Elizabeth Islands -You have to know



Elizabeth Islands


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The Elizabeth Islands are a group of eight small islands located in the central part of the East Indies, near the equator. The area is known for its rich biodiversity and has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The islands have been a source of inspiration to writers and artists for centuries, and they continue to be popular tourist destinations today. Travellers can enjoy hiking and biking trails, snorkelling, kayaking, and scuba diving in some of the world’s clearest waters. Whether you’re a nature lover or want to take a break from the city life, these islands are worth a visit!

Elizabeth Islands


The Elizabeth Islands were first discovered by Europeans in the early 1470s, and they were named after Queen Elizabeth I of England. The islands gradually came under Dutch control, and remained so until 1830, when they were ceded to the British Empire as part of the Treaty of London.

At that time, many foreigners (including Indonesians) began settling on the islands, which led to rapid economic development. Today, most of the population is made up of people from various parts of Asia and Europe who have fled war or poverty back home.

What to See and Do?

Port Mulgrave – Popular with backpackers. One of the best beaches in Indonesia, especially for those seeking a low-key beach experience. However do note that this is one of the few places on Bali where you’ll get stuck behind large tour groups (Chinese visitors are famous).

Travellers wishing to enjoy a quieter part of Northern Bali often prefer getting ferried over by hire boat from other islands such as Ancan or Mengwi instead since it’s cheaper than staying overnight in Pandan Highlands, but this means travelling all day long down Mangsit ian Beach and around the Cempedak Falls.

If you’d rather be one of many (or would like to stop over at another destination en route) hire boats may also include a day-excursion out to Kecil in other directions too, such as from Bajra or Amed – again, only for those with their own transport.



The Elizabeth Islands have a subtropical climate, with strong seasonal variations. Annual rainfall averages about 1,600 mm (67 in). The rainy season lasts from May to October and the dry season from November to April.

Temperatures are highest between October and March, when average maximum temperatures reach 32 degrees Celsius (90 degrees Fahrenheit). The average daily temperature is 25 degrees Celsius (77 degrees Fahrenheit).

Rainfall consistently falls during the day from November to April, with occasional showers on fine days during the rainy season. Wet bulb thermometers often register 33 C or higher in January and February.

Ranked #4 of 5 beaches for total ‘pink sand/it’s just so pretty’ factor! Malligaha isn’t technically a “beach” itself – but it has lovely soft white-sand all around its reef protected lagoon which are calm inshore waters ideal for snorkelling & fishing.


Elizabeth Islands Culture

The Balinese people are Hindus and practise a traditional religion called Hinduism. The culture of the Island is based on the performing arts, such as dance, music and drama. Balinese people are friendly and helpful by nature.

Mount Tambora (Tjandrawasih) is an active volcano with a summit altitude of 739 metres above sea level 15 km south-east of the island capital city Amed in the East Nusa Tenggara province Indonesia with a 1 million cubic kilometres volume. In May 1815 Mount Tambora erupted sending volcanic ash into stratosphere causing global cooling which has lasted until present day that pattern continuing to deepen every year as biodiversity decreases each year at alarming rate due to it effect on climate thus causing mass extinction of wildlife due to further erosion by more oceanic islands which are eroding from myriads as island’s continue.

Politics of Elizabeth Islands

Politics of Elizabeth Islands

The Elizabeth Islands are a group of five volcanic islands, located in the Central Pacific Ocean. The islands are administered by Papua New Guinea under a trusteeship agreement signed in 1954. As part of the PNG-Australia Agreement (1978), Australia has an exclusive economic zone extending 200 nautical miles from its coasts around each island and responsibility for their defence and administration. In 1978, the UK transferred responsibility for all security matters on Norfolk Island to Australia.

Government services

Government Services

There are no hospitals or other government services on the Elizabeth Islands. All government activities are carried out from the island capital of Amed.

The primary source of income for most residents is subsistence farming and fishing. The main exports are copra, palm oil, timber and sea cucumbers. Food is imported from nearby Australia, and Indonesia. Most of the fruit-bearing palms are tapped as they reach maturity to provide palm oil for both domestic consumption and export. Some locals also engage in tapping sandalwood trees on Norfolk Island (see “Economy”).


Elizabeth Islands Tourism

Tourism on the Elizabeth Islands is limited. A small number of visitors arrive each year to stay on one of the islands or visit some of the nearby attractions, such as Norfolk Island National Park and Amed Bay. Visitors are mainly Australian Australians and New Zealanders who come for bushwalking, birdwatching, snorkelling and diving.


The Elizabeth Islands are a group of small, uninhabited islands located in the eastern coast of Newfoundland, in Canada. The islands are home to a small population of lobster fishermen and their families, who have been working the islands since the early 1900s. With a rugged coastline and clear waters, these islands offer visitors a chance to explore a unique area of Newfoundland.


1. What is the Population of the Elizabeth Islands?

There are a total of only 30 residents on the islands, who mainly consist of lobster fishermen and their families.

2. How Far is It From Canada to the Elizabeth Islands?

The trip from Canada to the Elizabeth Islands takes approximately six hours by boat.

3. Are There Any Flights Available Between Canada and the Elizabeth Islands?

No, flights do not currently operate between Canada and these islands.

4. What is the Climate Like on the Elizabeth Islands?

The average temperature in January is -2 degrees Celsius, while the average temperature in July is 27 degrees Celsius.

5. Are There Any Beaches or Other Tourist Spots on the Elizabeth Islands?

There are no hotels or restaurants available on these islands, but visitors can enjoy hiking and biking trails, snorkeling, kayaking and scuba diving in clear waters.

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