Bancs Providence



Bancs Providence


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Bancs Providence Island is one of the newest and most exciting banks to enter the market. With a focus on financial inclusion, the bank is committed to providing quality banking products and services to its customers in the Cayman Islands.

From deposits and loans to insurance products and investments, Bancs Providence Island has something for everyone. If you are looking for a bank that is committed to providing quality service and products, then Bancs Providence Island is the perfect bank for you.

Bancs Providence



Bancs Providence Island was founded in 2016 by a team of experienced bankers with a commitment to providing quality service and products to their customers. Bancs Providence Island is based on the principles of financial inclusion, which means that the bank aims to provide access to banking products and services for all its customers, regardless of their ability to afford them.

With a focus on financial inclusion, Bancs Providence Island looks to provide high quality products and services for local residents. Bancs Providence Island has different banking options that you can take advantage of depending on your personal needs.



Bancs Providence Island is based on the beautiful Cayman Islands, which means that you can enjoy a warm climate all year round. The weather in the Cayman Islands is often considered to be one of the most tropical climates in the world. This means that you will never have to deal with cold or snow conditions when visiting Bancs Providence Island.

Banks are important institutions in every economy and it is crucial that they provide quality products and services that are based on the principles of financial inclusion. Bancs Providence Island combines its commitment to enriching individuals with a focus on transparency and customer satisfaction so that customers can receive high quality products and services at low cost.


The Cayman Islands are home to a diverse and vibrant culture, which is reflected in the bank’s products and services. Bancs Providence Island offers a wide range of banking products and services that can meet the needs of all its customers. Whether you are looking for traditional banking products or innovative solutions that go beyond traditional banking, Bancs Providence Island has something for you.

At Bancs Providence Island, we believe that customer service is one of the most important aspects in our business. Whether you are looking for friendly advisors, flexible payment options or greater accessibility to your money, we will make sure that every customer receives personal attention and offers high quality products at a great price.


Bancs Providence Island is committed to serving the political community in the Cayman Islands. We offer a range of banking products and services that are designed Specifically for members of parliament, government officials and their families. Whether you need help with your finances or just need to talk to someone about politics, Bancs Providence Island can provide you with the support that you need.

Government Services

Bancs Providence Island is a member of the Cayman Islands Banking Association, which means that we adhere to the highest standards in banking. Our products and services are designed to meet the needs of our customers and help them achieve their financial goals. We offer a wide range of banking products and services that can serve your specific needs.


Bancs Providence Island is proud to be a tourism brand in the Cayman Islands. We offer products and services that are designed to meet the needs of tourists, whether they are looking for banking products or loans that will help them enjoy their stay in the Cayman Islands. Our team of advisors can provide you with all the information you need to make your trip as enjoyable as possible.



Bancs Providence Island is committed to providing transport solutions that are designed to meet the needs of our customers. We offer a wide range of loans and products that can help you get the transportation you need to reach your destination safely and on time. Bancs Providence Island is certified by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) as a Certified Deposit taker within the Offshore Savings Credit Union.


Bancs Providence Island is proud to offer products and services that are specifically designed to meet the needs of our culinary customers. From loans and savings products to credit cards that can help you enjoy your food, we have something for everyone who wants to eat well in the Cayman Islands.

Bancs Providence Island provides event management services that are tailored to meet the needs of our customers. We have an experienced team of professional event planners who will help you plan your social and business events in a way that helps you get maximum profits from every venue.



Bancs Providence Island is passionate about wildlife, and we want to help our customers protect it. We offer a wide range of products and services that are designed to help our customers get the most out of their trips to see wild animals in the Cayman Islands. Our team of experts can provide you with all the information you need to make informed decisions about where and when to visit for optimum wildlife viewing opportunities. Household Goods

We want to make it as easy for our customers to take care of their personal items while they are abroad on holiday as possible. That is why we offer products and services that will meet the needs of everyone who wants a simple way of storing, securing or transporting precious possessions – whether that’s home furnishings dogs medicines money jewellery or computers.

We have everything you need to ensure that your home and personal items are safe, secure and in good hands when the suitcase or shoulder bag is on its way back to Cayman. We don’t just provide these services for our customers though – we also wish to help organizations like schools protect school property while letting their staff get out into the world too.


Providence Island is a small and uninhabited island located in the Eastern Caribbean Sea. Originally discovered by Christopher Columbus on October 12, 1493, it was later named for the 12 American bishops who petitioned the Spanish Crown for religious liberty in the New World.

The island came under British control in 1643 and served as the capital of the British Caribbean Department of Trade and Plantation Affairs from 1783 to 1802. The island was eventually sold to the US in 1838, and today it is part of the US Virgin Islands.


1.What Is The Currency Of Providence Island?

Ans. The currency of Providence Island is the US dollar.

2.What Are The Temperatures Like On Providence Island?

Ans. The average temperature in February is around 73 degrees Fahrenheit, while in August it averages around 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

3.Is There Any History Of Slavery On Providence Island?

Ans. There are no historical records suggesting that slavery was ever practised in the British Caribbean Department of Trade and Plantation Affairs. However, according to US census data from 1860, 400 slaves were imported between 1809 and 1860 during this time period.

4.When Did The US Purchase Providence Island?

Ans. The island was purchased for $2,000 in 1838.

5.What Is The Area Of Providence Island?

Ans. The approximate land area of the island is 3.59 square miles (9.62 sqkm).

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