Chiens Island



Chiens Island


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Chiens island is a small, uninhabited island located in the province of Quebec, Canada. The Island is registered under the Canadian Heritage Rivers System, and it is a part of the Gatineau Park. It was first discovered and named by Samuel de Champlain during his 1615 voyage down the St. Lawrence River.

Chiens Island Climate


Chiens island is made of basalt and it has a small, sandy beach. The Island is uninhabited, but the Canadian government maintains a few trails on the island that are open to the public.

There have been reports of deer on Chiens island, but as of yet there has been no evidence that any other wildlife or plants inhabit the island. Chiens Island was one of the locations in the Canadian national film on Geology series with a documentary shot by Geo.In from 1988 to 1992. Chiens Island is located at the mouth of a small tributary of Rivière des Chenes, which empties into Lac Léchassier, Quebec.


Chiens Island Climate

The climate on Chiens island is mildly cold and humid with an average temperature of 18.5 degrees Celsius. The weather can be changeable, so it is important to bring appropriate clothing when visiting the island. The average rainfall on the island is 21 centimeters (eight inches) per year. The winds that blow across Chiens Island are normally light and dry.


As of yet, there is no evidence that any culture exists on Chiens island. There have been reports of surfers and river boaters visiting the island, which has shed a little light on other cultures that may be present.

There are many remains from Champlain’s visit to Chiens Island during his exploration down the Saint Lawrence River in 1615. The marker for Samuel de Champlain (Sovereign) made by sculptor Louis-Philippe Hébert is located at the bottom of Passage du Diable. While some of Champlain’s crew were murdered by the indigenous people on Chiens island, most are said to have survived and returned back to Quebec.


There is no evidence indicating that Chiens island has any political affiliation. However, as the Canadian island in the Saint Lawrence River, it is possible that Chiens Island may be a part of Quebec. However, twenty-eight square kilometres of Canadian territory are located between the forty degree isthmus that connects Pointe Ferrard Island to Paspébiac island.


See Geographical location for a map of Chiens Island. Maximum elevation on the southern side (first longitude) is 210 metres above sea level and its minimum elevation is 30 meters below sea level at Rivière des Chenes lake where lac Lechet geology and lakes. On the northern side (second longitude), maximum elevation is 50 meters above sea level at 110 metres, minimum of 30 meters below sea level for a lake Hurlstonitqo that it forms in the vicinity of mountain Mansfield de Pêches beauty spot.

Government Services

There is no government services on Chiens Island. However, as it is located in the Saint Lawrence River, it may be part of Quebec. Interesting facts

Champlain also visited Saint John River estuary in 1613. Champlain’s crew died on Chiens town during their return voyage to Quebec City, where he was killed the following year by members of his own party just after returning it his homeland.  Instability and lack of remains over time has allowed vegetation to grow up through the main buildings that were once inhabited by aboriginal people who lived along river St. Lawrence.


There is no tourism on Chiens Island. However, as it is located in the Saint Lawrence River, it may be a part of Quebec. Interesting facts

Champlain also visited Saint John River estuary in 1613. Champlain’s crew died on Chiens town during their return voyage to Quebec City, where he was killed the following year by members of his own party just after returning it his homeland. Instability and lack of remains over time has allowed vegetation to grow up through the main buildings that were once inhabited by aboriginal people who lived along river St. Lawrence.


There is no transport on Chiens Island. However, as it is located in the Saint Lawrence River, it may be part of Quebec. Interesting facts

Champlain also visited Saint John River estuary in 1613. Champlain’s crew died on Chiens town during their return voyage to Quebec City, where he was killed the following year by members of his own party just after returning it his homeland. Instability and lack of remains over time has allowed vegetation to grow up through the main buildings that were once inhabited by aboriginal people who lived along river St. Lawrence.


There is no cuisine on Chiens Island. However, as it is located in the Saint Lawrence River, it may be part of Quebec. Interesting facts

Champlain also visited Saint John River estuary in 1613. Champlain’s crew died on Chiens town during their return voyage to Quebec City, where he was killed the following year by members of his own party just after returning it his homeland. Instability and lack of remains over time has allowed vegetation to grow up through the main buildings that were once inhabited by aboriginal people who lived along river St. Lawrence.


Chiens Island is home to a variety of wildlife, including eagles, bears, and beavers. Human life

The first inhabitants of Chiens Island were the Algonquin nation. Due to overhunting, they left in 1660 and inhabited nearby islands, growing corn and squash on those lands. During their time here they also planted trees that are still alive today due to use as fishing platforms (cod is one). The island was granted by Quebec government in 1960 under a plan that expanded land available for colonization across Canada. Schools opened up here in 1968 and 1971. Only two houses, an administrative building/power station, a catering bus depot and the ruins of a former lighthouse can be found on this sandy island today.


Chiens island is a paradise for dogs and their owners. With a vast array of activities to keep them busy all day long, this island is the perfect place for dogs to release all their energy. If you’re looking for an ideal spot to take your dog for a fun day out, look no further – Chiens island is the perfect destination!


  1. What Is The Climate Like On Chiens Island?

The climate on Chiens island is generally mild, with average temperatures ranging from 17 to 25 degrees Celsius year-round. However, there are occasional cold spells in winter and hot spells in summer.

  1. How Big Is The Island?

Chiens island measures just 0.5 square kilometres, making it one of the smallest islands in Quebec!

  1. Is There Any Development?

Chiens island is very undeveloped and therefore mostly untouched by development. However, because it has several sandy beaches you may find that the ground surface can at times be quite hard to accomodate all of your shoes or small toys etc.

  1. Are There Any Entry Fees To Chiens Island ?

There is a small covered dog-friendly beach at Chiens island, which cost $6. There are no other fees.

  1. How Do I Get To The Island ?

The only way you can visit this idyllic oasis is by foot or boat – there aren’t any car rentals available on the island!

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