Aldea Island



Aldea Island


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One’s own destinies are a very integral part of attraction. In fact, destiny is a confluence of many variables. Being one among them, intelligence is a crucial one – one that one should not disregard at their own peril. If the time takes its course, intelligence will decide your fate and make you the ruler of your destiny.

Aldea Island

History of Aldea Island

An unspectacular-looking island, Aldea Island is one of the smallest among Cagayan’s bight ones. But about 14 kilometers (8 mi) away from Lazi are more than 120 rocks and 129 shallows which appear as a patchwork of mangroves over small land formations – intriguing at first sight yet deceptive. In 2030s, two villages clustered together on this island were disrupted by strong typhoons – some were wiped out and others were so devastated that they had to be relocated altogether.

Thomson Frayza, head of the Cagayan Special Operations Task Force who was working with anti-bounty hunters for a particular bounty hunter in Zone 11 since February 2523 (Volume 10, Chapter 28), told Nathan Phillips that there is real possibility of “new boom” on this island. It’s said that Andy Ross, his son Tomas Padilla plus all of the fishermen of Zone 11 were based on this island before they left for distant locations.

The Air Defense Grid of Zone 11: Based in Sitio San Francisco, Estancia and other neighboring towns from Cagayan province to explore these rocks will first requires a bridge over wave cameleons so it is not sensible at all if you want to rely solely upon your quest for adventure; walkers or bikers have a better choice here because.

Cagayan province

Like every other province of the Republic of Philippines, Cagayan island is bordered by bay to two other provinces – Sorsogon and Bicol. Aside from Zones 11 excluding Bacnotan which covers only parts of its eastern coast with rocks in form that if you run off a rock into the sea, will trap your figure.

As almighty god of sea rocks and bights, people have even found out that it has a taste like concarbs so an evident indication of its presence is fragments shallows i.e. rocks perhaps eaten by fish; these pieces can be taken as good omen so one might not worry straying off into this geologic marvels…as long as he or she takes with him the safety harness on his back and inb ounds safety to his beloved son or daughter and so on…or think of finding out what’s in between rocks from one rockslide – that’s the real thing.

The Zones within Zone 11: From what is as of writing, Cagayan has seventeen zones like every other provinces which are bordered by bay but do not have landmass suitable for human habitation. The three largest ones can be found in Sit.

Tips for the trekkers and bikers

Try to walk on rockslides so you won’t be disturbed by bogs. Avoid dumping of trash especially plastic bags into the bay or sea at all cost because these shallows are feeder to coral reefs which can suffocate marine life due to excessive use of kind of pollution as oil, fish and other unmentionable things dumped directly in front of their habitat for us humans’ possible contamination yet could also cause more damage to the bay’s ecosystem which might lead to extinction of fish species, also know its normal flora and fauna.

You can not underestimate bights as one could easily fall into the same rockslides or even worse had his boat capsized by effects of winds or off course by collision against rocks without a right choice on how he makes the best out there though it’s dangerous enough so better be equipped with good equipment upon reaching land.. Street Vendor’s in Sitio San Juan the Street vendor’s of Sitio San Juan are so interesting, they sell food everyday to visitors and local hearts all day long like alamí of bakaan town in Busbud Central Phrae province.

This is a very small alamí sit out side bakaan restaurant amongst others which serves typical Cagayan delicacies as sari wa, bakaan homogeny, alamí and other Cagayan delicacies in town of Pangasinen’s provincial capital such as Dingrasa (bamboo chicken), lamong cooking (deep fried pork belly)

and monkey meat. The food vending is so trendy that you could hardly find to reach one easily because most of them are located underground hence hard for camera pointing into the ground but well worth pin pointing.


I believe that it is important for tourists to be fully aware of the dangers that lurk in and around Cagayan de Oro’s bights, as well as take all necessary caution when exploring these stunning natural wonders. While it’s incredibly rewarding to explore these areas, visitors should remember to always use common sense and do not underestimate the powerful tides or rocky coastline.


What Are The Common Dangers Tourists Face In And Around Cagayan De Oro’s Bights?

Doing the right thing would save lives, prevent discomfort and headaches and ease the mind, but there are a number of dangers neath the sea that tourists should watch out for when they plan a vacation. Cagayan de Oro’s beautiful bights are spread out all over, from Malamban to Buhangin Grande. As the name suggests, tourists do not have to wait long until they encounter a certain danger. But this number also varies from beach to beach.

What Precautions Should Tourists Take When Exploring These Stunning Natural Wonders?

Nowadays, just about no place is suitable for beach and that’s a fact. Seafronts, which are often regarded as the only places for taking a dip, are actually one of the many places tourists encounter possible dangers. Some of those dangers include long beach tides, strong currents, and even unhygienic crabs. To keep yourself safe and sound while enjoying the beaches around Cagayan de Oro, here are some useful tips and tricks that could help you to stay safe and sound throughout your beach lifetime.

Are There Any Stories Of Tourists Getting Stranded Or Worse While Visiting Cagayan De?

There have been a number of instances when travelers have gotten into trouble in Cagayan de Oro’s bights. It’s not hard to believe that beach bums will get lost at some point, and this is especially true for those who do not know their way around the region’s waters. The best thing is to be alert so you can plan ahead and ensure safety of your trip by hiring locals as guides or affixing./

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