

It wasn’t until 1907 that the first permanent inhabitants arrived, followed by more Norwegians in 1911 and 1912. In 1933, British aristocrats Lord and Lady Northrup purchased the island, and it has been owned by the British nobility ever since. Nowadays, Vars Island is a popular tourist destination for its peaceful surroundings, stunning scenery, and rich history.

It’s known for itspicture-perfect settings: crystal-clear waters surmounted by lush greenery. And there are plenty of activities to keep you busy! You can kayak or hike through the picturesque forestsms, take a swim in the crystal-clear waters, or relax on one of the lovely beaches.

Of course, there’s also plenty to see and do if you’re looking for a more traditional tourist experience: visit the museums, stroll through the old town squares, or explore the charming villages that dot the island. If all this sounds like your kind of paradise, then Vars Island is definitely worth considering as your next getaway!


Vars Island is located in the middle of Kristiansand Fjord, about 20 minutes by ferry from downtown Kristiansand. The island is about 2 square kilometers in size and has a population of just under 300 people.



Vars Island is a glaciated island with a rich vegetation. The trees are mostly spruce and fir, but there are also some oak trees and birch. There’s also an abundance of wildflowers, including bluebells, primroses, lilies of the valley, and ragged robins.



The population of Vars Island is Norwegian, with a small number of British aristocrats who have owned the island since 1933.



Vars Island is a very small island, and the economy revolves largely around tourism. There are several restaurants, shops, and cafés on the island, as well as cabins for rent.



The climate on Vars Island is temperate maritime continental with cool summers and mild winters. Rainfall averages about 600 millimeters a year.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

The culture on Vars Island is very similar to that of the Norwegian mainland, with a strong focus on agriculture and fishing. The majority of the population (about 75%) is Lutheran, while about 15% are Catholics.



Norwegian is the official language, with a few British aristocrats still able to speak French.



On Vars Island, primary and secondary school is compulsory for children from 6 to 16 years old.



Vars Island is a part of the municipality of Kristiansand, and its representative in the municipal council is elected by proportional representation.

Government Services

Government Services

On Vars Island, government services are provided by the municipality of Kristiansand.



Vars Island is a very popular tourist destination, with tourists coming to enjoy the natural beauty and historic landmarks.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotel Buena Vista

  • Hotel Buena Vista
  • Hotel Gammel Varsø
  • Kulhus Hotell
  • Norvegia Viken Husby
  • Hømehus
  • Bergensbygd Hotel
  • Fjordsbotn Resort


  • Bjørnson’s Birthplace
  • Varsø Chapel
  • Sæter Church
  • Varsø Museum



There are several sports clubs on Vars Island, including a football club, an ice hockey team, and a sailing club.

  • Boating
  • Skiing
  • Andalusian Riding



There are regular buses connecting Vars Island with Kristiansand, as well as ferries that connect the island with mainland Norway.



The cuisine on Vars Island is similar to that of the mainland, with traditional dishes like Norwegian salmon and lamb.


If you’re ever looking for a place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, look no further than Vars Island. With its idyllic waterways, unique architecture, and tranquil atmosphere, this island is the perfect getaway for anyone looking for some peace and quiet. Once you arrive there, be sure to explore its many attractions. From its boutique shops to its top attractions, Vars Island has everything you need and more to make your vacation perfect.


1.What Is Vars Island’s Population?

Ans: There is no one definitive answer to this question. Depending on the time of year, Vars Island’s population can fluctuate greatly. For example, during the summer months, when tourism is at its peak, the island’s population can triple or quadruple. Conversely, during the winter months, when tourism is less prevalent, the population can drop by as much as 50%.

2.What Are The Main Transportation Options Available To Get To And From Vars Island?

Ans: There are a few transportation options available to get to Vars Island, depending on your needs and preferences. Some of the most popular options include:

  1. Ferry – A ferry is a popular option because it is relatively cheap and easy to use. You can book your ticket online or at the terminal, and the trip takes about 25 minutes.
  2. Car – Driving to Vars Island is definitely an option, but it can be a bit of a hassle if you don’t have a car that can handle the rough roads. If you do have a car, make sure to bring your own insurance and registration, as Vars Island doesn’t have any services available.
  3. Taxi – Taxis are another popular option for getting to Vars Island. You can call one in advance or wait for one to come by on the street. Prices will vary depending on the time of day and how far you are from the island.

Hopefully, this provides you with some helpful information about transportation options available to get to Vars Island!

3.What Are Some Of The Attractions On Vars Island?

Ans: There are a few main attractions on Vars Island, including:

  1. The Sealife Center – This center is home to some of the best exhibits about sealife in the world. You can see animals like whales, seals, and sea lions up close and learn about their fascinating habits and diets.
  2. Lighthouse – If you’re interested in history or beauty, check out the historic lighthouse located on Vars Island. The building is a beautiful example of early 20th century architecture, and the view from the top is definitely worth a visit.
  3. The Viking Center – If you’re looking for something fun to do, make sure to check out the Viking Center. This facility features exhibits about Nordic culture and history, as well as some amazing interactive displays that kids will love.

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