Bridge of Spies- Movie Meaning and Ending Explained



Bridge of Spies- Movie Meaning and Ending Explained


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Bridge of Spies is a 2015 American historical drama film directed by Steven Spielberg and written by Matt Charman, Joel and Ethan Coen. The film stars Tom Hanks, Mark Rylance, Amy Ryan, Alan Alda, Scott Shepherd, Austin Stowell, Blythe Danner and Oscar Isaac. The film is set in 1962, during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

It tells the story of US intelligence officer James Donovan (Hanks), who is summoned to meet with Soviet deputy marshal Rudolf Abel (Rylance) under suspicion that Abel may be a spy for the Soviet Union. The meeting results in a tense and successful negotiation between Moscow and Washington that averts nuclear war but also leads to their subsequent distrust of each other.

Bridge of Spies- Movie Meaning and Ending Explained

Meaning of Bridge of Spies 2015

The meaning of Bridge of Spies is not completely clear, but it seems to be about the Cold War between the United States and Russia. The ending suggests that Spyros Skouras may have been working on behalf of the KGB, which would explain his hostility towards Tom Hanks’s character.

The film Bridge of Spies revolves around the spy scandal surrounding Skouras and Gregory Dawson, but it doesn’t start there. It begins at the US – British conference on linking their nuclear arsenals (which had originally been agreed to by Churchill then Ike). The nuclear arsenal was held in the city – a place called “Washington.” A Russian is found murdered alongside a suicide note behind a curtain and a clothesline.

In the bathroom crouched down on top of the only toilet in an otherwise empty hotel room is Tom Hanks’ 1950s Robert Meeker as he listens to his tiny transistor radio – at which point he gets a beeping message from someone unknown, but who instructs him that they’ve hacked into Moscow’s master computer system (Yalta). The confusion seems clear.

However, there was another conference in the city just days earlier which was also attended by Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev—surrounded by reporters and security guards on one of his many trips to America to negotiate agreements with John F Kennedy. And there we are perhaps, back at our reason for the film.

The film could be seen as a commentary on how the Cold War was fought – through espionage and hacking. At one point in the film, Tom Hanks’s character Robert Meeker is asked, “Do you argue with other countries?”  a reference to US espionage.

Other times it could be seen as exploring how diplomatic negotiations over nuclear power could go wrong when confronted by spies and leakers (Skouras). The technique of hacking into information systems was first started during the Cold War but became more widespread thanks to advances in technology so that new attacks become available to each generation – just as space and military systems become more advanced.

Some things won’t change, but the stakes of success or failure get higher with every new technological advance. Maybe Diplomacy is another “Snowden effect” movie in which you feel that something isn’t quite right about what happened at Sochi 2010 – and only now do we realize that for some time, a number of vehicles have been driving past us on one side while others are driving by on the other side.

But we don’t see them because they have been hidden behind a screen until now. It is clear that the film has a number of messages for society, but it’s not always easy to discern what they are. For example, on one level, it could be seen as an indictment of US diplomacy – in particular, the way that information can be leaked and secrets can be revealed.

At another level, however, it could just as easily be interpreted as criticizing our current reliance on technology and cyber security measures. We might find these messages difficult to digest in the context of a film, but it can be very hard to truly understand something if we do not have enough knowledge about both sides of an issue.

Despite his age (he has been serving as Secretary for four years already), Robert Meeker is portrayed as quite energetic and up-to-date on computing technology – sometimes even executing a “hash” attack from home with nothing more than some Google search results that turn out to contain the required instructions. This is a powerful reminder of the importance of keeping up to date with developments in computing technology, both for our own safety and in order to be able to defend ourselves from potential attacks.

Ending of Bridge of Spies

The ending of the Bridge of Spies is very effective in terms of its message. After spending a significant amount of time detailing the history between the Soviet Union and America, it is interesting to see both sides come together and work towards a common goal. This culminates in an intense battle where both sides are forced to use all their skills in order to win.

Overall, this was an exciting film that had a lot of messages for society. It was clear that the Soviets were not just evil people who wanted to destroy America – they also had their own reasons for wanting to improve their relationship with America. At the same time, it was also clear that America did not simply want to get rid of the Soviet Union – they were actually interested in working together and achieving common goals.

Key Characters of Bridge of Spies

1.James Donovan

James Donovan

James Donovan was the lead character of the Bridge of Spies. Donovan’s job was as an attorney and organizing legal representation for Soviet ambassadors who were being held in American jails. The film begins with his early life and how his mother greatly influenced him when he became a lawyer working on behalf of the people.

Those groups of people had been wronged by governments around the world – including America’s House Un-American Activities Committee during World War II as well as the Soviet Union. Ultimately, Donovan’s job is to try and bridge the gap between the two sides in order to achieve a common goal. He does this by using his knowledge of the law as well as his personal connections with many high-ranking officials on both sides of the Cold War.

Tom Hanks played this character well and was able to bring his character completely to life. The film begins as it does for this reason because once he meets with the Soviets, Donovan quickly discovers that something has changed in terms of how they view him.

The Soviet Union was supposed to despise all Americans coming out of their lands without danger – but now, if a Russian comes back into America, there are many cases where both sides work together on policy changes concerning those who have been wrongly imprisoned. Donovan also has to deal with being blackmailed, which is not a problem for him because he knows that this can work as an advantage for good purposes. –

The film itself was very interesting in terms of its storyline and character development; however, the variety of such topics was not on par with other great blockbusters recently released prior to Bridge of Spies (for example, ‘Hidden Figures).

2.Rudolf Abel

Rudolf Abel

Bridge of Spies is similar to other films in terms of its location; however, it can be seen as a strong adaptation between two individuals who were very important parties and achievements in society. During the Cold War, Donovan had to work with Abel – some people called him ‘the last great spy’ because he was one involved during many top-secret World War II events while helping out Soviet Union operations around the same time.

Tom Hanks did a great job playing the role of Donovan and was able to create a believable character in what could have been an easily forgettable film. There were also some strong performances from supporting actors such as Alan Alda, Liev Schreiber, and Daniel Brühl, who all helped to bring the story together well.

3.Mary Donovan

Mary Donovan

The relationship between Donovan and his wife, Mary, is one that has been brought back in recent years through the Netflix series ’13 Reasons Why. Although not entirely accurate as they both had some separation issues, this film could still be seen as a way of establishing what their everyday interactions were like –

Especially after he came out from prison for spying on behalf of the Soviet Union during world war II, he needed to show affection towards her, so it appeared as if he had not completely changed as a person – something which was also shown through his interactions with his children. Tom Hanks showed vulnerability in the role of Donovan, and this made him very likable; Mary, on the other hand, was strong-willed but also loving towards her husband.

4.Thomas Watters

Similar to Adam Clark, the love interest is for Mary, although she is completely different. Her character told us about how much of a help he was during his younger years. He also helped establish Donovan’s relationship with Mary and how they met in jail.

As it had been pretty clear from him escaping that prison back then – quite ironic really: I could imagine watching them escape together if other characters would have put so much foresight into this moment.

Ada played the role of an influential father-figure for their children, who also took care of funding Donovan’s education on his return from prison and remained supportive throughout this time (like Mary did to her husband after he went off to fight in WWII), showing us that he wasn’t completely blinded by Communism himself.

But it was more so a reflex than anything as despite witnessing some questionable things during his childhood – such as his parents fighting and not speaking to each other – he still didn’t fully subscribe to its ideals out of respect for them as people.

Thomas Watters would have succeeded in stealing a scene whenever he appeared on screen, which made him one of the more memorable characters among this group. I think it can be easily told how well-written his character was by just looking at how many years before getting released, Adam Clark had been cooperating with the guards. Mary would have been more likable if she wasn’t so domineering.

Bridge of Spies- Ending explained

Shane Patrick Burke wrote such a high-stakes scene that it was only right to have this important, suspenseful ending. However, knowing the end of Donovan’s story didn’t make up for everything before here. I expected so much more than what happened at this moment because having seen some flashbacks and heard about his past – which became one of the most interesting parts – it built a foundation that led me to wonder: how can such a loving, helpful woman turn her back on him without letting us know why?

This moment felt like it would have been the best one in which to show some kind of resolution or explanation where much happened between them while being an integral part of his life. I had little respect for Mary after seeing this scene because she still chose not to explain anything – instead only focusing on his inheritance – and I found it insulting that she’d side with his abusive father instead of giving him a proper farewell.

I was only slightly interested in this scene until Mary started indirectly saying her most important line – what bad thing did Donovan do that made you look away? – so I wondered which terrible sins on his record were getting him locked up for the rest of his life when he obviously wasn’t as guilty as it seemed he could have been.


Both male love interests are written well and show a different side to the main protagonist. Adam Clark’s character is more domineering, and Mary seems less likable than Thomas Watters, who, despite being manipulative, succeeds in stealing scenes. The films came after each other chronologically, with Donovan having nearly a decade between starring in them, so these are both five to six years apart.


1.What Was the Main Message of the Movie Bridge of Spies?

Ans: The main message of the movie Bridge of Spies is that during wartime, even a terrorist like Donovan can be saved if he agrees to spy for the United States.

2.Why Did Steven Spielberg Choose to Make a Film About This Particular Event in History?

Ans: Steven Spielberg chose to make a film about this particular event in history because he was interested in the story of James Donovan and wanted to tell his side of the story.

3.What Is Tom Hanks’ Character in the Movie “bridge of Spies”?

Ans: Tom Hanks’ character in the movie “Bridge of Spies” is James Donovan. This was James Donovan’s great accomplishment – getting a pardon from the Soviets even though they suspected he had done something terrible.

4.Who Was Thought at the Time to Be Steven Spielberg’s First Choice to Play in “bridge of Spies”?

Ans: Steven Spielberg chose Tom Hanks for Bridge of Spies due to his acting career, skill and ability. Also, it is believed that he had worked with him on a few other projects over the years, even before making “Bridge of Spies,” such as earning an Emmy award nomination for his performance in the HBO film From The Earth To The Moon.

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