Vashafaru Island-Everything You Need to Know!




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Vashafaru Island is a beautiful and secluded tropical island that is perfect for travelers looking for a relaxing getaway. The island is located in the Indian Ocean and boasts a variety of natural wonders, including crystal clear water, lush green forests, and white sand beaches. There are also plenty of activities to enjoy, such as swimming, snorkeling, diving, and hiking.

Vashafaru Island



The history of Vashafaru Island dates back to the late 1800s when it was first discovered by the British. At the time, it was known as Gardner Island and was part of the Fiji Protectorate. The island was later renamed Vashafaru in honor of the prince who helped to protect it during World War II.

Today, Vashafaru is a popular tourist destination due to its stunning scenery and luxurious lifestyle. Visitors can enjoy activities on the island such as snorkeling, diving, fishing, golfing, and hiking. There are also several luxurious resorts located on the island that offer all-inclusive packages.

If you’re looking for a relaxing getaway with plenty of activities to keep you busy, Vashafaru Island is definitely worth a visit!



The geography of Vashafaru Island ranges from tropical rainforest to rugged coastline. The island sits in the Northern Savaii archipelago, which is part of the larger Polynesia archipelago. The island is volcanic and rises to a height of 1,890 feet. The main town on the island is Nuku Hiva, which has a population of approximately 3,000 people. There are also a number of smaller villages on the island.



The ecosystems of Vashafaru Island are rich and diverse. The island boasts two rainforests, a coral reef, and many white-sand beaches. There is also plenty of wildlife to be seen, including macaques, boars, deer, hawksbill sea turtles, spiders, and scorpions.

Visitors can explore the island by car or on foot. If you’re looking for a truly unique travel experience that will leave you feeling rejuvenated, Vashafaru Island is definitely worth a visit!



There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the population of Vashafaru Island will vary depending on factors such as weather, economic conditions, and war. However, according to the 2002 census, the population of Vashafaru Island was just over 10,000 people.



The economy of Vashafaru Island is based largely on tourism. There are several luxury resorts located on the island that offer all-inclusive packages. Additionally, the island is home to a number of small businesses and artisan workshops that provide goods and services related to tourism.




The climate of Vashafaru Island is tropical, with average temperatures ranging from 78°F (25°C) in the winter to 100°F (38°C) in the summer. The island experiences a lot of rainfall, which makes it a lush and beautiful destination.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion


The culture and religion of Vashafaru Island are based largely on traditional Polynesian customs. There are a number of temples and religious sites located on the island, as well as a Catholic church. The predominant religion is Hinduism, but there are also significant numbers of Christians and Muslims living on the island.



The primary language spoken on Vashafaru Island is English. However, there are also a number of languages that are commonly used in the island community, including Samoan, Tongan, and Fijian.



The education system on Vashafaru Island is divided into three levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary. The primary level is for students who are between the ages of 6 and 12 years and it is compulsory for all students. Secondary level education is for students who are between 13 and 18 years old and it is also compulsory for all students.

Tertiary level education is available to students who are over 18 years old and it is an optional subject. All students must complete at least six years of primary, two years of secondary, and two years of tertiary level education in order to be eligible to sit the national examinations.



Vashafaru Island is a self-governing territory and its own legislature, known as the Vashafaru Legislative Assembly. The island operates under a parliamentary system and the head of government is the Prime Minister. The political party that has been most influential on Vashafaru Island over the past few decades has been the Fijian Labour Party.

Government Services

Government Services


The government services that are available on Vashafaru Island include health care, education, housing, and infrastructure. The island has its own hospital and a number of schools that provide primary and secondary level education. In addition, the island is home to a number of churches and mosques that provide religious services to the local community.




The tourism industry on Vashafaru Island is growing rapidly and it is estimated that the island will be home to over 600,000 tourists by 2020. The main attractions of the island include its stunning natural scenery, healthy climate, and diverse cultural heritage.

Hotels and Resorts List

Hotels and Resorts List


Below is a list of hotels and resorts on Vashafaru Island. If you are looking for a specific destination, please use the search bar on the top right of this page to find it more easily. Alternatively, you can browse our comprehensive list by clicking on one of the headings below:

-Budget Accommodation

– Mid-Range Accommodation

– Luxury Accommodation




Below is a list of attractions that are located on Vashafaru Island. If you are looking for a specific destination, please use the search bar on the top right of this page to find it more easily. Alternatively, you can browse our comprehensive list by clicking on one of the headings below:


-National Park

-Spas and Wellness Retreats

-Culture and History Museums




Below is a list of activities that are available on Vashafaru Island. If you are looking for a specific destination, please use the search bar on the top right of this page to find it more easily. Alternatively, you can browse our comprehensive list by clicking on one of the headings below:


-Boat Tours

-Spas and Wellness Retreats

-Cheetah Safaris




There is no direct transport from any major city to Vashafaru Island. However, various ferries and boats operate between various parts of the country. From the major cities, you can usually find ferries that will take you to smaller islands and then onto Vashafaru.




Vashafaru Island is known for its fresh and healthy cuisine. This ranges from simple, everyday dishes to more exotic cuisines. Some of the restaurants that are popular on Vashafaru include seafood restaurants, Indian restaurants, and Italian Restaurants.


Overall, Vashafaru Island is a great place to relax and find some peace and tranquility. The weather is always perfect, the beaches are pristine, and the people are friendly and welcoming. I highly recommend this island for anyone looking for a relaxing getaway.


What Is the Currency in Fiji?

The currency in Fiji is the Fijian dollar.

Is There a Visa Required for Tourists to Fiji?

There is no visa required for tourists to Fiji.

What Is the Cost of Accommodation on Vashafaru Island?

The cost of accommodation on Vashafaru Island ranges from affordable backpacker hostels to luxurious five-star resorts.

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