All About Of Wedge Island – What You Need To Know To Travel



Wedge Island


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Wedge Island is a remote, uninhabited island located in the Indian Ocean. It is situated just off the coast of Tanzania, and is part of the Zanzibar Archipelago. The island is about 205 kilometres long and up to 40 kilometres wide, with an area of about 5,000 square kilometres.

It is made up of several distinct areas, including an extensive coral reef, a freshwater lake, and a series of small limestone hills. The island has been identified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of its unique natural features.

All About Of Wedge Island

Wedge Island


Wedge Island is thought to have been first settled by humans around 100,000 years ago. During the early part of the 20th century, it was used as a penal colony by the British Empire.

The island was abandoned in 1967, and has since been largely unoccupied. There is only one modern settlement on the island, a resort run by Zanzibar Shipping Company.

There are several potentially large oil and natural gas fields located off of the coast of Tanzania in East Africa that could be explored for their reserves. In 2009, a liquefied natural gas terminal was constructed at Luliro exported to Pangasian field – already visited exporters like Russia Qatar Japan India etc..

According to proponents’ estimates, the country sits on one of the potentially largest oil and natural gas fields in East Africa, as well as having significant deposits of gold.

The island also has potential for hydrocarbons to be extracted from alluvial aquifers at depths of up to 4500m.


Wedge Island Climate

Wedge Island has a tropical climate, with high humidity and an average temperature of 27 °C. The rainy season lasts from May to October, while the dry season extends from November to April. There is occasional rainfall during the remainder of the year.

Because of the very humid weather, more than 60% percent of annual rainfall occurs during two rainy seasons, October and May. The average relative humidity is 92%.July’s mean temperature is 27°C (81°F) with January at 22 °C (71 F).However Wedge Island has hot summer days reaching up to 43-45 C.



As of 2011, there were 3,877 people living on the island governorate out of a total population 787,965 in Tanzania according to World Bank statistics.

In 2009 25% or 2241 had access to drinking water up from 700 as at 2006 and 2646 by 2010 outnumbering 985 both years with 661 only having access in 2007 reaching 30% of the population . In 2004 it was estimated that 960 people were living on the island by 2010.



Pre-colonial Wedge Island culture is thought to have been of Bantu origin. The main language spoken on the island today is Swahili, although English is also widely understood. Friday night gatherings are a popular tradition on the islands and include dancing, music, and storytelling around a bonfire.

Tanzania Air and Lake Navigation Services (TAVANGO), a privately owned company, runs all passenger trips to Wedge Island. Starting in 2004 the company improved its ferry services providing weekly round-trip service between Bagamoyo on mainland Tanzania and Wedge Island.



Wedge Island is part of the Zanzibar Archipelago, which forms a part of the autonomous Zanzibar Region. The island is divided into eight districts: Masasi (the capital district), Mwembe, Ngonya-Ndume, Pemba North, Pemba South and Wadani.

At least two administrative posts are required to be held by a member of the Mwanga clan. Precedence is determined in turn by first-born son, then on through nephews and cousins with certain names becoming extinct and being replaced when such family members die out each generation.

Government Services


The island is served by a hospital and police station. There are also a post office, grocery store, and several schools on the island. Settlements

Bigo in Masasi District, Gogo Selassie (from Good Shepherd Village), Ngosi (pop. 60) and Jirei, Mwembe village near Pemba Morobe Downs Airport in the old trading centre of Chawama on the west coast are most well known among settlements but there are at least 12 other villages scattered across a dozen stretches of jungle forest.

Basil Louis Moodley & John Finch were two brothers from a family of nine who arrived in the island with 3000 native labourers, traders and their families. They settled at Pemba South around 1890 after an exhausting journey down what was then called the Eastern Railway line on kerosene-run camel trains.



Tourism is a growing industry on the island with resorts and restaurants popping up along the coastline. Many people visit the island to relax in its serene jungle environment or to explore its many attractions including coral reefs, caves and impressive mountain ranges.

UNESCO has named Pemba one of the World Heritage Sites in Danger. The island was officially designated a national park on June 1, 1998 and is described as biodiversity hotspot with over 114 bird species registered here along with many others.



There is only one paved road on the island which connects Pemba town with Masasi district in the north and west. The rest of the island is accessible by a network of dirt roads that traverse through miles of dense rainforest.

There are also two airstrips on the island – Pemba Morobe Downs Airport (IATA code: PABA) in Chawama, used primarily for tourism and air freight, and Mbula International Airport in Mbula (IATA code: MBUA), perhaps most famously used by exiled Equatoguinean rebel leader, Obiang Nguema Mbasogo when he was ousted from the countrytop to Pemba island on his private jet.


The cuisine of Pemba is diverse with influences from the country’s neighbouring countries such as Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Dishes typically consist of chicken or mutton cooked in a variety of ways – barbecued, roasted, boiled or baked – with cornmeal mush doughnuts served as an appetizer.

Perhaps the most iconic dish on the island is mchicha (Swahili for taro), a starchy vegetable fermented in water with a tingling sour taste. Another is huku (swahili for rice), which can be eaten as a separate meal or after the meat and potatoes part of the day’s meals.


Wedge Island is a small uninhabited island located about 20 kilometres west of the town of Gibsons, British Columbia, Canada. Wedge Island is the site of a unique geological formation, the Gibsons Arch, which was first noticed in the early 1800s and first described in 1859. The Gibsons Arch is a natural arch that spans over 2 kilometres.


1.What Is The Population Of Wedge Island?

Ans: There is no current population of Wedge Island.

2.How Big Is The Island?

Ans: Wedge Island measures 205 kilometers long and up to 40 kilometers wide, with an area of about 5,000 square kilometres.

3.Where Is Wedge Island Located In Tanzania?

Ans: Wedge Island is located just off the coast of Tanzania, within the Zanzibar Archipelago.

4.Where Is Wedge Island Located In Canada?

Ans: Wedge Island sits on the coast of British Columbia, between Bowen and Port Hardy. It can be reached by boat only (no road access). Small communities are also found nearby:

Port Wheaton and Gibsons Beach to the east, Chemainus and Salt Spring Island to the south-west, as well as Stewart’s Bay near Cape Scott Provincial Park to the north-east.

5.What Is The Main Activity On Wedge Island?

Ans: There are no permanent residents living within Wedge Island, but there is a small campsite in Gibsons Beach (about 4 kilometres south of Scott Point) which can be used for camping during the warm months of summer and early fall.

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