Brava Island



Brava Island


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Brava Island, formerly known as Fernando de Noronha, is an uninhabited Brazilian island located about 340 kilometres (210 mi) west of the mainland. It has an area of 4 square kilometers (1.5 sq mi), and is part of the Fernando de Noronha National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Brava Island


The island was first sighted by Europeans on 12 January 1502, when Vasco da Gama anchored off its east coast. The Portuguese gave it the name of Noronha (meaning “Norwegian Island”), but in 1534 the island was given a new name by João Álvares Cabral, after his ship Bravo (Spanish for “brave”). In 1860, Austrian captain Klemens von Kotzebue charted its north-east coast and named it Ferdinandea Australis because he thought that only Antarctica lay beyond this point.

In 1908 Fernando de Nor onha was annexed by the island of Inhaca, sharing a common governor. This provoked an anti-colonial uprising in 1909 which escalated quickly into civil war and fighting between native islanders and Portuguese soldiers who occupied the island after de Noronha’s annexation; more than 1000 people were killed as a result, many of them natives.

The island has recently been connected to Fernando de Noronha proper via two bridges opened in January 2010 that cross over it at its entrance (Brava Island) and exit through another bay called Porto Grande – connecting both islands to the mainland once again .

Even though 12,000 people live on the island, only a minor fraction of its total population lives in these settlements; most settlers commute from other cities. The island’s capital Faial has over 2 small villages/boroughs: Boa Vista / Centro (pop. around 35 000) and Porto da Praia e Regência / Batalha do Corrida de Feras (pop. around 8000).


The island has a tropical climate, with an average temperature of about 23 °C. The weather is generally hot and humid, but afternoon sun can be refreshing. Annual rainfall averages 1 980 mm. Snowfall is a rare because annual temperatures don’t dip below 17 °C (63 F), the island has neither glacial nor alpine glaciers and there are no permanent snowcaps.

The highest point on Noronha island, located in the central-west region of Centro, is Pico do Monte Justo e Selvagem (~1000 m elevation). There are three other high areas: chukka at Pico de Vello e Cola 2,350 m; volcano Corcovado 1 630 m; and Castelão hill 1 600m elevation which belongs to Mor ro do Mal, a mini volcanic island that covers around 30 km2.

The village of Boa Vista has arguably the most beautiful environmental feature in Brazil: Lagoas de Restinga e Bosque Estacional, which usually sees its shores flooded with salt-water during winter due to high tides and interconnections between rivers from the Atlantic ocean; when pollution isn’t present, this particular lagoon’s pale white sands appear like an endless beach (almost) across 3 fields covering few square kilometers.


Moro Branco is a folk dance that features quick, lively movements and a repetitive tune. Faial’s patron saint is São João Baptista, who is celebrated on the first Sunday in October withProcession of the Holy Cross and regional fairs.

Noronha island has an agricultural society based mainly on livestock raising (cattle, sheep, pigs). The island also produces coffee beans, citrus fruits (mainly oranges), bananas, honey and olive oil. There are no factories or other large-scale industrial enterprises; most goods are produced by small artisanal workshops. Tourism is a growing sector of the island’s economy, and coastal fishing is no longer pursued.

The island has a total population in 2017 estimated to be 27 061 with most inhabitants being Roman Catholic or evangelical Christians. There are 648 people who consider themselves indigenous; there isn’t an official census , but it is believed that there are about 2 000 inhabitants who identify as African, 2000 of Japanese descent, and 1000 of Portuguese descent.


There is one legislative branch, the National Congress. The president is directly elected by universal suffrage and serves a four-year term. The prime minister is appointed by the president, with the approval of the National Congress.

The island has two autonomous regions: An Terceira (the older region) and Porto Santo (the less populous region). Legally, both regions are Portuguese islands and their local administrations are responsible for health care, education, economic development, public works projects and policing; however there have been calls for greater autonomy from Lisbon .


Noronha island has a rich African, Indian and Asian culture, which is still observable along the island’s streets. The island has no public monuments or especially remarkable buildings but it does have many archaeological sites left behind by ancient civilisations.

The best known archaeologist on the island is José Leite de Vasconcelos e Almeida (1870–1946). His work included research in Porto Santo that produced an excellent semi-industrial view of local history dating back to Bramante and beyond .


The island uses the Portuguese electrical system, which is based on 220 volts, 50 Hz . The island has a small power station that can supply up to 10 000 households.


There are two water systems on Noronha: the municipal water supply and the desalination plant. Municipal water comes from main watersheds, rainwater and underground sources. Desalination plants convert seawater into drinking water for approximately 9000 inhabitants of Porto Santo and An Terceira regions of the island .

While electricity is widely available throughout most of Noronha , some parts of the island are still without it, and telephone lines remain in a very rudimentary state.

Ports and airports

The island has two ports: Porto Santo/Salazar e São João Baptista on the north coast (the older region) and Armação dos Bicos on the south coast (Porto Santo). There is also a small airport located in Salazar e São João Baptista .



Noronha is a popular tourist destination, with visitors from all over the world . The island has a number of luxurious hotels, as well as camping and hostels. The most famous attraction is the Blue Lagoon , which attracts thousands of tourists every year.


If you’re looking for an escape, Brava Island is the perfect option. With its clear waters, white-sand beaches, and lush vegetation, this small island in Sardinia is a haven for relaxation. From day trips to long stays, there are plenty of activities to enjoy on Brava Island. Whether you prefer exploring the island on your own or taking part in one of the many activities available, you’re sure to have a blast. To get you started, here are five of the best things to do on Brava Island.


What’s The Population Of Brava Island?

Currently, there is no permanent population on Brava Island. However, during the summer months, a few tourists are usually present.

How Many Hotels Are On Brava Island?

There are currently no hotels located on Brava island. However, in previous years there were a few private cottages that offered accommodations to visitors.

Are Tap Water And Food Available On The Island?

Yes, both tap water and groceries (such as bread, milk, and eggs) can be purchased at local shops on the island.

Is There An Airport Located On Brava Island?

No, there is no airport located on Brava island. However, the island can be reached by boat from the mainland or from Fernando de Noronha National Park.

What’s The Currency Used In Brava Island?

Brava island uses Brazilian real as its national currency.

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