Bambi FAQs



Bambi FAQs


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Yes, we know that Bambi is the name of the main character in the Disney classic “Bambi”, and not a dish you’d make from deer meat. But it’s worth noting that Bambi was one of the first dishes in India to be referred to as venison. And like all foodstuffs, it has evolved since then.

Bambi FAQs

Is Bambi Suitable for Toddlers?

We have received very positive feedback from parents on Bambi. We believe it’s one of the few kid’s apps in fairness that also fulfills its primary goal — which is to help students/scholars manage their academic life like a normal adult! The learning curve for youngsters age 6 years and below should be fairly straightforward, but you may want to read our sections “Vocabulary” and “Time Required”.

Is Bambi a Christmas Movie?

Many of us will be familiar with the Bambi cartoon movie, but what many people might not know is that there were two hard-boiled detective books (The Relic and The Sentry) based on the same characters, published in 1975. So, if you are a writer or an artist looking for material to fill up those lazy January nights before Christmas comes around again, we’d suggest checking them out! We have provided links at “Books”.

What Movie Does Bambi Grown Up?

Now the Bambi movie. Yes, we are aware that India has a substantial animated film industry, with cinema halls showing movies such as Balaji Telefilms’ Akhil: The Villain of India (2011) which stars Amitabh Bachchan himself! However, CMOVIE is totally different and out to become an instant classic — here’s why…

How Many Bambi Movies Are There?

A great deal of thought and cross-referencing work went into this question. As far as we could find, there were three motion pictures based on Bambi — 1966 (the animated Disney blockbuster), 1973 and 1977 — the only difference being that they came out in Europe to a different audience (citizens living over there would have “seen” two puppets! Ha!).

How Long Is Bambi?

The screenplay for the 1965 animated Disney movie was written by Murray Galperin and features the work of some industry legends — Bob Kane, Richard Williams and Joseph Barbera. In fact, Joe would go on to win two Academy Awards in his endeavors (and still today) as one of those mouse greats! The writers left us a catalogue that featured many recognizable names such as songwriters Burt Bacharach & Hal David, Oscar-winning animators.

What Happened to Bambi’s Dad?

Momma Bambi returns to the forest to find her baby fawn, only thing is that he hasn’t yet shown himself; concerned momma ventures forth and encounters a weasel who wants her child! Momma takes refuge in a hut — as much as she knows it isn’t safe there — only glimpse at our poor young fawn through the window. Upon seeing light enter his cave (placed right behind him) he pokes.

Who Is Bambi’s Girlfriend?

Well, according to the film’s original treatment Bambi was never planned as a married couple — there is ‘ “one and only true love” involved. In other words when those North American censors stormed the gates at the White House they struck again! However herein lies one of two things; either Disney didn’t want his work censored or this removal took place well in advance of any changes being made (sheepishly adding later).

How Has Bambi Changed the World?

Well, that might be asking too much on a superficial level — whereas this future claim to depict the ordeals of one deer we assume that Bambi is no mere magnificence; he is a phenomenon. [ Nice try]. Bambi’s dad in our humble opinion was an invaluable tool for saving the endangered California Condor. The film could thus leave few other than feeling great about all thing’s wildlife!

Why Is Bambi So Dark?

Well, it’s not exactly ‘dark’ per se — the film is really just a kid-centric fable. However, Disney studios were working on a very different movie and their ending was envisioned as much more bittersweet than what we ultimately saw through that enchanted looking forest with its beautiful orange clouds.

What Started the Fire in Bambi?

After Bambi’s mother Ewell gets knocked down by a hunter, she follows her only cub into the forest where they are relentlessly pursued by Dee and some other hunters. Prince Heinrich of Thule (Otto Gebur) is seeking to marry Princess Odile; however, after overhearing some bad fortune about his fiancée being “ruined”, he decides that it would not be practical for him to get married.

How Old Is Bambi the Deer?

Disney Studios initially planned to release Bambi as a Poddy sequel and thus the deer raised with real mothers. After spending time-codes looking at this several shades of light red, we’re tempted to say it’s not really until Springtime that Bambi hits his prime! The thing about youth is you don’t know how large your shadow will be until you get there – does he start small or grow on others.

Did Bambi Have a Kid?

Bambi has siblings, but we can’t really isolate a conclusive answer on whether any of them were his. One thing is for sure though: Bambi’s maternal line was very full in terms of there being several young deer not belonging to him; which again points back to the time-clock hypothesis mentioned earlier (amongst other things). As you know by now doesn’t always translate as ‘Bambi’s’.

Was Pinocchio Hanged?

Pinocchio’s parents were Geppetto, a carpenter and Gepps (as he was to the puppeteer) – but the story goes that one night during their meal Pinocchio complained about his thin legs. On this point some scholars go so far as suggesting “To shorten any development of new characters such cases have been shown times where it is impossible for even adult writers with little or no knowledge on ethnology not expose.

How Old Was Pinocchio?

This one’s quite tricky. The original Italian novel states that he was 4 years and 6 months old, whilst the English translation (published 16 days later) reduced it to being about 2½years-old – however ‘wounded’ does suggest not only his age but also state of health as well. Seemingly this means Pinocchio wasn’t a mature deer yet; which again leaves some questions unanswered: like if there’d been other young.

Is Pinocchio a real story?

It’s hard to know for certain, but there are also very few novels from that time period which have a similar premise. If this does indeed seem more than just “an ordinary fairytale (while being quite the story)” then it means Pinocchio is not just based on some fictional character – and therefore we can assume Aladdin was a real person too.

Is Sleeping Beauty Based on a True Story?

Apparently so. While Sleeping Beauty herself is fictional, Morpheus and Dumbo are real individuals; there’s even a reference to them within the story itself: “And then I was like ‘Seeing as everyone gets along so well here, maybe you could stay on, and tell us what Stilts likes’”. This references how Buzzi makes friends with his new pets.

Did Geppetto Get Swallowed by a Whale?

This one half of this duo have gone to the effort to research, which would imply that Pinocchio has too. They claim: “It was not an allegory or metaphor on Geppetto’s fate; as he did in fact actually get trapped inside a whale when it washed up and died”. Thus, they disprove any claims that Geppetto being swallowed by a whale is somehow just part of his story.

How Did Jiminy Cricket Become a Cricket?

Jiminy only appears in the original (and sequels). So, these have not been fact-checked, yet even assuming they are correct it still leaves another question: did Jiminy invent himself to fit a story about children who committed crimes? It’s also this last point that implies there has to be some truth behind Pinocchio… and why does he “sing like an angel?”

How Old Was Jiminy Cricket When He Died?

Jiminy, in the original version of Pinocchio is around 57 years old. He died before he ever published his journals; it’s only been found as a result of Google and Wikipedia (the websites for which are not necessarily reliable sources!) that there was actually a book we could check on – yet who knows how much fact can be taken from any such source! Jiminy has also vanished without trace once Disney took over the story until Dumbo.

Is Jiminy Cricket a Grasshopper or a Cricket?

Since the movie shows Jiminy having both grasshopper-like and cricket-like features this is more of a confusion than anything else. Disney agrees with Pinocchio being “half man, half grasshopper”. However, they also go on to say that he isn’t any species (meaning one in particular)

Who Called Jiminy Cricket a Grasshopper?

This one is heavily debatable! “An Objective Look at the Jiminy Cricket Deletion from Pinocchio [original version]”. Dora Gooch (2012). Tumblr. The most widely held theory for why Disney removed a character so early and then kept another in this strange state of affairs where his entire race has no obvious explanation in any other mediums than Disney cartoons is that he was both attracted to children.

Is Jiminy Cricket a Potato Bug?

There is scattered evidence to support this. The two characters look rather similar and their roles in the story don’t feature them much (Jiminy mainly follows Pinocchio around, whereas Blue Fairy tends to work with Benjamin). He does however appear on an old postcard with a flowerpot reading “Pinocchio’s Lucky Jiminy Cricket”, which shows that at some point before 1928 his loyalties were more closely tied to growing vegetables than joining children.

What Does the Name Jiminy Mean?

Jiminy, which would have been pronounced as JEE miracle in English (though Jim could also be interpreted as the more common pronunciation), is a nickname for Jean. There was another cricket whose name ended up being “Jiminy”. He’s one of two fictional characters who shared this name.

What Did Jiminy Cricket Do to Geppetto’s Parents?

There is no clear explanation given in the film, but perhaps they died due to accidental causes. Pinocchio “falls” through a crack between two large rocks near Geppetto’s house (the cave at where Jiminy Cricket was playing), and while unconscious he hears these mourning prayers:

How Successful Was Pinocchio When It Was First Released?

Disney is known for being very secretive about money, and yet he routinely complained that the studio wouldn’t give him enough. It’s entirely possible (though unlikely) that Disney was unhappy with Pinocchio’s reception upon release—it did far worse at the box office than any of his previous films!

What Was the Original Title for the Movie Fantasia?

The name comes from a type of folk song called the “Fantasia or fantasy“. Some pictorial references are made to Fantasia in House of Mouse, but no continuity existed between the two works (just like with Pinocchio vs. Geppetto). Even so, there exist various sources that don’t work out very well when taken at face value:

How Many Sequences Make Up the 1940 Movie Fantasia?

Was Fantasia black as a judge in the afterlife, what’s his now? If he was an adult when Pinocchio begins… and if jiminy actually dies within the original book (remembering there is no suggestion of this being even vaguely related to Peter Pan) then that leaves out six years spent as “stuck on a branch” or whatever it was. Obviously, none of these issues are true-ends at all; they’re just ingenious ideas used by people and white?

Did Bambi Get Shot in the Movie?

We make a point of being able to answer this question as an important part of our Bambi movies section. With that in mind, we want to add something relating to the shooting incident with Grandmother: “No”. There are several things which we need further insight into this detail before we can answer how it is resolved here; but on current information (we’ve been told)

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