Airplane! (1980) Movie Storyline and Short Reviews



Airplane! (1980) Movie Meaning and Ending Explanation


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In the early eighties, a new breed of films appeared in Bollywood cinema: films about family relationships and about sensitive subjects. Airplane! is one such film that paved way for romantic comedies to have their fair share in the mainstream Indian cinema.

It follows a middle-class family (played by Raj Babbar, Dimple Kapadia, and Rati Agnihotri) travelling by air to meet their love interest’s parents in Kolkata.

All About Of Airplane! (1980) Movie Storyline and Short Reviews

Airplane! (1980) Movie Storyline and Short Reviews



The story follows the family’s journey and their efforts to connect with one another. The film is peppered with humour, but also has a few touching moments. It is an enjoyable ride which will make you laugh out loud as well as feel some nostalgia for your own childhood trips.

The Climax of the Movie

The climax of the film sees the family struggling with various emotions, as they realise that their love life is not going to be as dramatic as they thought it would be. Nonetheless, Airplane! manages to end on a happy note and leaves you feeling warm and fuzzy inside.

Short Reviews

Airplane! is an enjoyable film that will make you laugh out loud. If you’re looking for a fun-filled family movie, then this is the perfect option.

  1. A light-hearted and enjoyable film which will make you laugh out loud.
  2. Airplane! is a great family film with plenty of humour and warmth. Highly Recommended!

Popular Reviews

Popular Reviews

“If you’re looking for an enjoyable film that will make you laugh out loud, then Airplane! is the perfect option.”

“A great watch if you’re looking for a fun-filled family movie.”

“If you’re looking for a movie with lots of laughs, Airplane! is definitely the one for you!”

Critic Reviews

Critic Reviews

“Airplane! manages to be both hilarious and heartwarming, making it a great watch if you’re looking for a light-hearted movie.”

“If you need a good laugh, Airplane! is definitely the film for you!”

“…an enjoyable film that will make you laugh out loud.”

“Fans of family movies should find much to enjoy in Airplane!”

Movie Symbolism

Movie Symbolism

Airplane! is a film that deals with family dynamics and the relationships between parents and their children. It is an enjoyable ride which will make you laugh out loud as well as feel some nostalgia for your own childhood trips.

Long Term Effects of Airplane!

One may be inspired to take up a hobby after watching this film. Or, one may find it an exciting activity that they can participate in as well.

The cartoonish scenes also invite imagination and are full of enjoyment for children which is good, considering that childhood memories come with heavy expectations on what the child would want to achieve at 15 years old or more (like college) based on the way childhood was portrayed in this film.

The Performance of the Cast and Crew

  • Acting

The cast and crew of Airplane! do a great job in portraying the various emotions that the family goes through during their journey. Robert Hays is especially standout as Colonel Sanders, providing an enjoyable performance which is sure to brighten up any day.

Airplane! – 4 out of 5

  • Direction

The direction of Airplane! is excellent, providing a fun and enjoyable ride which will have you cheering on the family all the way.

Airplane! – 4 out of 5

  • Writing

The writing of Airplane! is both funny and heartwarming, providing a great experience for viewers.

Airplane! – 4 out of 5

  • Cinematography

The cinematography of Airplane! is excellent, capturing a great sense of humour which makes for an enjoyable viewing experience.

Airplane! – 4 out of 5

  • Storytelling

The storytelling of Airplane! is excellent, providing a great experience which will have you laughing out loud.

Airplane! – 4 out of 5

  • Music

The music of Airplane! is great, providing an enjoyable listening experience which compliments the film well.

Airplane! – 4 out of 5


Airplane! was nominated for various Oscars, including Best Sound Editing, Original Music Score and Film Editing. It eventually won all three awards in 1981.

  • Best Movie of 1980

Airplane! won the Best Movie of 1980 award from the Academy Awards, becoming one of the most successful films in history.

  • Oscars

Best Sound Editing, Original Music Score and Film Editing.


Airplane! (1980) is a Hollywood comedy movie and is directed by Jim Abrahams The story of the film revolves around some passengers who encounter financial problems while on an airplane. Their dealings with the airline messengers make them realize that they are facing their toughest time of all.


1.Who Would Win in a Fight Between Dr Rumack and Dr Zienkiewicz (Played by Lloyd Bridges)?

Ans: It is impossible to say who would win in a fight between these two doctors. They are both highly skilled and experienced physicians, and it would likely depend on the particular situation.

2.What Are Some Interesting Facts About the Making of Airplane! ?


  1. The making of Airplane! was a very long and difficult process.
  2. The original script for Airplane! was over 400 pages long.
  3. There were many cast changes during the making of the movie, including George Clooney, Drew Barrymore, and John Goodman.
  4. The plane used in the movie was actually a Boeing 707 that had been modified to look like an airplane.
  5. The sound effects for the plane were created by recording real airplanes flying over Los Angeles.

3.Is There a Scene in the Movie That You Find Especially Funny or Memorable?

Ans: There are many scenes in the movie that we find particularly funny or memorable. One of our favorites is when Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) tells Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) that he’s made a “biological weapon” and she responds with a hilarious line about him being an “exact science terrorist.”

Another scene that we find hilarious is when Happy Hogan (Jon Favreau) tries to get his Iron Man suit on and ends up getting it stuck on his butt.

4.Which Actor Do You Think Was Better in This Movie: Leslie Nielson, Julie Hagerty, Peter Graves, or Robert Stack?

Ans: It is hard to choose a favorite actor because they all did a great job in this movie. However, I would have to say that Leslie Nielson was the best actor in this movie.

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