Bowden Island



Bowden Island


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Bowden Island is a small and uninhabited island located in the middle of the Bering Strait. It is a part of the United States territory, and is managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. The island was named after Captain William Bowden, an American whaler who discovered it in 1822. The island is known for its rich bird life, which includes seabirds such as guillemots, razorbill, murres, and puffins.

Bowden Island


Bowden Island was first discovered by Captain William Bowden in 1822. At the time, it was still a part of Russian Alaska. The island became part of the United States when it purchased Alaska from Russia in 1867. Since then, it has been managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service as an important bird habitat.

Today, Bowden Island is an important nesting ground for seabirds such as guillemots, which can be found on the beaches from September to November. The island is home to more than 800 species of bird in total, including 140 nesting seabirds. In addition, its rich sea life provides hunting opportunities for whales and fur seals during some parts of the year as well.


Bowden Island has not been geologically active since it became a part of Alaska when glaciers receded significantly after 2000 BCE leaving isolated rocks exposed


Bowden Island Climate

Bowden Island has a climate that is typical of the Bering Strait region. This means that winters are cold and windy, while summers are hot and humid. The average temperature is around 0 degrees Celsius (32 Fahrenheit) in the winter, and 32 degrees Celsius (89.6 Fahrenheit) during summer.

The island receives high amount of precipitation (average annual rainfall is about 273 mm, or 10.7 inches). Winds tend to blow from the northeast which are strong in winter and calm most other months

Plant life

Bowden Island contains settlements by plants that can be found across North America. More precisely, it has areas that have a subarctic as well as extremophile plant communities which makes its ecology distinct from those of other islands around Alaska


There is no evidence that humans have lived on Bowden Island for very long. A small, isolated population of Aleutian brown bears live on the island year-round and are the only terrestrial mammal inhabitants in the Bering Strait region. There is no evidence that they have been living on the island for over 10,000 years

Cold origins of “Bowden Island” (Bowdin) and its name


There is currently no organized government on Bowden Island. The island is currently under the jurisdiction of the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the US Coast Guard

Demographics in Bowden Island

There is no true count of human population on the island. However, yearly counts around 1-2 are thought to exist. According to PACER (Public Access Center for Environmental and Resource Research), there were 20 people living at Archibald’s Village as of 2012

Government Services

There are no organized services on the island. The closest government service is Ketchikan, Alaska which is about 129 miles (208 kilometers) from Archibald’s Village Healthcare

There is no hospital. However, a clinic and pharmacy are located in Ketchikan

History of “Bowden Island” (Bowdin) and its name – 2000-2012 A British explorer named John Baskett discovered the island in 1859 after he spent several weeks on Cope Diomede trying to find a western route from Alaska through Russia back to Europe. According to historians, however, it would be decades before


There is no organized tourism on the island. However, a few visitors make it to Bowden Island each year and enjoy its natural beauty

Native Americans on Bowden Island (Bowdin) – 2000-2012 According to historians, there were native Aleuts inhabiting the island by 1200 C.E.. However, from 1300 onwards or sometime after that year due to European and Marxist thought of the time; Aleutian taxes were imposed upon the natives which lead them into severe poverty and caused many deaths in a very short period of time–this is historically referred


There is no organized transport on the island. The closest transportation service is Ketchikan, Alaska which is about 129 miles (208 kilometers) from Archibald’s Village , Alaska

There is no public transport or even transportation within the village. However, there are various small mini-buses which run from the harbor to the airport a few times each year.

The roads throughout Archibald’s Village are frequently in bad condition, so they do not advise going on them with vehicles of any kind during these months when more expeditious sea busses and rafts can access this area also–this could be anywhere


There is no organized cuisine on the island. However, visitors are free to cook their own meals in any of the homes or campsites

There is no public healthcare on Bowden Island (Bowdin). Visitors who require medical attention must leave the island and travel to a hospital located elsewhere in Alaska

Weather – 2000-2012 The weather throughout Archibald’s Village can be classified as polar bear country due to its sparse population and rugged terrain . A polar cyclone can directly affect the weather of Cape Romanzof. This reduces visibility as well as potentially causing winds and snowfall which may be heavy or intense at times

The island is also subject to hurricane-like storms, though not nearly so often. The Island experiences traffic jams with infrequent occurrences due to bad road conditions brought on by thick drifts of oceanic side banks (a very large swatch of pack ice grounded along


The wildlife in this area is dependent on the presence of sea ice. Bowden Island experiences a polar bear population which increases during the winter as they search for food sources on land. Common sightings include bearded seals, walrus, bowhead whales and Dall’s porpoises

Inland from Cape Romanzof there are large herds of caribou that migrate to lick salt water from the Arctic Ocean . There have also been documented reports of wolf packs and moose populations

In the ocean itself there are large pods of whales, seals (northern-rubbing in particular) barren-ground caribou, orcas , sunfish, mackerel groups and miles upon miles of sea life icovery is popular for this area throughout the summer with about a dozen small settlements spread out along both sides. However icy conditions can occur especially during winter which may slow up to almost


Bowden Island is a small and uninhabited island located in the Indian Ocean. It is known for its secluded beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush greenery. The island is also home to some of the world’s rarest plants and animals.


Q: How Big Is Bowden Island?

A: The size of Bowden island ranges from 2.5km x 1.5 km to 4 km x 3 km in size

Q: What Kind Of Wildlife Can I Expect To See On Bowden Island?

A: There are a variety of animals that live on and around the island, including polar bears, caribou, bald eagles, woolly mammoths, and wolves.

Q: What Are The Weather Conditions Like On Bowden Island?

A : During summer, daytime temperatures hover around ~22°C (72.4°F), however at nighttime it can drop to 8oC (~14o F). This is a great place to go kayaking or scuba diving during winter months because its not as windy or freezing cold and in between tides you could almost see land

Q: How Did Humans Get There?

A: This is the main question a lot of people ask. No one knows for sure however evidence has been discovered that goes back hundreds of thousand years . In July 1788 an English explorer named Captain Byron was running low on provisions during his 5 months voyages to Antarctica and stumbled upon Bowden Island at 7 p.m., two days into their encounter with this island they were attacked by native hunters who boarded boat in waves armed with harpoons, clubs, and spears. The Hunters who were Inuit people massacred all on board except the captain who lost 3 of his companions during the attack. Captain Byron survived by staying in a small wooden hut with 2 women during this incident

Q:How Can I Get There?  

The only way to travel is first through F increased ice or even w/e hassles regarding it’s kind of transportation that passes through every.

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