Chichagof Island -All details



Chichagof Island


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Chichagof Island is a magnificent place that boasts of a diverse array of landscapes, wildlife, and cultures. With a temperate marine climate and relative isolation from other populated areas, the island has been labelled as a haven for biologists and environmentalists. The island is also a popular tourist destination owing to its natural wonders, pristine environment, and rich history. While touring the island, be sure to check out these seven interesting facts about Chichagof Island!

All About Of Chichagof Island

Chichagof Island


Chichagof Island was first settled by the Haida people in the 18th century. The island later became a popular fishing and hunting ground for native villagers, as well as a stopover point on the way to coastal villages up north. In 1862, gold was discovered on nearby Granby Island and quickly drew miners to Chichagof. While most of these newcomers were unsuccessful in their quest for treasure, they did manage to spark an interest in farming which continues today with local produce available at markets across Vancouver Island.


Chichagof Island Wildlife

Chichagof is home to over 200 species of wildlife, including more than 40 types of birds. Some of the most commonly found species are waterfowl and gulls which maintain a thriving population. The island’s flora can be further explored in its rich variety and pastel colours as it grows with mosses, fern trees, and wild flowers throughout the seasons.

Aside from distinctive bird calls across Chichagof Island there also exists an assortment of other forest animals such as squirrels (rare on Vancouver Island), bats that flap high above tree branches during your visit, muskrats scratching around for food at night or gu inea fowls that scavenge through dumpsters in search of food scraps.



The climate on Chichagof Island is moderated by the ocean and western Pacific trade winds. This results in a temperate maritime climate with mild summers and cool, wet winters. As an added bonus, the island enjoys over 300 days of sunshine annually!

Landscape & Nature

Visitors to Chichagof Island can explore its varied landscape including rocky cliffs, sandy beaches, forested slopes, meadows and ponds. Much of this natural beauty is protected from development through conservation initiatives such as land use plans that limit new construction or logging efforts on public lands .

Native Life & Culture


Chichagof Island’s native history has been passed down in oral tradition for generations. Stories are told of hunting camps, trapping sites and encampments which can be hiked or paddled through and explored on a self-guided tour. The stories you hear tell of the Tsetsaut who would leave their village to go deep into the island forests; traveling by canoe wearing white face masks with patrilineal markings to mark membership, shamans using spirit drums (bowl shaped drum), and old fishing tools that were once used 200 years ago when Chichagof Island was an important harvesting island.

Community & Economy


Chichagof Island was first used by the Nootka people who lived on southern Vancouver Island in pre-colonial times. Humpback whales, sea otter and fur seals were harvested for food and oil; later whaling brought about a decline of these animal populations. Today, logging is actively managed although only sustainable species such as Sitka spruce are allowed to be cut from public lands.

Other industry activities include growing berries and potatoes that provide an additional economic source while also supporting small craft harbours along with other outdoor enthusiasts through recreation facilities like boating harbors & beaches or kay aking/canoeing guides. You may also see snowmobiling and snowshoeing access points on maps as many of the largest islands have been reserved for recreation such as fishing, hunting or chartered outings.

Community Responsibilities

A significant portion of Chichagof Island continues to be protected through conservation agreements with On Wings Of Song (OWOS), Aronson Foundation Inc., The Nesbitt Preserve at Rangeley Lakes, Alderwood Land Trust , Partners For Community Action ( PFA ) group initiatives and others that block logging from private lands . One less recognized responsibility is the need for island care such as erosion control and use of renewable energy.

The Chichagof Restoration Society, a non-profit organization managed by a volunteer board of directors, provides funding if grants are needed to maintain habitat protection on island islands in order to sustain local fisheries and biological diversity while protecting endangered species or cultural heritage sites.


Chichagof Island Cuisine

There is no one definitive cuisine of Chichagof Island, but you may find dishes such as sockeye salmon or halibut cooked in a variety of ways including pan seared with herbs and spices, barbecued on an open fire or roasted over wood coals. Accompanying sides might include potatoes boiled in their skins (called “yams”), garlic mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables like broccoli or cauliflower and rice pilaf.

Local wines are also popular enjoyed with meals by local residents and visitors alike whether it be dry reds from the Okanogan Valley , scotch, bourbon or apple cider.


Chichagof Island, located off the coast of Haida Gwaii in British Columbia, is a popular tourist destination that offers visitors a glimpse into the history and culture of the Haida people. With a coastline that features dramatic cliffs, picturesque inlets, and sandy beaches, Chichagof Island is a beautiful place to visit. And with its diverse landscape, it’s an ideal spot for hikers, birdwatchers, and campers. If you’re looking for a place to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, Chichagof Island is the perfect destination for you.


1.What Is The Climate On Chichagof Island?

Ans: The island has a temperate marine climate, which means that it experiences mild weather year-round. The temperature range can be quite wide, so you can always expect pleasant weather conditions no matter what time of year it is.

2.How Long Does It Take To Get To Chichagof Island From Vancouver?

Ans: It takes around 2 hours and 45 minutes by car to reach the island from Vancouver. Travellers should remember that road conditions can change at any time, so they should plan their trip accordingly.

3.Can I Go Horsing Around In The Water On Chichagof Island?

Ans: There is a risk of drowning and sharks at beaches, so it’s for sure that diving, swimming and using badminton equipment should be avoided. Diving can also lead to serious injuries or death. The Haida people are very protective of their land, so don’t blame us if you get fined $1,825 (approximately £1 000) by our police!

4.How Much Does It Cost To Visit Chichagof Island?

Ans: Will I have trouble paying my bills after going there? Visiting Chichagof Island will definitely not break the bank, and you should be able to cover your expenses with ease. However, if you choose to stay in a motel or else engage in any other tourist-related activities, make sure to have enough cash on hand. And finally – yes! You WILL need to pay your hotel bills after visiting Chichagof island as it’s classified as a “tourist destination”.

5.What Are The Highlights Of Chichagof Island?

Ans: There are so many things to see and do on Chichagof Island that it’s hard to decide where to start. Some popular attractions include The Mendenhall Glacier, Chinook Point Lighthouse, and Campbell Bay Marina. There is also a wealth of hiking trails available for exploration, as well as kayaking and fishing opportunities nearby.

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