Boston Island



Boston Island


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Boston Island is a small, uninhabited island located in the Gulf of Mexico, about south of the mouth of the Mississippi River. The island was claimed by Spain in 1719 and by France in 1731. In 1795, it was sold to the United States for one dollar.

Boston Island


The island was first claimed by Spain in 1719. France also claimed the island, but relinquished its claim in 1731. The United States purchased the island from France for one dollar in 1795. It is unoccupied and uninhabited today, although part of it is leased to a seafood processor as a salt production site.

In 1795, the United States purchased from France a parcel of land along with Monticello and Sibley Islands. It retained possession of Boston Island until 1834 when it was sold to private interests for $2 per acre ($4/ha).


Boston Island Climate

Boston Island has a tropical climate with heavy rainfall. The island is part of the Louisiana/Texas Coastal Islands region. The United States completely leased Boston Island from the Government of Louisiana in 1950.

Briefly, at one time there was mention that Iberia Water Search and Recovery LLC might seek to drill on the island; however, they were never able to secure leases with Texaco or Chevron due either to environmental issues or general lack of progress by their mineral discovery team.


The island is uninhabited, so there is no culture on the island. Altimeter shows a pressure of , which indicates post-hurricane winds are between . Altimeter is showing about low (923mb), but the computation was done when NOA approached, so it may be substantially different. Average air velocity from now to early June should have increased by another degree or two at more than 2000 meters above sea level.


Boston Island is unoccupied and uninhabited. There are no political representatives. No US postal or internet services are available at this time (2013). The island has been used for military training and support during World War II, the Cold War, Vietnam and present day.

Fire departments from both Louisiana (Acadian Parish) and Texas were stationed on the island in 1947-1948 for mutual aid response to wildfires which burned over 158 square miles of woodlands associated with oil production development previously occurring on the island.

Government Services

The island is unoccupied and uninhabited, so there are no government services on the island. The United States has recently (Feb 2007) released a survey on the Boston Island to determine if it is of national security significance.

The Government Accountability office completed a full environmental study and determined that Boston Island was neither publicly or privately owned, so there are no restrictions under ‘the Antiquities Act’.

The only real activity associated with any government service available at this time would be oil and gas drilling rights; however, even these have not been extensively explored yet, and would not be available until drilling technology improves.


There are no current tourist options available on this island. Invasive species

The island is currently not affected by invasive plants or animals. However, backcountry hikers have discovered large groups of feral goats and cattle on the center part of the island. No current poaching activity has been identified; however there are feral artifacts located near a known early 1900’s era hunting cabin that could have been moved to the site rather than being left behind naturally due to storms and flooding over time, which would be consistent with national park regulations.


There is no way to reach Boston Island currently. A ferry service connects the island with Fort McHenry in Baltimore, Maryland and Roosevelt Roads National Monument on Key West, Florida. There are also small airplanes which sometimes land on the island to refuel; however, there is not currently any commercial transportation connecting Boston Island to anywhere else.


There is no current cuisine available on the island. Current status

The island is not currently under any Federal protection, although local activists have formed the Boston Island Preservation Society to encourage preservation of this isolated spot and form a nature preserve. Conservation efforts are underway on (and off) the island at present. Facilities

There are no current facilities on the island. Inaccessible by road, visitors must come by private boat or airlift due to rough weather conditions and limited landing space at Roosevelt Roads National Monument in Florida where tourists can leave automobiles for return trips to Annapolis during their visits.


There are a variety of wildlife species which can be found living on and around Boston Island. The most commonly sighted animals include feral goats and cattle, as well as bald eagles, ospreys, foxes, raccoons and rabbits. There have also been sightings of deer and boar. Boston Island is within the domain of a variety of plants, including forb, ferns and grasses . As of 2014, the island has a variety of wildflowers.

Bird species include gulls and ducklings along with various songbirds. Mammals on the island include rabbits, foxes and deer; however during extreme weather events no mammal weighing more than 20 pounds can be found present for very long periods before being driven out by snowfall or storms. There is at least one species of small rodent known to live on the island. Natural environment

The natural environment around Boston Island and area consists mainly of a long stretch of ruggedly undulating land, with overhanging tree limbs which combine to form an extensive forest canopy.


Boston Island is an archipelago located in the Okavango Delta, about 93 km east of Maun, Botswana. The islands are privately owned and used for tourism and game farming. The islands have been designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.


  1. What Is The Population Of Boston Island?

There is no current census on the population of Boston Island as it is uninhabited. However, due to its size and accessibility, there are likely a few residents on the island.

  1. How Long Has Boston Island Been Inhabited?

Boston Island was first claimed by Spain in 1719 and then France in 1731. It was sold to the United States for one dollar in 17 95.

  1. What Are The Major Pests And Issues On Boston Island?

Insects: Bed bugs, which got out of control in 2017 when there was intense flooding and heavy rainfalls. Rats were also introduced at some point during BC’s occupation (inhabitation) by a few intrepid islanders who set-up rubber plantations using Congo red extract from Senegal to produce kapok fiber for use as stuffing material used against insects and other pests in mattress, sleeping sacks.

  1. What Is The Fresh Water Supply Available On Boston Island?

The primary source of freshwater for all islanders are wells dug by prehistoric dinosaur bones (a few have made it out at depth but some have stopped functioning so villagers carry backwaters) that naturally occur in local rocks and soils throughout the islands’ interior highlands above seasonal floods during rainy seasons which can reach heights of 5 meters.

  1. What Is The Cooking Method Being Used In Boston Island?

All homes have a grill/fire pit by their door as well as clothing and bedding made of asbestos (from nearby factories) and other fibers across most beds on island to keep away nasty insects that ruin mattress covers, pillows and duvets during rainy seasons throughout the year – when it is damp not heated up, mosquitos attack causing problem sleeping outdoors with no protection.

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