Beagle Island [Every Thing You Have To Know]



Beagle Island


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Beagle Island is a small uninhabited island located in the South Atlantic Ocean, about east of the southern coast of South America.

The island was discovered on 18 October 1830 by the English whaling captain John Biscoe, who named it after his pet beagle, Beagles.

The first recorded visit was by the French captain Jules Dumont d’Urville and the Spanish captain Agustín de Iturralde y Aranda in 1841. The island has been uninhabited since 1954.

Beagle Island

Beagle Island

Beagle Island lies in the space between the Roncador and Robert islands. It is long, with an area of . The island has several steep slopes with a total elevation above sea level.

There are two lakes as well, which have surface areas of about 0.4 km and 1 square kilometre (about ). Beagle Island’s mountainous terrain forms part of Antarctica’s South Shetland Islands claimed by Chile since 1940; these islands split off from South America and are sometimes considered part of the continent of Antarctica, others specifically claimed by Chile.

Beagle Island is located about east-southeast of Robeson island, which occupies the 50 degree longitude line between Cape Horn (Chile) in the southeast Atlantic Ocean and Perth (Australia).

Animals on Beagle Island

Animals on Beagle Island

Since 1954, Beagle island has not been inhabited by humans. The island is situated about east of the Antarctic Peninsula and contains two small lakes described as having an area of .

Temperature on Beagle Island can range from freezing below in winter to over in summer. AccordingBeagle islands animals aras fairly common but unaffected by pollution it still supports some birds species such as petrels, skuas and shearwaters – see also Francolin Island.

Administrative history of Beagle Island

Administrative history of Beagle Island

Situated in the Weddell Sea, north of South America and west of Antarctica’s Peninsula, Beagle island is charcterised by unstable lake-beds encircled with steep mountain peaks.

The geography of the island favours very little vegetation except bedrock soil on sheer cliffs throughout most of its surface as well as along parts or valleys that reach from sea level to high alpine territory.

There are three islands on the island and a further islet situated at about southeast of Robeson island which has a land area similar to that of Beagle’s said to be located in “Temperate Temperate Maritime Antarctica” – see Francolin Island, which forms part of Argentina’s Antarctic Territory but remains officially unclaimed/

Geography of Beagle Island

Geography of Beagle Island

Beagle island is located about east-southeast of Robeson island which occupies the 50 degree longitude line between Cape Horn (Chile) in the southeast Atlantic Ocean and Perth, Western Australia. South America lies to west and Antarctica is north.

The islands are surrounded by small scale lakes within a shallow underwater plateau at sea level, above this lake-bed lowlands are exposed on all sides due to erosion caused by galas glaciers am niotes and floods as well as deposition of sediments from the lake-bed soils.

The islands are surrounded by a sea ice cap composed of long thin bergs and cakes which completely surrounds Beagle island in winter with temperatures dropping to below freezing during the roughly seven months it lasts – see also Antarctica climate.

The level plains adjoin steep mountains, three island groups jut out at irregular angles form sheltered valleys cut into their precipitous.

Climate of Beagle Island

Climate of Beagle Island

Because of it’s moderate latitude and distance from major shipping routes, the islands climate is milder than most other areas of similar latitude.

Climate during summer (December to February) averages around 18 degrees Celsius with highs reaching about 22-24 degrees Celsius but winter temperatures hover just

below freezing on average even in mid-summer at -5 centigrade (-21f). Autumn weather stays relatively constant between 9°C and 12°C howeverk.

History of Beagle Island

History of Beagle Island

The island was first sighted by a Dutch expedition in 1642. The island was used as pasture for sheep until 1820 when an accidental fire destroyed the vegetation used for winter fodder and created large islands of bare rock, over time this led to further erosion which exposed the last remaining ice-free areas on Robeson Island – the islands became popular with sealers but were never settled due to heavy storms and often animals died during these trips from exposure .

After the islands were stripped of their products and sealers who used them died out causing no one to become resident on Robeson island for many years, until in 1852 James Clark Ross sighted the islands.

Following repeated visits by explorers primarily fur companies which created un-manageable animals numbers this led to all available space being cleared of plant life after they destroyed these at a time when it was still possible. This ultimately lead to long -term ecological destruction of the islands.

After this period island settlement was attempted by an American expedition in 1853 after several successful European prior attempts, who had built rough shelters on their arrival to maturity 10 groups of artist long-stay residents and were gradually able to negotiate a trade arrangement with locals themselves.

This all came crashing down in 1888 as a worse-than similar infestation destroyed parts of the island completely . The islands remaining settlements became seasonal for,


Beagle Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the South Atlantic Ocean. It is one of the youngest islands on Earth, having been formed less than 10,000 years ago by the lithosphere moving over an older landmass. The island is named after HMS Beagle, which explored the region in 1826-1828.

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