Bennison Island



Bennison Island


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Bennison Island is an unassuming and uninhabited island in the Queen Charlotte Strait. It is a small island, only about 6.5km2 in size, that has a significant ecological and historical importance. The island is home to a large population of seabirds, including the world’s largest colony of East Pacific seabirds- an astonishingly large number of which nest on the cliffs of Bennison Island.

Bennison Island


Bennison Island was first discovered by Europeans in 1792 and named after Adam Bennison, a British officer who explored the Strait. The island became well known to mariners during the early years of Canadian shipping because it offered a safe haven from storms.

The island’s significance increased when research teams began exploring its seabird colonies in the late 1960s and early 1970s. These investigations revealed that Bennison Island is home to some of the largest colonies of seabirds on Earth. The island is important for science related to global tropical cyclones characterization; it offers an invaluable opportunity to study storms and their structure within a storm-prone region that experiences major seasonal wind flow cycles, particularly during fall hurricane season in eastern North America.


Bennison Island Climate

Bennison Island has a very mild climate with an annual average temperature of 16.2°C. The island experiences a noticeable variation in temperatures between the summer months, when temperatures can reach 30°C, and the winter months, when temperatures hover around 0 degrees Celsius. The precipitation levels are low, with an average of 138mm (5 inches) falling annually. In the summer months, Bennison Island receives large amounts of rainfall from tropical storms and hurricanes. Rainfall ranges between 50-70mm (2 – 3 inches) per day in summer when these events occur.


The original inhabitants of Bennison Island were the Inuit. Today, there is very little native culture remaining on the island. The population of the island has steadily increased in recent years as tourists have discovered its stunning seabird colonies and peaceful atmosphere. There is only one permanent resident on the island, a fisherman who harvests rainwater to use as drinking water for his cabin.

Sunset at Beagley Bay of Bennison Island with The Channel coming up behind it – 2013 Image by William Colgan (via Flickr) Marshall Islands Expedition An expedition team from the University of British Columbia led by Professor Josh Donner and Sara Kiesling stumbled upon this super-olive green volcanic pumice rock while kayaking to find the source of methane.


The Marshall Islands are a self-governing country in free association with the United Kingdom. The capital and largest city is Majuro. The Cabinet of Ministers, led by the Prime Minister, comprises 18 ministers who are responsible for all government functions. There is no president, but there is a unicameral legislature (the Council of Eminent Persons) whose members are appointed by the prime minister on the advice of an electoral college comprising chiefly political party leaders. The judiciary is independent of the executive and legislature, but there are no free elections to either; majority rule prevails under a tradition known as Yaren (Rule by Whites), which has been in effect since Marshallese independence from Germany in 1946.

Government Services

The main services provided by the government are healthcare, education and social welfare. The majority of citizens (76%) have access to clean water and sanitation, although there is significant poverty in the country. Corruption is a major issue, with allegations of bribery and political interference regularly made in the media. Access to electricity is spread very unevenly through the country.


The Marshall Islands is a popular stop on Pacific island tours. The country has many beautiful beaches and reefs, as well as crystal-clear lagoons andActive VolcanoEriko Island is the most developed of the islands, with numerous resorts and restaurants. Kili Island has been declared a Marine Protected Area, the only such reserve in the Pacific as of 2018.

The population rose from about 15,000 before World War II to 76,500 after it and represents approximately 61% of an estimated total Marshallese population worldwide now estimated at 8711 all persons residing in Micronesia excluding Federated States of Micronesia.


There is no rail service and only limited road infrastructure. The main airport, Majuro International Airport, is the country’s primary gateway for international travel.

The Marshall Islands are a member of the Pacific Islands Forum and East Asia Summit .

Federated States of Micronesia & the Marshall Islands have signed Inter-Governmental Agreement regarding demarcation and maritime delimitation. “The High Court has recognized that it is not a ‘field in which its function extends beyond limited fields’.”


The traditional Marshallese diet is based on a combination of seafood, breadfruit, pandanus and taro. Coffee is also an important part of the culture. The traditional diet includes a large mixture of fish, breadfruit and meat-based dishes. Salt was unknown to the pre–Christian Marennese before European contact, as it is not present in the local soil or water at significant levels.


The main wildlife species on the islands are seabirds, marine turtles and reef fish. Ornamental fish and pigs are also important. Protected areas include a 51 km (28 mi) marine reserve in the north–east of the island, which is home to several species particularly at risk like whale sharks; there are no commercial shark fishermen or fleets operating on its waters since 2005 as it is an endangered location. The United States has a policy of using indirect rule granted by the Congress and President to exercise varying degrees of control over Federated States of Micronesia; Marshall Islands, Palau and Guam while they are separately administered by their own government.


Bennison Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence north of the eastern end of Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia, Canada. The island is noted for its dramatic coastline and extensive forests.


Q: What Is The Population Of Bennison Island?

A: There is no definitive answer to this question as there are periodic census data collections but currently it appears that the island’s population stands at zero.

Q: How Long Has Bennison Island Been Uninhabited?

A: The island has been uninhabited for centuries and there are no reliable records detailing its exact history or when it first came into existence. It could be first recorded in 1837 due to the presence of HMS Racehorse which was wrecked on the island.

Q: Why Did No One Inhabit This Island?

A: There are several possibilities or likelihoods on why no one inhabited this island. The lack of recent records make it difficult to estimate when humans first settled the island but research suggests that fishing was located off the western and southern portions of Bennison Island while traditional hunting grounds, such as shoreline cliffs, appears to have been occupied year round by aboriginal peoples for thousands if not tens of thousands years prior.

Q: What Type Of Vegetation Covers Bennison Island?

A: Precipitation is light and moderate throughout the summer months with a short dry season during which fires are commonplace.

Q: What Types Or Species Can Be Found On Bennon Island?

A: Approximately 82% percent (95%) covers evergreen stands that comprise deciduous shrubs followed by various herbaceous plant life such as grasses, forbs ,

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