Bastille Island Everything You Need to Know



Beacon Island Everything You Need to Know


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For those curious to venture into the unknown, there’s a tranquil and majestic island that declares its existence by making a significant presence in the world. Beacon Island, located in the Bay of Plenty has a fair share of natural wonders bordering it.

What makes it more interesting however, is the fact that it has achieved a cult status in New Zealand, thanks to its enchanting beauty and significance. Beacon Island is closely related to the topic of influential figures and their achievements. Here you can learn about kiwis who served as inspirations in their times.

All About Of Bastille Island

Beacon Island Everything You Need to Know


Beacon Island was first discovered in 1769 by Capt. James Cook and named after the HMS Beacon, which guided Cook during his explorations of the area. The island remained sparsely populated until 1898 when a wharf was built for goods that were being shipped to and from the islands. With increased transportation came more people looking to purchase land on the island, giving it its present day look.



The circumference of Beacon Island is 3.2km with a total area of 260.5 hectares. It has a population of approximately 30 people who are predominantly Māori and Pākehā, living in small villages that dot the landscape. There are no vehicular access to the island so everything must be transported by foot or bicycle.



Much of the island is covered in forest, with the exception of a small area that has been developed for farming and residential purposes. There are also several lakes and estuaries on the island that provide habitat for various marine life, making it a popular spot for scuba diving and snorkelling.



There are a few notable kiwis who hail from Beacon Island. The most well known is Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, who was born on the island and raised there during her childhood. Other noteworthy residents include naturalist Norm Hutchins, musician Virginia Wade and playwright Emma Rees.



The economy of Beacon Island is largely dependent on tourism, with visitors coming to enjoy the natural beauty and wildlife that the island has to offer. There are also a few small businesses that operate on the island, serving as suppliers for local needs.



The climate on Beacon Island is slightly warmer than mainland New Zealand, with a semi-arid climate that sees significant variations in weather conditions. Winters are generally mild, though can be bitterly cold if severe snowfalls occur. Summers are hot and humid, with occasional showers or thunderstorms.

Culture and Religion

Culture and Religion

The culture of Beacon Island is steeped in Māori tradition, with many residents keeping ties to their ancestral homes. There is a strong Christian presence on the island, with nearly half of the population declaring themselves as religious believers.

Most of the residents are Christian. Indigenous religion is also relatively prevalent on Beacon Island, with many people practising Māori traditions and heritage. The cultural diversity that exists in New Zealand projects a strong influence over life on Beacon Island, as community members have greater experience living among various ethnic groups than most other regions across the country.



The official language of Beacon Island is English, though Maori is also spoken by a minority of residents.



The education system on Beacon Island is similar to that found in mainland New Zealand, with a range of schools catering for all levels of students. Beacon Island is located in the Northland region of New Zealand. The island … has an area of and a population estimate… as at December 2016, there were 237 people living on the island.



At the Māori general election on 20 March 2017, no members of the New Zealand National Party were elected to Parliament. The Labour Party won 14 seats in Northland, compared to 5 for the New Zealand Conservative Party and no seats for either of the two main Pacific Island parties – Mana or United Future.

Government Services

Government services

The primary form of government on Beacon Island is a parliamentary democracy, with the island having two elected MPs in New Zealand’s House of Representatives. Services such as healthcare and education are provided by national governments.



Due to the island’s natural beauty, tourism is a significant industry on Beacon Island. Visitors can enjoy hiking, kayaking, fishing and snorkelling in the numerous waterways that crisscross the island.

Hotels and Resorts List




Top End



Lake Whakapapa Regional Park

Rivers and Lakes

Scenic Drives

Beacon Island is a picturesque island located in the Bay of Islands. The island is noted for its natural beauty, with more than 140 kilometres of walking trails that meander through wetlands, forests and over rolling hills. Local attractions include Lake Whakapapa Regional Park which offers camping facilities as well as lakeside swimming, fishing and boating.



There is limited transport on the island. Visitors can either travel to the island by boat or by foot.



Beacon Island has a range of restaurants that serve a variety of local and international cuisine.



Beacon Island is home to a variety of wildlife, including seabirds, deer and bats.


Beacon Island is a concept that is based on the hypothesis that the Earth’s biosphere can support a human population of almost seven billion people. A project by Mars One to colonise Mars, it suggests that one of the first steps toward this goal is to establish a human outpost on Earth, exactly where the two planets meet. In this way, it becomes possible for astronauts on Mars to be able to communicate with and receive supplies from this remote spot.


1.What Are The Benefits Of Attending A Retreat At Beacon Island?

Ans: Attending a retreat at Beacon Island can be an incredibly beneficial experience for both your personal and professional life. Not only will you be able to relax and rejuvenate, but you will also be able to gain new insight and knowledge that will help you grow and progress. Furthermore, you will be able to build strong relationships with others and develop new skills that you can use in your professional life.

Beacon Island offers a variety of retreats that are tailored specifically to your needs and interests. Some of the most popular include the Mindfulness & Meditation Retreat, the Wellness Retreat, and the Spiritual Retreat. Each retreat offers a variety of activities and workshops that will help you to relax and rejuvenate, as well as develop new skills. In addition, there are daily yoga and meditation sessions that will help you to focus and de-stress.

2.Why Is It Called Beacon Island?

Ans: Beacon Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the middle of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It is a popular tourist destination due to its picturesque landscape, pristine environment, and rich historical background.

In 1629, a group of French settlers arrived on the island and named it Beaubassin in honor of their governor, Jean de Beaumont. In 1633, the island was seized by the English and renamed Isle-aux-Coudres after Sir Edward Coke, one of the chief promoters of the English colonisation of North America. In 1659, the island was renamed Isle-aux-Coudres-du-Sud after King Louis XIV.

The island eventually became known as Beacon Island after it served as a lookout for passing vessels during the Napoleonic Wars. In 1802, the island was sold to the British government and became a military outpost.

3.Is There A Way To Save Money By Going To Beacon Island?

Ans: Beacon Island is a beautiful place and it would be a shame not to take advantage of all that the island has to offer. Here are a few ways that you can save money while on the island:

  1. Use the beaches as your primary source of entertainment. There are plenty of beaches to visit, and you don’t have to spend a fortune in order to enjoy them.
  2. Bring your own food and drinks with you. There are no restaurants on the island, so you’ll have to prepare your own meals or snacks.
  3. Rent bikes and helmets and explore the island on your own. There are plenty of trails to explore and beautiful scenery to see.
  4. Take advantage of the free Wi-Fi and use the internet for research purposes.
  5. Shop local when possible. There are plenty of souvenir shops on the island that will give you a good deal on what you’re looking for.

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